Глава №2. Тайны Ивановской горки и улицы Воронцово поле. Андрей Монамс
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“Oh, that’s all right, I can…” Feeling her face grow hot, Maya wondered if Sawyer felt as awkward as she did about Cat’s suggestion. She couldn’t read his expression, but she guessed the last thing he wanted right now was to play nursemaid to her. Then she realized she’d been staring at him again and quickly averted her gaze, deciding she couldn’t do much more to embarrass herself at this particular moment.
“Actually I came to see you,” Sawyer said easily. “Paul told me you were going home today, and since you don’t have a car, I thought you could use a ride.”
“Uh, well, I—” Maya began, but Cat interrupted.
“That’s great,” she said. “We were just talking about how she was going to get home. Now, problem solved.”
Far from it, Maya thought, but not wanting to argue in front of Cat, she turned to caress the glass of Joey’s incubator one last time before gathering her hospital-issue robe more firmly around her and walking out of the nursery to face Sawyer. “You don’t need to rescue me this time. I’m sure I can find a way home,” she said as they started walking back toward her room.
“Save yourself the trouble,” he said shortly. “I just got off shift and I’m on my way home. I can easily drop you at your parents’ house.”
Sawyer told himself this was the last thing he’d do for her. He’d see her safely to her parents’ home and that would be it. He was saving Val and Paul a trip to the hospital to get her, so his offer to drive Maya was really nothing more than a favor to friends. Besides, he’d been coming to the hospital anyway to check on Joey. It wasn’t as if he was going out of his way.
He caught Maya looking sideways at him as they waited for an elevator and figured he probably looked more than a little tired and out of sorts. It was no wonder she was reluctant to go anywhere with him.
“Look, I’m sorry if I snapped. It’s been a long week already and I haven’t had my transfusion of caffeine yet this morning.” He tried a smile. “Why don’t we start over? I’ll be glad to give you a ride home as long as we can stop for coffee and bacon and eggs on the way. What?” he said when she grimaced. “Please don’t tell me you’re one of those health-food freaks who only drinks weed tea and refuses to eat anything that used to breathe.”
“Okay, I won’t tell you,” Maya said, flashing him a smile in return that lit up her eyes and temporarily banished the shadows from her face. The elevator opened and he followed her inside. “But I won’t deny you your drug of choice.”
“So does that mean we’re outta here?”
“Just as soon as I lose this lovely hospital gown and sign whatever stacks of papers they have waiting,” Maya said. The elevator shuddered to a stop and he walked her to her door, where she stopped him by touching her fingers to his arm. “One thing, though.”
Sawyer looked down at her and decided at this point it didn’t much matter what she asked. He’d committed himself to helping her, at least for today. “One thing?”
She nodded. “I’ll accept your offer of a ride. But you have to let me do something for you in return.”
And before he could ask what that might be, she smiled and ducked inside her room and closed the door.
Chapter Three
“This isn’t exactly what I had in mind,” Sawyer said nearly two hours later as he followed her, pushing a cart, through the organic-foods market. Instead of the café, she’d managed to talk him into stopping at this new-age excuse for a grocery market, offering him breakfast at her parents’ house in exchange for helping her stock the shelves.
He’d agreed only because he figured she needed the supplies and, without a car, she’d have a hard time getting them. And she’d also reluctantly agreed to let him pick up breakfast at the café after shopping.
But watching her, Sawyer was beginning to regret giving in to her. She hadn’t bothered with makeup, and in loose-fitting jeans and an oversize gray sweater, her hair loosely pulled back, she looked small and pale and unequal to a half an hour of grocery shopping, let alone the demands of time and strength raising a baby alone would take.
“You shouldn’t be on your feet this much,” he said. “You just got out of the hospital.”
“That’s the fifth time you’ve mentioned that,” Maya told him as she reached for a container of yogurt. “Like I said, I’m fine. It’s good for me to get up. If I sit too long, I get so stiff I can’t move at all. Besides, it won’t be too much longer and I’ll be getting up all the time with Joey.” She added a carton of soy milk, smiling as he winced.
“You weren’t kidding about the weeds and sticks. It’s a wonder you haven’t starved to death.”
“It’s a wonder you haven’t poisoned yourself.”
“As far as I’m concerned, that stuff is poison,” Sawyer told her. “Give me caffeine and cholesterol any day.”
“Mmm…guess that’s why you’re so cranky.”
“Who’s cranky?” he grumbled. “I just don’t like mornings without espresso.” Catching the laughter in her eyes and the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, he shrugged off her teasing. “Hey, I let you drag me here, didn’t I? And this place is enough to make anyone with a healthy caffeine addiction cranky.”
Maya laughed outright, remembering the look on his face when one of the clerks had offered him a sample of herbal tea. “Healthy and caffeine aren’t two words you should use in the same sentence.”
“If you’re trying to convert me, you’re wasting your time.”
“Sorry,” she said. “It’s a bad habit I have, always working.”
“What? Your job is helping hopeless caffeine addicts?”
“Some days,” she said, laughing as she added bananas to the cart. “I practice alternative medicine.” When he looked blank, she added, “You know, massage, aromatherapy, herbal remedies, meditation—that sort of thing.”
She could see the effort he made to keep from rolling his eyes. “I guess that explains the weeds and sticks.”
“That was pretty good,” she told him. “Most people at least make a joke.”
Maya remembered how embarrassed her ex-fiancé had been whenever one of his friends or business associates asked what she did for a living. Evan had cringed every time the subject came up and had done his best to change it before she could answer. And when she’d gotten pregnant, he’d blamed her, saying it would never have happened if she’d gotten over her “fetish” about medication and taken the pill.
Her shoulders slumped and Sawyer noticed how she suddenly looked drained. Despite her continually telling him how fine she was, he’d been right and she’d tried