Her Happy-Ever-After Family. Barbara Hannay

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Her Happy-Ever-After Family - Barbara Hannay Mills & Boon By Request

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chatter free, Tess was at leisure to enjoy the peace. After only five minutes of walking, they rounded a bend and a low sandstone and wrought-iron wall brought them up short.

      Krissie turned back to her. ‘What is it?’

      Tess glanced over the fence. It was so overgrown it took her a moment to make out what it was. When she did her stomach gave a queer little jerk. ‘It’s a cemetery,’ she said, watching both children carefully.

      Neither recoiled, and she let out a breath.

      ‘Can we go in?’

      Shielding her eyes against the sun, Tess followed the sandstone wall around until she found what she was looking for. ‘The entrance is over there.’ She pointed. If they’d driven a little further on they’d have happened upon this spot in the car—it was the very end of the road. Her lips twisted. In more ways than one, she supposed, but she determinedly left the gallows humour behind as she walked through the gate.

      ‘Ty, Krissie.’ She gestured to the children. ‘There are some rules we need to observe in a cemetery. It’s very bad manners to walk on a grave, so please keep to the paths.’ And there were some, even if they were terribly overgrown in places. Someone was doing what they could to maintain this little cemetery. ‘If you want to look at the headstones walk beside the graves, okay?’

      Both children nodded solemnly. ‘What about Barney?’

      ‘Puppies are exempt, young man.’

      They turned in concert to find an elderly woman, half hidden in the shade of a Kurrajong tree, sitting on a camp chair beside one of the graves. ‘I hope we’re not disturbing you,’ Tess ventured.

      ‘Not at all, lovey.’

      Tess moved towards her. ‘I’m Tess Laing and this is my nephew and niece—’

      ‘Tyler and Kristina, yes, I’ve heard about you folk and I’m real pleased you’ve come to settle in Bellaroo Creek. I’m Edna Fairfield. I meant to make it to your luncheon, but my knees aren’t as young as they used to be. My husband, Ted, and I own a pocket of land just back that way.’ She nodded back the way Tess and the children had come.

      After shy hellos, Ty and Krissie raced off to explore. Tess sat on the grass next to the older woman and Barney settled at her feet to nap. ‘I’m afraid we’ve been trespassing on your land. I’m terribly sorry.’

      ‘You’re welcome to wander through our holding whenever you want, lovey.’

      They sat in silence for a while. Tess finally gestured. ‘Is this a private cemetery?’

      ‘Lord, no, it’s the Bellaroo Creek cemetery, but folks these days prefer to scatter the ashes of their loved ones on the land. Hardly anyone comes here any more.’

      ‘But you do?’

      ‘My dear mother and father are buried just over there.’ She pointed to a nearby grave. ‘And this here—’ she touched the edge of the grave she sat beside ‘—is where we buried my darling boy, Jack. He was only a tiny tot—eighteen months—when croup took him.’

      Tess read the dates on the headstone and a lump lodged in her throat. Edna had been coming here for sixty years to sit by her beloved baby son. ‘Oh, Mrs Fairfield,’ she whispered. ‘I’m so sorry for your loss.’

      ‘Don’t you go wasting your sympathy on me, young Tess. Ted and me, we raised three healthy children and sent them out into the world—good strong folk we’re proud of. Into every life there comes some sorrow.’ She might be old but her eyes hadn’t faded and they glanced shrewdly at Tess now. ‘I understand there’s been some recent sorrow in your lives too.’

      She nodded. Into every life…She glanced at Ty and Krissie, carefully walking around the graves. ‘I’m thinking, though, that moving out here means we can start focusing on good things again.’

      Please, God.

      ‘I don’t doubt that for a moment.’

      She couldn’t help smiling at Edna’s no-nonsense country briskness.

      ‘But, lovey—’ Edna sighed after a moment ‘—I can’t help wondering who’ll come here and tend my Jack’s grave when Ted and I are gone.’ She shook her head. ‘It’s a silly thing to worry about, I know, but it doesn’t stop me from thinking about it.’

      ‘I don’t think it’s silly.’

      She didn’t think it was the slightest bit silly. She went to say more but suddenly found Ty and Krissie standing in front of her. Holding hands, no less! ‘Everything okay, poppets?’

      ‘Can we bury Mummy here?’ Krissie asked without preamble.




      She glanced at Edna. ‘Is it still possible to arrange a plot here?’

      ‘I expect so, lovey. Lorraine Pritchard would be the person to ask. She’s the president of the Residents Committee.’

      ‘That’s Cam’s mum,’ Ty said to Edna. ‘He’s our friend.’

      ‘He lives right next door,’ Krissie added.

      ‘He’s a good young man,’ Edna agreed. ‘He helps Ted out every now and again. Means we can still manage to keep a few head of cattle on our land.’

      He did? Tess stared at Edna. What would she and Ted do when Cam left?

      Cam’s farm ute was parked out the front when they arrived back home. Tess parked beside it and tried to school her wayward heart back into its normal pace and rhythm instead of a ridiculous speeded-up staccato.

      ‘Can we play on the computer?’

      She eyed her nephew and her heart expanded. Two months ago he’d been listless with no enthusiasm for any kind of play. Understandable given the circumstances, but now it seemed the world held a whole list of endless possibilities.

      She climbed out of the car and crossed her fingers, prayed the worst was behind them now. ‘As long as you promise to let Krissie have her turn too.’

      He nodded.

      ‘Okay, go on, then.’

      He was about to race off, Krissie at his heels, when Cam came around the side of the house. ‘Hey, Cam.’ He waved.

      ‘Hey, kids.’

      Krissie flung her arms around Cam’s middle and hugged him. Tess couldn’t prevent a squirm of envy.

      ‘We found the bestest cemetery,’ she announced, releasing him. ‘You wanna come play on the computer?’

      He blinked. ‘Um…Maybe some other time.’ He ruffled her hair. ‘I have to chat to your aunt about some stuff.’

      Krissie ran off and Cam turned to her with a frown. ‘What’s so hot about a cemetery?’

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