Passion And The Prince. Penny Jordan

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Passion And The Prince - Penny Jordan Mills & Boon Modern

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She felt those same sparks.

      He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand and bent close to her ear. “It’s all right. I feel it, too.”

      After lunch, they checked out several stores lining the wharf. She had a great time and, strangely enough, felt more relaxed with him than she had with any other man.

      “I’ll be right back,” he whispered.

      “I’ll be right here.” Her eyes followed him as he walked toward the front of the store, where Donovan had gestured for him. Karen came up behind her moments later.

      “So, are you having a good time with Monte?”

      “I didn’t think I would, but yeah, I am. He’s...I don’t know...different.” She leaned her head to one side thoughtfully. “You know, he doesn’t act like a superstar. It’s like he’s this regular guy.” She released a deep sigh.

      “What’s wrong?”

      “Nothing. Just thinking I’ll probably never see him after this weekend. He seems like a great guy.”

      “Why would you think that?”

      “Hel-lo, I live in San Jose and he lives in Los Angeles, not to mention he’s a celebrity. You know, concerts, touring...”

      Karen lifted an eyebrow, then folded her arms across her chest. “And that means what? Even celebrities need that special someone.”

      Before Janae could respond, she heard her name being called. “Over here, Terrence.”


      “I’ll explain later. Come on.” They met Terrence and Donovan halfway.

      “Did you see something you like, Janae?” Terrence asked.

      “Sure, lots of things. But I can’t afford them all.”

      Terrence grabbed her hand, pulling her back in the direction she’d come from. “Show me. I’ll buy them for you.”

      She snatched her hand from his. “What? No.”

      “Is there a problem?”

      Janae noticed a few people staring and lowered her voice. “Yes. You don’t know me, and I don’t know you. You can’t go around spending your money like that.”

      He paused a beat. “Point taken. I’m sorry.”

      “You don’t need to apologize, Terrence.” She rubbed a hand over her forehead, trying to find the right words to make him understand. “Remember when I told you that I wasn’t a groupie?”

      “Yes. And do you remember I told you I don’t have groupies, and you could never be one? Just so you know, I’ve never bought anything for another woman except my grandmother. Are you ready to head out? It’s almost time for the sunset cruise.”

      Janae opened her mouth to say something else, but nodded instead. He’s never bought anything for another woman? She followed him out, trying to process his statement. He didn’t talk during the walk, and she sensed she’d hurt his feelings.

      They boarded the ship, opting for seats inside. Although the sun shone, the late spring temperatures had cooled considerably with the approach of dusk. Once the boat left the dock, Terrence excused himself to go stand on the deck. Her eyes never left him as he stood against the rail with his hands in his pockets, head bowed. Maybe this had been a bad idea. Doubt crept in again, making her have second thoughts about this excursion. But she did owe him an apology for the way she’d snapped at him in the store.

      “I’m going outside for a few minutes, guys.” She left Karen and Donovan to make her way through the crowd of people standing on the deck taking pictures.

      She laid a hand on his arm. “Terrence?”

      He turned slowly and glanced down. “Hey.”

      “I want to apologize if I offended you. I don’t think I explained myself well. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

      “I know.” He draped an arm across her shoulders, pulling her close to his side. “This is unchartered territory for me, so I might mess up sometimes.”

      “I hear you.”

      “How about we figure this thing out one day at a time and see where it goes?”

      “I don’t know if that’s possible. We exist in two different worlds.”

      “Anything is possible. We can work out the logistics if you’re agreeable.”

      Janae stared out over the water. She had enjoyed his company today, and he seemed to be a nice person. But hadn’t she sworn off men? So why was she contemplating his request? “I’d like that.”

      He turned her chin to face him. “So would I.” He touched his mouth to hers gently. He held her close as they continued to watch the approach of the Golden Gate Bridge in the fading sunlight.

      “You know, I can’t get over how short you are,” he said, his gaze traveling down her body. “You were much taller last night.”

      Janae punched him in the arm. “Hey. No dissin’ my height.” She was grateful for his attempt to lighten the mood. They’d been having a good time all afternoon, and she couldn’t recall the last time she’d laughed so much with a man.

      “Ow! You hit pretty hard for a little person.” He chuckled while rubbing the spot.

      “You’d be surprised what I can do for a little person,” she said sweetly, batting her eyelashes.

      Terrence threw back his head and laughed. “Let’s go back inside and see what kind of snacks they have. I’m hungry.”

      * * *

      “Monte seems really taken by Janae,” Karen said to Donovan as she watched them through the window.


      “That’s all good, but if your boy is thinking about trying to hit it and quit it and hurts her, I’ll have his butt tossed off one of these bridges.”

      Donovan smiled. “He’s not like that. To tell the truth, I’m a little shocked. I’ve known him for sixteen years, and this is the first time he’s ever done something like this.”

      “So you’re saying he’s not a playa?”

      This time he outright laughed. “Hardly.” Then he sobered. “He needs someone special. Maybe she’s the one.”

      Karen observed Janae and Monte. She and Donovan knew something had happened because they both were quiet. Then she saw them kiss and laugh. “Yes!”

      Donovan glanced over his shoulder out the window. “I’m guessing by your enthusiasm, things are going well.”

      “I hope this works out. Janae deserves to find a nice guy. She’s had too many jerks in her life.” Karen thought

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