What the Paparazzi Didn't See. Nicola Marsh

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What the Paparazzi Didn't See - Nicola Marsh Mills & Boon Modern Tempted

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knew the transient nature of their encounter had a lot to do with her wanton playfulness—easy to be bold with a guy she’d never see again.

      So why did that thought leave her cold?

      On waking, she’d spent an inordinate amount of time studying his features. The proud, straight nose with a tiny bump near the bridge, the dark stubble peppering his cheeks, the tiny scar near his right temple, the sensuous lips.

      Those lips and what they’d done to her...oh boy.

      ‘On second thought, I need more than a caffeine shot to hear this story.’ Shar stood on tiptoe and grabbed the tin box storing their emergency brownie stash.

      While Shar prepared the tea and chocolate fix, Liza wondered if she’d done the right thing in bolting. She had no clue about morning-after etiquette. Should she have left a thank-you note?

      When she’d slid out of bed and done her best not to wake him, she’d dressed in record time yet spent another ten minutes dithering over a note. She’d even picked up a pen, only to let it fall from her fingers when she’d stared at the blank hotel paper with fear gripping her heart.

      As she’d looked at that paper, she’d been tempted to leave her number. Before reality had set in. Wade hadn’t questioned her or made polite small talk. He hadn’t been interested in anything beyond the obvious. And that was enough of a wake-up call for her to grab her bag and get the hell out of that hotel room.

      One-night stands were called that for a reason. That was all they were. One night.

      The uncharacteristic yearning to see him again? To have a repeat performance of how incredible he made her feel? Not. Happening.

      ‘Right, here we go.’ Shar placed a steaming cup of Earl Grey in front of her along with two double-choc-fudge brownies on a side plate. ‘Get that into you, then start talking.’

      Liza cupped her hands around the hot cup and lifted it to her lips, inhaling the fragrant bergamot steam. Earl Grey was her comfort drink, guaranteed to make her relax.

      She’d drunk two pots of the stuff the morning she’d woken to find her mum gone.

      It hadn’t been a shock. Louisa had been an emotionally absent mother for years before she’d left. Guess Liza should be grateful her mum had waited until Liza had turned eighteen before she’d done a runner, leaving her the legal guardian of Cindy.

      Crazy thing was Liza had long forgiven her father for running out on them after Cindy’s birth. Men were fickle and couldn’t stand a little hardship. She’d come home from her first day of school to find her dad shoving belongings into his car in front of a stoic mum.

      Louisa had cried silent tears, holding a twelve-month-old Cindy in her arms, while her dad had picked Liza up, hugged her tight, and told her to take good care of her sister.

      And she’d been doing it ever since.

      While Liza might have forgiven—and forgotten—her dad, she couldn’t forgive her mum as easily. Louisa had watched Cindy grow. Had been a good mum in her own way. But Liza had seen the signs. The subtle withdrawing of affection, longer respite visits away from the girls, the scrimping and saving of every cent.

      Her mum hadn’t left a note either. She’d just walked out of the door one morning with her suitcases and never looked back.

      If Louisa expected Liza to be grateful for the birthday cards stacked with hundred-dollar bills that arrived every year on Cindy’s birthday, she could think again.

      Cindy needed love and caring, not guilt money.

      Thankfully, with what Liza had done over the last decade, Cindy’s financial future was secure and they no longer needed her mum’s money.

      Now she needed to start doing stuff for her and first item on the agenda involved finding her dream job. One that didn’t involve schmoozing or showing her best angle to the cameras.

      She sipped at the tea, savouring the warmth.

      ‘Could you drink that any slower?’ Shar wiped brownie crumbs off her fingers and mimicked talking with her hand.

      Liza placed a cup on the saucer and reached for a brownie, when Shar slapped her wrist. ‘You can eat later. I want details, girlie.’

      Liza chuckled. ‘Better tell you something before you break a bone.’

      Shar’s hand continued to open and shut, miming chatter. ‘Still not enough of this.’

      ‘Okay, okay.’ Liza leaned back and sighed. ‘Henri’s book launch was every bit as boring and pompous as him. I was doing the rounds, talking to the regular people. I got bored as usual.’

      Then she’d stepped out onto that balcony and her life had changed in an instant.

      Melodramatic? Hell yeah, but no matter where her future led she’d never forget that one incredible night with Wade at the Westin.

      ‘And?’ Shar leaned forward and rubbed her hands together.

      ‘I needed some fresh air, headed outside, met someone.’

      ‘Now you’re talking.’

      Liza sighed. How to articulate the rest without sounding like a floozy?

      ‘Shar, you know Cindy is my world, right?’

      Shar’s eyes lost their playful sparkle and she nodded, sombre. ‘Never seen anyone as dedicated as you.’

      ‘Everything I’ve done is for my little sis and I’d do it again in a heartbeat, but last night signalled a new beginning for me and when the opportunity to celebrate presented itself? Well, let’s just say I grabbed it with both hands.’

      Shar let out a soft whoop and glanced at Cindy’s door. ‘Good for you.’ She leaned forward and wiggled her eyebrows. ‘So how was he?’

      Liza made a zipping motion across her lips. ‘No kissing and telling here.’

      Shar reached across and patted her forearm. ‘All I can say is about time, love. You’re a good girl, dating those dweebs to secure your financial future, making the most of your assets. About time you had a little fun.’

      ‘There was nothing little about it,’ Liza deadpanned, joining in Shar’s laughter a second later.

      ‘Hey, Liza, is it Coco Pops time?’

      Liza’s heart squished as it always did at the sound of Cindy’s voice from behind her bedroom door. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for her baby sister.

      ‘You know the drill. Weet-Bix as usual,’ Liza called out, draining the rest of her tea before heading to the bedroom to help Cindy dress.

      ‘Are you going to see him again?’ Shar asked as Liza paused with her hand on the doorknob.

      Liza shook her head, the disappointment in Shar’s expression matching hers.

      Silly, as Liza didn’t have time for disappointments. She had a secure

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