True Love. Brenda Jackson
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"You have to come, Ms. Kirkland. What if I run into any of those gentlemen again? What will I tell them if they inquire about my fiancée?" Nicholas asked, a teasing grin touching his lips.
"Tell them I had a headache and decided to go to bed early."
Nicholas's smile immediately vanished. "Are you not feeling well?"
Shayla shook her head. "I'm just extremely tired. It's been a long and tense day. If the two of you don't mind, I prefer to go back to my room and order room service."
Nicholas nodded, concerned. "Is there anything I can get for you before Paul and I go out?"
"No, I'll be fine. I hope you enjoy your evening." With that said, she gathered her purse and walked out of the meeting room.
After taking a nap Shayla felt somewhat better, but the feeling that she had let her mother down by not keeping her promise weighed heavily on her. Feeling the need to talk to someone, she placed a long-distance call to her aunt.
"Aunt Callie, I failed. I had the chance to do it, and didn't."
"Oh, sweetheart, I'm glad you didn't."
"But I still want to. I owe it to Mama. I feel I let her down by not taking the opportunity I had."
"Now you listen to me, Shayla Glenn Kirkland. Don't you dare try convincing yourself that Eva would want you to embark on this madness. Your mother was a loving and forgiving woman. I refuse to believe that sometime in her life she didn't forgive everyone involved with what happened to her back then. She and Glenn loved you very much, and no matter what, they'll always be proud of you. They wouldn't want you involved with what you're intent on doing to Chenault and TJ Electronics. Take my advice and catch the next plane back to the States."
Shayla wiped the tears from her eyes. "I can't. I have to stay here for the party on Friday. They think Nicholas and I are engaged."
"What are you talking about, Shayla? Who thinks that?"
Shayla took a long shaky breath. "It's a long story, and I can't explain it right now, but we'll talk when I get back."
"And when will that be?"
"Nicholas and I'll be flying out late Saturday or early Sunday."
"Shayla, sweetheart, get out of this mess while you can, before you get hurt."
Shayla glanced up at her reflection in the mirror above the desk where she sat. Her hair looked a mess, and her eyes were slightly swollen from crying. "I'm fine, really I am. I just needed to talk. But, Aunt Callie, nothing's changed. There'll be another opportunity."
"Shayla, listen to-"
"Goodbye, Aunt Callie. I love you." Shayla hung up. She knew her aunt didn't understand, but then, she had not been the one to read her mother's diary. She had not been the one to feel her pain.
Shayla stood and was about to run the water for her bath when there was a knock on the door. She walked over and looked through the peephole. It was Nicholas, and he was dressed to go out for the evening. She was not ready to see him right then, and decided not to answer the door. If she didn't answer, he would assume she was asleep. She backed away from the door when he knocked again. After a few moments, the knocking stopped, and she knew he had gone away.
Going into the bathroom she began running water for her bath. After adding a generous amount of bubble bath, she began removing her clothes. Knowing there wouldn't be any fantasies of Nicholas awaiting her in the tub, as there had been last night, she stepped into the hot bubbly water and sat down. Leaning against the back of the tub, she closed her eyes. As she'd told her aunt, she would have another opportunity to ruin Chenault. The next time, she would not be such a weakling.
When Nicholas returned from dinner with Paul, he looked across the lobby at Shayla's door, wondering if she was feeling better. Knowing it was too late to check on her, he entered his own room. Although he hated admitting it, he had missed her at dinner. Last night he had greatly enjoyed her company. She had looked so beautiful sitting across from him at the dinner table. And then today, when she had walked into the meeting room, all gazes had turned her way. He had been just as spellbound as the other men in the room. With her striking beauty, he was beginning to accept she had that effect on most men. And he had to grudgingly admit that she was the first woman who'd had that sort of effect on him. It seemed Shayla Kirkland was a first for him in a lot of ways. Paul had been right. He had felt a moment of primitive male possessiveness, and had not liked the idea of other men finding her as desirable as he did.
He began preparing for his bath, adjusting the water temperature. He removed his clothes while the tub began filling nicely with warm water. He felt good about what had transpired today. Finalizing that deal would keep Chenault Electronics on top, and would assure that the dynamics were in place when he revolutionized the mangolid chip.
Stepping into the tub, he lowered his body into the water and leaned back against it. Because of his height, he was grateful that the huge tub provided more leg room than most. He closed his eyes, and an image of Shayla immediately formed in his mind. He saw her as he wanted to see her-in his bed, without any clothes, in his arms, with the hardness of him inside of her, while she shuddered with the force of her climax, triggering his own.
Nicholas knew it was too dangerous to have such thoughts of a woman he barely knew. He tried switching his thoughts elsewhere, deciding that as soon as his bath was over he would place a call to Sterling, Jake, and Kyle. As his financial backers, the three men would want to have their own celebration, and no doubt they would do so with the women in their lives.
Nicholas wondered how his niece was doing. She was only a little over a month old, but she ruled the Hamilton household. Sterling and his wife, Colby, were overjoyed with their daughter. A part of him envied their happiness. Just being around them made him want to believe in the power of true love. He hoped to find a woman who would be his soul mate, who would give him children to continue the Chenault dynasty, but he was in no hurry for that to happen. He could very well sit tight and not become a family man for another five to six years, maybe more. When he was ready to become a father, he hoped that he and his wife would have at least two. He had been Alan and Angeline Chenault's only child, and he'd missed not having a sibling while growing up. He had not found out about Sterling until he was thirty. Since then he and his brother had made up for lost time, and were forging a very special and solid relationship. Sterling, Colby, and his niece, Chandler, were a few of the people whom he allowed to invade his space.
Nicholas tried clearing his mind of thought. He just wanted to relax in the tub with his eyes closed and think about nothing or no one in particular.
After a few minutes he gave up trying.
It seemed there was one person whom he could not stop thinking about no matter how much he tried.
Paul Dunlap tried to keep his concentration on the television screen, and it wasn't working. For some reason, he could not get Shayla Kirkland out of his mind. There was something disturbing about her, and it had started the moment she had been introduced to him. Although she had taken his hand in a firm handshake, she had paused for a quick second. The hesitation had been so fleeting he doubted Nicholas had noticed it, but he sure had, and it had thrown him. Why would someone who was meeting him for the first time feel…what? Intimidation? Wariness? Anger? Immediate dislike?