In Too Deep / Matched. Taryn Belle

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In Too Deep / Matched - Taryn Belle Mills & Boon Dare

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groaned. “You are so. Fucking. Wet.”

      “All your fault. Now, please make me come, or I’ll make you fuck me right here.”

      He nuzzled his face into her neck. “Much too tempting,” he said softly into her ear.

      And then he was working his way down her body again, trailing kisses down her chest and tummy, then finally—finally—pressing his mouth to her most secret spot. She moaned as his tongue took its first sweep across her, and then he was latched on to her, licking and sucking while the heat in her groin built and built…she was already so close…

      But then he stopped, transferring his mouth to the inside of her thigh while he pushed it up toward her chest. Nicola made a frustrated sound in her throat. Alex gave a low chuckle, and then slid two fingers inside her. “You’re so warm and sweet. My cock is aching for you. But don’t worry—plenty of time for that later.”

      Keeping his fingers inside her, he slid his other hand under her to cup her ass. Nicola felt like she was going to combust. She wrapped her hands around the back of Alex’s head and pulled it down toward her again, and that was it—a few more sweeps of his tongue across her clit was all it took. Her entire body tensed as she finally fell over the edge with a frantic moan. Her orgasm exploded out of her so fast and hard it took her breath away, leaving her writhing helplessly on her back while he held her in his mouth.

      At last, the final delicious pulse escaped her body and she collapsed onto the sand.

      Nicola could only say this: “Oh, my God. Did that really just happen?”

      Alex’s cock was so hard it hurt. Having Nicola come under his tongue, with his fingers inside her to feel every sweet contraction, had been almost too much for him to take. He moved up and buried his face in her neck.

      “We need a bed,” Nicola said, reaching out to stroke him through his shorts. “I really, really want to take care of this for you.”

      “Thank fuck. There’s just one problem.” He felt her tense beside him, so he pulled away from her so she could see his face in the dark. “I’m staying with my brother. Not exactly the place I feel like bringing you right now.”

      “Ohhh…” She relaxed again. “Then we really do have a problem, because tonight is my roommate’s night off. Nine out of ten says she’s at home on the sofa, and my place isn’t exactly super private.”

      Alex groaned, then got to his feet and extended a hand down to her. Nicola took it and stood up beside him. “The hotel,” he said, snapping his fingers.

      “Sure, if they have a room available. They only have twenty-four of them, though, so the place is usually full.”

      “I’ll take my chances.” Grabbing her hand, Alex started pulling her back toward the entrance of the restaurant, but Nicola stayed rooted to the spot. “Are you—?”

      Her mouth cut him off, closing over his, and then she gave his lower lip a quick nip. “I’m sorry, but I just can’t have you walking around like this,” she said, slipping her hand into the back of his shorts and then working it forward. She cupped his tight balls through his boxers, and then ran her fingers up the length of his aching cock. Oh, God, yes… “There are other women on this island, in case you hadn’t noticed—”

      “I hadn’t—”

      “And what would they think if they saw this? They’d think it was for them, and I haven’t even had a proper look at it yet.” She pushed him firmly backward until his ass hit the trunk of a palm tree.

      “Then please be my guest,” he managed to get out, and then she was unzipping his shorts and dropping them to his ankles. His boxers came next, her hands sliding into them at his hips and slowly pulling them down. He felt his cock spring free. He was dying for her to wrap her hand around it, but he was also so turned on that he was afraid a few strokes would be all it took—

       Be cool.

      No chance. Nicola was dropping to her knees now, palming his head in a smooth, agonizing circle. A groan escaped his chest as he leaned his head back against the tree, focusing on control.

      “Very, very nice,” she said softly. He could feel her breath on him now, and then her tongue flicked out and gave the underside of his shaft a quick lick.

      “Oh, God…” Alex wanted to drive himself between her lips, feel her sweet mouth suck him until he exploded, but he stopped himself. No. He was under her control, and he had no doubt she would take him to a place he may have never been before.

      But then she moved away from him and gave his boxer shorts an upward tug. “And now that I’ve seen it…”

      “No!” He gave a tortured groan as he pushed his hands into her hair.

      “Just kidding,” she said, and then his boxers were yanked down again and he was inside her mouth as she sucked him down. He gasped, keeping his head thrown back. He didn’t dare look down at her—even though it was dark, he knew the dim sight of her beautiful lips wrapped around him would be the end of him. Instead, he tightened his grip on her hair, but then she released him from her mouth and flicked her tongue up and down the underside of his shaft.

      It felt so good, he could hardly take it anymore. His balls pulled in even tighter, ready to explode—

      She had him in her mouth again. He felt his head sliding along her tongue, then his shaft, and then her hand was on his balls as he hit the back of her throat. But then her throat opened and he was sliding in even farther…sweet Jesus—

      Sensing the exact moment he was ready, as if they’d done this a hundred times instead of just one, Nicola released him into her hand and gripped him firmly. Alex came with a groan, his entire body trembling as wave after wave of heat pulsed from his center to the ends of his toes and his fingertips. He couldn’t think, except to know in some deep place that he was experiencing the most intense orgasm he’d ever had in his life. Nicola held him in her hand until he was finished and his legs sagged beneath him, and then she gave his cock one final kiss.

      “Now let’s go find a room,” she said.

      The Palms Inn had no doubt seen more than its share of lust-filled encounters during its sixty-four years in business, but Nicola was quite certain that no two people had come close to matching the urgent desire she and Alex were feeling right now. Their time on the beach had only served to fuel their consuming need for each other, made evident by the generous hard-on she felt growing in Alex’s pants just minutes after she’d finished him off.

      Taking a steadying breath, Nicola passed through the front doors with Alex behind her. The lobby featured dark wood walls and large overstuffed canvas sofas, and she found herself praying they’d have a room available as they stepped toward the reception desk.

      “Good evening,” the man at the counter greeted them, and Nicola was faintly embarrassed to realize she recognized him. Not that it was surprising—on an island this small, the few staff members who worked in the town center saw each other often.


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