A Case for Romance. Melanie Schuster

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A Case for Romance - Melanie Schuster Mills & Boon Kimani

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they had done as Jason predicted and tried to join Billie at the hip. Luckily, Billie saw right through them like they were glass. Both of them lived in New York, but lately they’d spent a lot of weekends in Chicago. Ayanna had once suggested that they were trying to make amends, and Billie had just rolled her eyes.

      “That’s sweet, Ayanna, but their motives have nothing to do with being sisterly. It’s all about meeting potential celebrity clients and maybe a man or two. Nip and Tuck don’t fool me a bit,” Billie had said with a sniff.

      Ayanna wasn’t about to let the presence of one of the snotty sisters ruin her day. She enjoyed being around Billie and Dakota too much to allow the woman to get on her nerves. She toured the house with Billie, who was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning to show off her dream house.

      “The floors are bamboo, because it’s a sustainable resource. And all the paint is environmentally friendly, too,” she said as they looked in the second floor rooms. Billie put her arm around Ayanna’s shoulders and gave her a sisterly hug. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this. You were with me when I picked out a lot of this stuff. I’m just house-proud right now,” she admitted.

      “And you should be,” Ayanna said. “This place is magnificent. One day I’m going to have a bigger place. I love my house, but the walls are going to close in on us in a little while. The boys are getting so big!”

      “These walls are going to close in soon, to hear Jason tell it. He’s decided he wants a bunch of kids and as soon as possible,” she murmured with a blush.

      “And somehow I think you’re going to indulge him in this wish, aren’t you?” Ayanna stopped peeking into the bedrooms and ceased walking so abruptly that Billie bumped into her. “You’re pregnant already, aren’t you?”

      By way of answer, Billie just showed all her perfect teeth in a big grin. “That question will be answered this afternoon. But if you can keep a secret for a couple of hours, the answer is yes. Jason was determined I get pregnant on our honeymoon, but it took a little longer than that. But in about six months, there’s going to be another baby around here.”

      Ayanna’s face lit up. “First Toni and Zane with little Brandon, then Dakota and Nick with little Bethany and now you and Jason are getting ready to add to the mix. Y’all don’t mess around when it comes to popping out those babies. Do any of you folks wait a year before reproducing?” she teased.

      She was referring to Zane Beauchamp and his wife Toni. Zane owned the paper where Dakota worked. Dakota and Toni were very close and their babies were a few months apart in age.

      Billie laughed. “It was almost a year for me and Jason. Of the three couples, we showed the most restraint,” she said airily.

      “Y’all are gonna be in restraints when junior keeps you up all night.” Johnny emerged from one of the guest rooms, this time fully dressed and looking good. “I don’t know how people put up with all that racket. Ayanna, you have two boys, how did you handle the late-night feedings, the colic, walking them all night, potty training and all the other fun things nobody tells you about being a parent?”

      He ducked when Billie aimed a punch at his shoulder. “Hey, I’m just trying to get somebody to talk sense into you people. There’ll be babies all over this house in a few years if you don’t cool your jets. Tell her about it, Ayanna.”

      Her face had changed into a rigid mask bearing a stiff and very phony smile. “I can’t help you there. I didn’t go through all of that with my boys. I adopted Alec when he was four and Cameron was six, so I got to miss all the fun of carrying a baby I loved from inception to delivery. I’m, um, going to go see what they’re up to. See you later,” she added hurriedly as she dashed down the stairs.

      Johnny looked helplessly at Billie, who was staring at him with great exasperation. “You have a big mouth, you know that?” she said.

      “How was I supposed to know I was saying something stupid? You never know when you’ve said something stupid until it’s out there and you’ve made a daggone fool out of yourself,” he said gruffly. “You could have given me a heads-up. You know I like her, and this is the first time we’ve had a chance to get together.”

      Billie didn’t have time to ponder this revelation because Johnny was still talking. “Besides, those kids look just like her. How come they look like triplets if they’re not hers?”

      Billie sighed and put her hand on her brother’s arm. “Because they’re related by blood. Those boys are her sister’s children. She died when the boys were quite young, and Ayanna was their guardian. She adopted them and has done her best to raise them to be the delightful young men they are today.” Billie looked reflective for a moment. “She’s sacrificed a lot for Alec and Cameron, although she doesn’t consider it to be any kind of burden. They’re her whole life, and she loves them devotedly.

      “Now what’s this about you liking Ayanna?” she asked with a frown. “Your track record with the ladies isn’t one I want to wish upon my best friend. If you want to play, stay away from my girl. She’s isn’t your normal disposable party favor, so don’t even think about it.”

      The warm clasp on his arm was replaced by a sharp pinch. He jerked away from her looking stunned. “That was just wrong, Billie. In the first place, you make me sound like some ol’ cheap playa, and in the second place, I think you left a mark, you wildcat. Does Jason know about this side of you?”

      “I don’t think you’re cheap,” she said earnestly. “I think you’re a very high-priced playa, top-shelf, in fact.” She turned to run down the stairs and looked at him over her shoulder. “And Jason knows all about my wild side, and he loves it. He encourages it,” she added, wiggling her hips as Johnny covered his ears and made a horrible face.

      “Oversharing, little sister. That’s called oversharing.”

      Ayanna felt like a nitwit for her reaction to Johnny’s innocent remarks. After she reached the first floor, she got a glimpse of Davina regaling Toni and Zane Beauchamp with a story about her illustrious medical practice, and Ayanna quickly slipped out of the French doors that led to the big terrazzo patio. It was a soothing place with comfortable chairs and big potted plants surrounded by a low brick wall. Taking a deep breath, she watched her boys playing a noisy game of basketball with Nick’s nephews. Sadie was also playing, running back and forth and barking with gusto.

       Why did I act like that? It’s not the first time the subject has come up, she thought. So why did I act like I was running from the law or something?

      Just then she felt two strong hands on her shoulders. Johnny turned her around to face him. “I didn’t mean to say anything out of line, Ayanna. Are we still friends?”

      She looked up at his handsome face, which was completely serious for the first time she could remember. Johnny was always laughing and making jokes, so this was quite a change. “We’re fine. You didn’t know my boys are adopted, and there’s no real reason that you should’ve known. But it’s not like it’s a secret,” she told him.

      He nodded and continued to look at her like he was trying to memorize her face. “I just realized that I don’t know very much about you,” he said thoughtfully.

      Ayanna was looking at him with the same kind of intensity. “No, I guess you don’t. I met you at Billie’s wedding, and I’ve seen you a few times since then. It’s not like you live here in Chicago or anything.”


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