Mistress For A Weekend. Susan Napier

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Mistress For A Weekend - Susan Napier Mills & Boon Modern

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he murmured, aligning his fingers over the blue-brown smudges.

      ‘Well, they’re not. I have very sensitive skin. Bruises always show up quickly, looking worse than they are.’

      The sight of his lean tanned fingers lying against her skin made her mouth go dry and her body throb with awareness. The contrast between his sinewy brown hand and her delicate paleness seemed starkly erotic. She couldn’t believe that a stranger’s touch could have such a dramatic impact. On the other hand, she had never before opened herself up to the possibility that another man could arouse her with a mere look, a touch…

      She watched as he slowly splayed his hand, gently encircling her arm in a bracelet of warm flesh. She shivered.

      ‘Cold?’ he asked, in a knowing voice that said he knew very well what had caused her reaction.

      Her eyelids felt heavy, weighted down by lashes as she lifted them to meet his gaze. ‘It is rather cool up here.’ She uttered the bald-faced lie in the nature of a challenge.

      His lips and eyebrows quirked. ‘Perhaps the altitude doesn’t suit you.’

      She wished he hadn’t reminded her! ‘Or maybe it’s the fact that I’m more exposed than usual,’ she said, with a hitch of one dappled shoulder.

      ‘Would you like me to put my jacket around you?’ he offered.

      Nora’s hectic emotions translated the private gesture of courtesy into a primitive act of public possession.

      ‘No, you keep it,’ she said huskily. ‘I wouldn’t like you to catch a chill.’

      ‘I don’t think there’s any fear of that.’ His thumb moved on her arm, sliding over the rounded inner curve of her elbow. ‘I’m very warm-blooded.’

      Her own spurted hotly in her veins. ‘That’s not what I’ve heard.’

      ‘And do you always believe everything you’re told?’ he taunted.

      Her pupils contracted to narrow dots, the only sign of her inward flinch. ‘I used to.’ She couldn’t help glancing over to where she had seen Ryan. ‘Now I prefer to rely on more tangible evidence.’

      Blake’s hand left her arm to tilt her head firmly back in his direction, demanding her full attention. ‘Very wise. How hungry are you?’

      She blinked at his non sequitur. ‘I beg your pardon?’

      ‘You said you haven’t had dinner and, as it happens, neither have I. What say we blow this joint and find a restaurant that can serve us within the next half-hour?’

      Blow this joint? His mocking slang made it sound invitingly dangerous, with the added bonus of allowing her to avoid any painful encounters with Ryan.

      ‘But what about the party—?’ she stammered, not sure whether he was joking.

      ‘In a crowd this size, one or two less isn’t going to matter.’

      One or two? Did that mean that he intended leaving, with or without Nora? She felt a stab of disappointment, followed by a fresh surge of reckless determination. When she had singled him out in her sights she had had no idea where her flirtation would lead, or how far she was prepared to take her rash experiment. She still didn’t know, but her fear and uncertainty was all part of the intoxicating excitement that jetted through her as she contemplated her next move.

      ‘They might not notice my disappearance, but you’re a lot higher up the scale of importance,’ she felt compelled to point out.

      A world of natural arrogance was expressed in his shrug. ‘I’ve done my duty. I came. Waved the PresCorp flag in the necessary faces. Kissed the birthday girl and gave her a gift. More than enough to satisfy Scotty’s festering social conscience. Now I’m back on my own time.’

      It took her a moment to realise who he meant by ‘Scotty’.

      ‘You only came because Sir Prescott Williams asked you to?’

      ‘The word “ask” implies choice. Prescott is far too shrewd to offer options that won’t deliver his preferred outcome,’ he replied drily. ‘He knows exactly how and where to apply pressure. He’s an expert in getting his own way.’

      ‘Somehow I can’t quite picture you as anyone’s helpless pawn. You don’t look like a man who enjoys taking orders.’

      He threw back the last of his drink and acknowledged her tart remark with an insinuating smile. ‘On the contrary, if I perceive a mutual benefit I can be extremely accommodating.’

      His soft purr hinted at all sorts of intriguing wickedness. ‘Are you saying you’d let me order you around?’ she said, forbidden images swirling up from the unplumbed depths of her mind.

      ‘Well, not here, obviously—I do have my ruthless image to protect,’ he mocked, playing to the shocked curiosity that flared across her face, fascinated by the contradiction between the smouldering passion of those sultry painted eyes and the astringent freshness of her unpredictable personality. It was a long time since Blake had been surprised by anyone or anything. ‘Perhaps I’ll let you order for me in the restaurant, as a start…’

      ‘Restaurant?’ In her flurry of wild imaginings she had forgotten the original question.

      ‘You’d rather wait and eat here?’ He looked down into his empty glass, masking his expression as he mused, ‘Maybe you’re right. Even if you’re not lucky enough to be assigned a window-seat, once everyone sits down you’ll have an uninterrupted view from whichever table you’re at, reminding you with every bite that you’re in a nine-storey building perched atop a concrete shaft around three hundred metres high but only a bare twelve metres in diameter…’

      Nora’s stomach did a sickening loop-the-loop, a fine dew springing out on her brow.

      ‘…whereas the restaurant I have in mind is only a quiet ground-floor place around the corner from the casino,’ he continued smoothly. ‘Good food, but one step down from the street…with absolutely no view—’

      ‘Actually, that sounds rather nice,’ Nora gulped, clutching gratefully at the dangled safety-line. ‘Let’s go there.’

      Only when the words were out of her mouth did she realise what she had committed herself to, and her stomach performed another crazy loop, this time of excitement. Somehow, she had beguiled one of the city’s most cynical bachelors into taking her out to dinner!

      He gave her no chance to change her mind. ‘Do you need to make any farewells, or do you want to just melt away?’

      She should at least exchange a few words with Patty, her former flatmate, and thank her for the invitation. ‘Well, I—’

      Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ryan and felt a sharp spike of panic.

      ‘Melting would be good,’ she said quickly. ‘Melting is very good—as long as we do it right away.’

      If Blake was startled by the rough urgency of her tone he didn’t show it. ‘Don’t you want to finish your drink?’ he murmured, half turning to put down his empty glass.


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