Claiming His Princess. Kate Walker

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Claiming His Princess - Kate Walker Mills & Boon By Request

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      It was about pleasure. Mutual, unadulterated pleasure. ‘I like the light on,’ he rasped.

      She moistened her lips. ‘I don’t…mind.’

      Satisfied that he knew exactly what he was doing, Wolfe shoved away from the door and paced towards her. He stopped a breath from touching her and gazed into her wide-spaced smoky eyes, searching out any further signs of apprehension, promising himself he would stop if she showed even a hint of uncertainty. Fortunately he didn’t have to test that theory, because her gaze could have melted iron when it met his.

      His iron will.

      Shaking off the insidious devil of doubt that told him once was never going to be enough with this woman, he curled one hand around the nape of her neck and pulled her up onto her toes. She steadied herself by placing her hands on his shoulders. The air between them turned to syrup as she tilted her head back into his hand, presenting him with the elegant arch of her neck.

      Wolfe felt his lip curl upward as he thought of the recent vampire craze in the cinemas. Suddenly he understood the draw. Lust pounded through his blood and he brought his other hand up to trace the tender skin she had exposed to his hungry gaze. She opened her eyes, stared into his, and then did something he hadn’t expected—she took charge and pressed her lips to his.

      He let her sip and nibble at his mouth for maybe ten seconds before that primal feeling she dredged up in him took over. Then his hands and lips firmed and he forced her mouth wide, demanding that she cede everything to him.

      And she did. Without hesitation. Her slender arms snaking behind his neck, her body arching into his.

      Wolfe told himself to ease off before he scared both of them, but her mouth angled more comfortably under his and he didn’t know how it was possible but she took the kiss deeper. Wrapped her sweet tongue around his and made his head spin.

      Without really being aware of his surroundings he wrenched his jacket off and pushed her fumbling fingers aside to tear at the buttons on his shirt. Shucking out of it, he welcomed the bite of cooler air on his overheated flesh and the layer of sensation it added.

      He released the dark mane of her hair from its tight coil and felt his heart wrench as it cascaded past her delicate shoulders.

      Ignoring the swirling emotions ebbing and flowing through his mind, he cupped her breasts and moulded them in his hands. Soft and round, the nipples already poking through the silky fabric of her dress like tiny diamonds. He kneaded and shaped her, his eyes on her face as he roughly dragged his thumbs across both her nipples at once.

      ‘Oh, Wolfe. Mon Dieu.’

      Her husky groan urged him to draw the hidden side-zipper of her dress down until her pale, perfect breasts stood proud and taut in front of him.

      ‘Ava, you’re—’ He swore as words failed him and bent to draw a dusky pink nipple into his starving mouth. The taste of her made him throb, and when she clutched his head to hold him closer he gave up any pretense of finesse, scooping her into his arms and yanking off the ugly floral bedspread before depositing her on crisp white sheets.

      She leant up on her elbows and watched him through heavy-lidded eyes as he dragged the silky gown from her long legs and tossed it aside.

      Wolfe took her in as he stripped off his remaining clothing: her wavy hair a dark ripple down her back, her sweet breasts rising and falling in time with her heavy breaths, her narrow waist, and the sheer purple panties that revealed more than they hid.

      Her woman’s scent rose up to tease him and he climbed onto the bed and came over her, his hands braced on either side of her face. ‘Now, my lovely, I have you right where I want you.’

      Her hands came up between them, curling into his chest hair. Her smile was full of womanly provocation. Her actions thankfully belying her earlier hesitation. ‘You like to think you’re in control, but I am stronger than I look.’ She scratched her nails lightly against his skin like a cat.

      She shuddered beautifully beneath him and turned her head to capture his mouth with hers. He groaned, sank into the kiss, let himself become absorbed by it. His free hand smoothed down over her torso, learning her wherever he went.

      Her own hands were busy, stroking up over the muscles of his arms. When she pushed playfully against his shoulders he didn’t budge. ‘It feels like you’re made of steel. You’re completely immovable.’

      ‘Where do you want me to go?’ he growled with husky promise. ‘Up?’ He kissed his way along her neck and bit down gently on her earlobe. ‘Or down?’ His tongue laved her collarbone and dipped lower, circling ever closer to the centre of her breast.

      Her eyes glazed over with desire.


      ‘Quoi?’ She arched off the bed, her breasts begging for his mouth.

      ‘Which way?’

      She gave a low moan as he continued to tease her, and when she wrapped one leg around his lean hip he guessed her intention and let her flip him onto his back. She pushed up until she straddled his waist. ‘Now who’s got whom exactly where they want them?’ she said, a look of triumph lighting up her face.

      Wolfe grinned and repositioned her until her hot centre cradled his erection. ‘That would be me.’

      ‘Ohhh.’ Ava spread her palms wide over his chest. ‘I know you think—’

      Wolfe leant up and suckled one of her peaked nipples into his mouth, cutting off whatever she was about to say. Her wet heat was shredding his control and the time for banter was well past. ‘I think you’re sensational.’ He switched to her other breast and realised that he meant it.

      Usually a woman was content to let him lead all the play in bed, but this was much more fun. And the taste of her cherry-red nipples blew his mind.

      While she was distracted by his mouth he smoothed his hand down her belly and cupped her where she was open and already wet for him, her filmy panties no barrier to his questing fingers. Her eyes flew open as he found her and pushed a finger inside her slick centre. She cried out his name and balanced over him as she rocked against his hand.

      Wolfe’s erection jerked painfully but he forced himself to wait, enjoying having her at his mercy. Enjoying the astonished look of pleasure that came over her when he lightly circled her clitoris. And especially enjoying the way she flung her head back in ecstasy and screamed his name as she came for him.

      He rode out her orgasm with her until her head flopped forward, her long hair falling around his face like a silky veil. Needing to be inside her with an urgency that was shocking, Wolfe flipped her onto her back, chuckling softly when she just lay there in silent supplication.

      ‘At least I know how to get your absolute cooperation now.’

      Ava pushed her hair back from her face and stretched sinuously. ‘What did you just do to me?’

      ‘I made you come.’ He rolled on the condom he’d pulled from his wallet and nudged her thighs wider, entering her on one slow, luxurious thrust. ‘And now I’m going to do it all over again.’

      It took every ounce of control he possessed to keep his movements even

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