The Jarrods: Temptation. Maureen Child
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“No,” Christian said, interrupting her frenzied thoughts. “Blake’s gone for a few days at the moment. He and Samantha have been flying back and forth a lot to Vegas, wrapping up loose ends in the business and getting ready to take over here. Blake and your brother Gavin have been building hotels, mostly in Las Vegas and they’ve done exceptionally well out there.”
“And they’re giving it up to come back here?”
“Yeah,” Christian said. “Like you, your brothers and sister have closed down their old lives and are here to start over again.”
But they were returning to something familiar at least. She, on the other hand, felt as though she’d fallen into the rabbit hole. Nerves rattled through her again, but resolutely, she fought them down.
“What about Guy?”
“This time of day, he’s probably downstairs in the main restaurant.”
She drew a breath and let it go. “What about Gavin? Is he in Vegas with Blake?”
“No, he’s here. But he’s living in one of the private lodges on the grounds.” Christian shrugged. “He wasn’t interested in moving into the Manor.”
Erica was beginning to understand that none of her brothers and sister were exactly thrilled to be back in Aspen. Yet, they’d all come, putting aside their plans and lives outside Jarrod Ridge to return and take up the family resort again. That told her that despite what were probably mixed feelings about their father and this place, their loyalty to family meant more than their reluctance to return. And that knowledge made her feel better, somehow. If family was everything to these people, then eventually, she might be able to have a relationship with all of them.
“What about the others?” she asked. “Where are they living?”
He led her down the hallway in the opposite direction from Blake’s suite as he continued.
“Well, like I said, Trevor has his own place in Aspen, but he’s here most days. Guy stays here mainly because he’s working here at the Manor. And Melissa …” He paused. “She lives in Willow Lodge. It’s the farthest lodge from the Manor, but anyone here can tell you where that is. She also runs the hotel spa, and you’ll find her there most days.”
“How big are the family quarters?” she suddenly asked, astonished at the length of the hallway in both directions.
“As big as the top floor of the hotel. Including wings,” Christian added with a smile.
“Amazing,” she murmured as she followed after him.
“Yeah, it is. Down here is your suite, plus two more. Farther along this hall, you’ll find the kitchen, the great room and what was Don’s office. My office is down on the main floor, but I do most of my work at home.”
“Right. You don’t live at the Manor. Where’s your place from here?”
He steered her toward one of the high, arched windows lining the hallway and pointed. “See the red roof just past that tall pine?”
She did. The building couldn’t be more than a five-minute walk from where she was standing. “Close.”
“It is. So if you ever need anything …”
He was standing so near, she felt heat radiating from his body toward hers. He smelled so good, she wanted to breathe deeper and when she looked up into those chocolate-brown eyes, she had the strangest desire to lean in and … What was she thinking? Didn’t she have enough going on in her life at the moment?
“Thanks,” she said abruptly, taking a safe step back from him. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
He watched her for a second or two and Erica wondered if he could tell what she’d been thinking. If he could see that she had been wondering what he would taste like. If his lips were as soft and warm as they appeared to be.
But if he did know, then he was as determined as she to not draw attention to it. He scrubbed one hand across his face, then waved one arm out in front of him in silent invitation to continue on down the hall. He walked beside her and the heels of their shoes sounded out like gunshots in the stillness.
When he finally stopped in front of a door and opened it, Erica stepped past him and stopped dead on the threshold.
It was gorgeous, which shouldn’t have surprised her. Everything about Jarrod Ridge was breathtaking. But somehow, she hadn’t expected her room to be so … wonderful. After all, she was the stranger here and from what she could tell so far, her new brothers and sister had been no more thrilled to hear of her existence than she had been to hear about them. She’d half expected an ordinary hotel room, lovely, but generic. This, she told herself as she walked farther into the room, was anything but generic.
The living room was done in various shades of blue. Pale blue walls, dark blue, overstuffed furniture, cobalt vases stuffed with flowers dripping heavy scent into the air and navy blue drapes at the arched windows. The wood floor was dotted with braided rugs in shades of blue and cream and even the fireplace was fronted by tiles that looked like delft.
“Wow,” she said and even that word was just so insignificant to the task.
“Glad you like it,” he said, moving into the room behind her.
“What’s not to like?” She did a slow turn, trying to see everything at once. Then her gaze landed on Christian again. “To tell the truth, I wasn’t expecting anything like this.”
He grinned briefly and something inside her twisted up tight in response. Really, the man had an almost magical smile. Good thing he didn’t use it often.
“What were you expecting? A cell in a dungeon?”
She smiled and shrugged. “No, not that bad, but nothing so …”
“Melissa suggested you stay in this suite. She thought you’d like it and your brothers had no objection.”
“No objection.” Well, that was something, she supposed. “It was thoughtful of Melissa.”
“You’ll like her. She’s looking forward to meeting you.”
“And my brothers?”
He paused for a long moment before he said, “They’ll come around.”
“Just one big happy family, huh?” Funny, her excitement-driven nerves had become anxiety-driven in the blink of an eye. It seemed there were plenty of hard feelings for everyone to get through before they could even begin to relate to each other.
“You have as much right to be here as they do,” he told her.
“Do I?” Erica shook her head and frowned as she threw out both hands as if to encompass the entire resort. “They grew up here. I’m the interloper. This is their home.”
“The home that every one of them escaped from the minute they got the chance.”
Her hands fell to