Tempted By A Caffarelli. Melanie Milburne

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Tempted By A Caffarelli - Melanie Milburne Mills & Boon By Request

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had brushed him. He wanted those dainty little fingers all over his body. He wanted to be inside her body. He was rock-hard just thinking about how she would feel wrapped tightly around him. It would be a conflagration of the senses, a combustible explosion of fire meeting ice. ‘What about you, Miss Silverton?’

      Her expression became guarded. ‘What about me?’

      ‘Are you currently involved with anyone?’

      Her gaze narrowed. ‘I find it hard to see why it could be of any interest to you if I am or if I’m not.’

      ‘Au contraire,’ he said. ‘I find it immensely interesting.’

      Her cheeks flared with colour but her eyes were glittering with spirited defiance. ‘Would you like more coffee, Mr Caffarelli, or shall I get your bill?’

      Rafe held that sparkling toffee-brown gaze and felt his blood heat up another notch. He could smell her light fragrance. He was close enough to touch her. He felt the tension in her body; it was pulsing just below the surface. She was doing everything she could to hide it but he was aware of it all the same. Hate and lust were swirling in the air like a powerful, heady aroma. ‘You don’t like me very much, do you?’

      Her mouth tightened primly. ‘My job is to serve you coffee, not become your best friend.’

      He gave her a lazy half-smile. ‘Haven’t you heard that saying, “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer”?’

      Her eyes flashed at him as she pointedly handed him the bill for his coffee. ‘Haven’t you heard the saying, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch”?’

      Rafe chuckled as he took out his wallet, peeled off a tenner and placed it on the table beside her. ‘Until we meet again, Miss Silverton. Ciao.’

      * * *

      Poppy was about to go to bed when she noticed Chutney was missing. The three dogs had been out in the garden while she had a bath, but when she called them back in only Pickles and Relish appeared. ‘Chutney?’ she called out from the back door. ‘Chutney? Here boy. Come and get a treat.’

      There was no sign of him in the garden. He seemed to have completely vanished. It was hard not to worry after what had happened to Pickles. Poppy had found him injured after finding a gap in the hedge leading to the field in front of Dalrymple Manor. It had been so harrowing to find him lying in the long grass, whimpering in pain.

      Her heart began to stammer. Chutney had a tendency to wander, especially if he got the scent of a rabbit. Even though she had got the gap in the hedge fixed, she suspected there were other places he could have squeezed through, being so much smaller than the other two dogs. What if he had got out on the road? Although there wasn’t much traffic along this particular lane, it only took one speeding car to do the damage.

      Poppy looked at the manor in the distance. Raffaele Caffarelli’s top-notch sports car was parked out the front. There were lights on downstairs, which meant he must be still awake.

      She glanced at the business card on the kitchen table. Should she call him to see if he had seen any sign of Chutney? The three dogs were used to walking up to the manor. Before Lord Dalrymple had died she had taken them up every day to visit, and she had only stopped walking them in the grounds of the manor once the ‘sold’ sign had gone up.

      She picked up the business card and ran her index finger over his name. She took a little uneven breath, reached for her phone and quickly typed in the number before she changed her mind. He answered on the third ring.

      ‘Rafe Caffarelli.’

      Poppy felt the base of her spine shiver at the sound of the deep burr of his voice. ‘Um...it’s Poppy Silverton here.’

      ‘I’ve been expecting you to call.’

      ‘I’m not calling about the dinner thing. I wondered if you’d seen a little dog up at the manor.’

      ‘What sort of dog?’

      ‘He’s a cavoodle.’

      ‘A what?’

      Poppy rolled her eyes at his tone. ‘He’s a cross between a miniature poodle and a King Charles cavalier. He’s called Chutney.’

      ‘You named your dog after a condiment?’

      She pursed her mouth in irritation. ‘Have you seen him or not?’


      ‘Fine,’ she said. ‘I’m sorry to bother you so late. Goodni—’

      ‘I’ll have a look around outside. Would he have wandered into the maze, do you think? I haven’t figured it out yet so you might have to come and rescue me from the minotaur if I get stuck.’

      ‘I’m sure you’re quite adept at getting yourself out of complicated situations.’

      He gave a little chuckle. ‘You’ve been reading up on me, haven’t you?’

      ‘If you find Chutney, please call me.’

      ‘I’ll do even better than that. I’ll deliver him to your door.’

      ‘I wouldn’t want to put you to any bother.’

      ‘Will he come to a stranger?’

      ‘He’s a shameless glutton,’ Poppy said. ‘He’ll do anything for food.’

      Her spine shivered again as he gave another deep chuckle. ‘I know the type.’

      * * *

      The doorbell rang a few minutes later. Poppy had only just come back inside after doing another round of the garden. She shushed Pickles and Relish, who were bouncing up and down on their back legs like string puppets being controlled by a hyperactive puppeteer. ‘Down, Pickles; you too, Relish. Sit. I said sit.’ She opened the door to find Rafe standing there with Chutney under one arm. ‘Oh, you found him! Where was he?’

      He handed the dog to her. ‘He was sitting at the back of the manor near the kitchen door.’

      Poppy put Chutney on the floor where his two friends immediately besieged him with frenzied licks and whimpers of delight, as if he’d been away for a month instead of an hour. She straightened to face Rafe. ‘I’m sorry about that. I think he still misses Lord Dalrymple. We used to go up to visit him every day.’

      ‘I noticed he seemed quite at home.’

      ‘Yes, well, I made a habit of wandering past with the dogs to check the place wasn’t vandalised while it was vacant,’ Poppy said. ‘I’m not going up there now, of course.’

      His eyes glinted knowingly. ‘Of course.’

      She straightened her shoulders. ‘Thank you for returning him. You didn’t have to. I would have come to collect him. All you had to do was call me.’

      ‘Have you thought about my dinner proposal?’

      Poppy felt that funny little shiver again as his dark eyes held hers.

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