Sundays Are for Murder. Marie Ferrarella
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“Newbie,” the man repeated, digesting the term. A tinge of color rose up on his cheeks. He had the kind of face that would always be boyish. “Does it show?”
“Only when we look,” Charley told him. “Don’t worry about it. Even God had a first day. What’s your name?”
“Jack Andrews, ma’am.”
Nick noted that Charley winced ever so slightly at the polite salutation. His sister hated to be addressed that way. It made her feel old, she’d confided. Probably did the same for Dow.
“Special Agent Dow will do, Special Agent Andrews,” Charley addressed the younger man. And then she surprised Nick as well as the new recruit by smiling and adding, “If we solve this case, you get to call me Charley.”
The look on Jack Andrews’s face said that he would never presume to call her by anything so familiar.
Nick turned to look at her, puzzled. “Charley? How did you get Charley out of Charlotte?”
But even as he asked, Nick decided that the nickname probably suited her a great deal better than the name she’d been given at birth. Charlottes did not carry concealed weapons or relentlessly pursue serial killers. They served tea to their friends at a country club and made sure they stayed out of the sun so that their fair complexions wouldn’t freckle.
“I didn’t. My sister did.” For a precious moment, she allowed herself to remember when she’d felt a part of something greater than just herself, and yet was very much an extension of who and what she was. “Cris couldn’t wrap her tongue around the name ‘Charlotte’ when we were little. All she could get out was ‘Charley.’” Her mouth curved as she raised one shoulder in a careless shrug. “I like that name better. ‘Charlotte’ belongs to a woman on a verandah who has vapors. Like my father’s mother.”
Whom, judging by that slight frown, she didn’t much care for, Nick thought. “Let me guess, you’re named after her.”
Charley snorted. “See if you can put that finely honed guessing talent to work here.” And then she turned toward the newly minted special agent. “Did the police leave us any information?”
Obviously happy to be of some use, Jack rattled off the particulars of the discovery. Nothing new.
“Any of the neighbors hear anything suspicious?”
Jack shook his head. “They haven’t been canvassed yet.”
She didn’t hold out much hope, but all ground had to be covered. And sometimes they got lucky. “Why don’t you nose around, see what you can find out?” she suggested.
The words were no sooner out of her mouth than Jack vanished from the apartment, eager to do her bidding.
Nick watched him leave, amused. Chronologically, probably only five years separated him from Andrews, but he couldn’t recall ever being that young. “Well, you made him feel useful.”
“It’s a gift.” She stopped when she saw that Nick was heading for the door. She hadn’t meant for both agents to canvass the neighbors. “Are you planning on going with him?”
Nick stopped just shy of the door. If she thought that he was going to clear every move with her before he made it, this partnership wasn’t going to work out.
“No. Just wanted to check something out.” Crouching, he carefully examined the lock on the door and the area around it. “No sign of forced entry.” He rose again. “Looks like she knew her killer.”
“Maybe.” This was a first-floor apartment. Which meant there was possible access through one of the windows. But they all appeared to be locked from the inside from what she could see. “Or maybe she just opened the door.”
Where he came from, people were a lot more cautious. “To a stranger?”
Charley smiled. “Why not? Had an aunt once. She opened the door to anyone who knocked or rang. Thought it rude not to.”
“She get mugged?” he guessed.
“Not so far.” She didn’t add that she’d finally persuaded the woman to put a chain on her door so she could open her door and still have a semblance of protection in place.
According to the police report, Stacy Pembroke’s body had been found in the living room. Nick walked into the bedroom. “You want to come here and look at this?”
“Can’t wait,” Charley murmured under her breath. She stepped away from the small desk and walked into the bedroom.
Nick was squatting over a pile of men’s clothing that had been unceremoniously dumped in the middle of the room. He lifted the jacket that was on top of the heap and examined it.
“Forty-two tall.” He closed the jacket and replaced it on the pile, then rose to his feet again. “You know, maybe we’re dealing with a jilted lover.” He threw a theory out for her to mull over. “Maybe to draw suspicion away from himself, Mr. Forty-two Tall killed her and staged it to look like the Sunday Killer.”
But Charley shook her head. “According to the preliminary findings, the victim had a tiny cross carved on her forehead. That’s a detail we never released to the press.”
He looked at her. Maybe the woman wasn’t quite as sharp as she seemed to believe she was.
“And you think that kept it a secret?” Nick laughed shortly, shaking his head. People talked. Even those with good intentions. It was the nature of the beast. “How many people have been involved in the Sunday Killer case since the beginning? Twenty?” he asked, then doubled the figure. “Forty?” It was still a conservative estimate. If they counted all the peripheral people involved, including forensics, that brought the count up to over a hundred. “Think about it. There have been M.E.s and civilians who’ve stumbled across the bodies. Not to mention the family members who had to bury the killer’s victims. You honestly think no one said anything about that little branding fetish the killer’s got? You think that nobody had a few too many while sharing some quality time with his buddies or his best girl and let that little spine-chilling detail slip without realizing it?”
He had a point. But she had another one. “Okay, maybe that happened. Maybe more than once. But what are the odds that they’d let that slip within the earshot of the possibly ticked-off lover who belongs to that pile of clothes on the floor?”
Nick believed in picking his fights and this one didn’t seem to be important enough to do battle over. So he shrugged and continued working his way through the otherwise neat blue-and-white bedroom. “Guess you’ve got a point.”
She hadn’t finished with the living room. Turning on her heel, she went back. “I always have a point, Special Agent Brannigan.”
Opening up a bureau, Nick discovered the dead woman’s underwear drawer. The garments seemed rather pricey for a woman living on a waitress’s salary. He assumed they were gifts from Mr. Forty-two Tall.
“You know,” he called out to her,