Seduction and Lies. Donna Hill
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She took her beer and went to the so-called second bedroom, which served as her office/darkroom. There should be a law against false advertising, she thought, as she flipped on the light. When she’d read the ad for the “spacious two-bedroom apartment” some five years ago, she was expecting spacious. Well, the “second bedroom” was about eight feet long and five feet wide. The only person who could sleep in there was a midget. If you put a full-size bed in the room you’d have to walk over it to get in and out! So she’d converted it to a tiny office space with a flat-screen computer, a small desk and her photography equipment, which was stored in the closet. With a few shelves mounted on the wall, it actually became a functional space.
Danielle had a photo shoot scheduled for the following morning and wanted to go over the shot schedule. There were five models involved in the shoot for a new designer who was launching a line for the fall. They were going to set up in the Central Park Zoo so that the caged animals could serve as a backdrop.
The weather for the next day was set to be in the high seventies, which would make for a very uncomfortable day for the models and the crew.
She went down her list of supplies for the day, making sure to include two cases of water and an ice cooler.
The front door opened and shut, and the sound of male voices filled the front room.
Danielle pushed her papers aside and went to the front room.
“Hey, hon,” Danielle greeted Nick, as she strolled up to him in the living room and kissed him lightly on the lips. She turned to their guest. “Bernard…”
“Good to see you again, Danielle.”
She’d met Bernard Hassell several weeks earlier at a get-together at Mia’s house. Bernard was a dead ringer for Billy Dee Williams and the current love interest of Claudia, Savannah’s mother.
“You, too, Bernard.” Her brow wrinkled ever so slightly. “Where did you two hook up?”
“At the gym,” Nick said. “Well, as I was going to the gym. Bernard was walking by on his way to this new spot, Pause for Men. He invited me to join him.” Nick grinned. “The place is fabulous. Full spa, exercise rooms, saunas—the works—and a health-food cafe.”
Bernard hooked his thumb over his shoulder toward Nick. “I think Pause just got a new member.” He chuckled lightly.
Dani eyed Bernard. “Wow, no wonder you stay in such great shape,” she teased.
Bernard grinned and made a slight bow. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Can I offer you something to drink?” she asked, moving toward the kitchen.
“We were gonna grab a couple of beers and catch the end of the game,” Nick said, pecking her cheek. “How was the afternoon with the girls?”
“Fine,” she answered absentmindedly, trying to wrap her mind around the odd matchup of her man with one old enough to be his dad. “Well, I’ll leave you boys to your games. Good to see you again, Bernard,” she said before returning to her office.
Once inside, she closed the door behind her and dialed Mia on her cell.
“Hey, Dani, whatsup?”
Danielle cut a quick glance toward the closed door, then spoke in a harsh whisper. “Guess who’s here?”
“What? Why are you whispering?”
“Put your damned glasses on so you can hear me!”
“Not funny. Abuse I don’t need,” Mia said haughtily. “Now, speak up.”
Danielle blew out an exasperated breath. “Bernard is here.”
“Bernard! Claudia’s Bernard.”
“Savannah’s mom, Claudia?”
“Yes!” she hissed.
“Why? Did something happen to Claudia?”
“No. He’s hanging out with Nick, of all things. They met at some spa.” She shook her head in bewilderment.
“Soooo…the problem is…?”
“Don’t you think it’s odd? I mean, Bernard is…older.”
Mia laughed. “Guys aren’t like women, D. They bond over all sorts of stuff, sports, video games. Age isn’t an issue with them.”
“Hmm, I guess…”
“Besides, didn’t you say Nick lost his dad when he was a teen?”
“Maybe Bernie’s like a substitute or something.”
“You’re probably right. I’m making something out of nothing.”
“Bet they’re watching a game and drinking beer.”
Danielle giggled. “Exactly.”
“See what I mean? Anyway, relax. I need to pack. And don’t forget if you and Savannah need my help…”
“I know, sis. Thanks.”
“Good luck. I mean that.”
“Thanks. Safe travels.”
“Safe spying.”
That was what she should be focused on, Danielle reasoned as she disconnected the call—working her first undercover assignment.
She couldn’t wait to meet Jean.
The sounds of male laughter drifted into the bedroom. Even with Mia’s wise words about male bonding, she still couldn’t shake her misgivings about Bernard. It was nothing that she could actually put her finger on. He was nice enough and obviously Claudia cared about him. But he simply seemed too good to be true: handsome, smooth talking, well put-together for a man of his age, and he seemed to have plenty of time on his hands. What did he do for a living? How could he afford a fancy spa like the one they were talking about, and where did he come from, anyway? She was probably overanalyzing, seeing ghosts in the closet when there weren’t any. She pushed her wayward thoughts about Bernard Hassell to the back of her mind, at least for the time being. She had more pressing matters to concentrate on. Her first assignment. She grinned with anticipation.
Chapter 3
It was three nerve-racking days before Savannah heard from Jean with a date for the meeting.
“Do I look okay?” Danielle asked for the tenth time in as many minutes as they drove to the Cartel brownstone.
“Dani, I swear, if you ask me just one more time…”
“I want to make a good impression.”
“You’ll be fine. And when have