Once Upon A Prince. Holly Jacobs

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Once Upon A Prince - Holly Jacobs Mills & Boon M&B

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to the shelter tonight. I don’t care how warm it is. You need to sleep inside and take your medicine.”

      The old man nodded, then moved aside, replaced by a younger, yet equally disheveled-looking man.

      Slowly, Tanner let the door close and went back to his seat.

      He might not have known Shey Carlson long, but he knew she’d resent his witnessing her act of kindness.

      Nonetheless it intrigued him.

      Shey intrigued him.

      No matter what she thought, Tanner wasn’t getting on a plane in the morning.

      As a matter of fact, he wasn’t going back to the hotel tonight.

      He pulled out his cell phone and keyed in Emil’s number.

      “Yeah, boss?”

      “You all have the night off,” he told his guard.

      “What do you mean, night off?” Emil asked, displeasure in his voice.

      “I won’t be coming to the hotel tonight.”

      “May I ask where you’ll be spending the night?”

      “No, you may not.”

      Emil laughed. “Fine, I won’t ask. I’m nothing if not discreet. I’ll let Tonio and Peter hit the town. Peter’s dying to introduce himself to the female residents.”

      “I imagine he is,” Tanner said with a hint of laughter. Peter was a ladies’ man.

      “I’ll be in all night though, boss,” Emil assured him. “If you have any problems, you call. You know your father would have a fit if he found out you were wandering about a strange city without a bodyguard.”

      Shey walked into the room and Tanner smiled, “I think I can handle myself, Emil.”

      Emil, more of a friend than a guard, just sighed. “But I’m here if you need me.”

      “Thanks.” Tanner shut the phone and put it in his pocket.

      “Are you ready to go?” Shey asked.

      “I’m ready,” he answered, rising from his seat.

      Tanner Ericson was more than ready, but he wasn’t sure Shey Carlson was.

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