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opened into a very white space. Not that she was actually noticing; she was too busy asking herself why she was here.

      Like you don’t know?

      Ignoring the sarcastic contribution of the snide voice in her head and the hard knot of illicit excitement low in her belly, Megan fought her way through the mind-fogging confusion in her head.

      Sexual attraction, Megan told herself, was a kind of insanity, and should be treated as such. Knowing her weakness, she reasoned, gave her a degree of control.

      Her tawny eyes were drawn in the direction of the tall, silent figure watching her. The silence stretched.

      The invitation had been for breakfast, she reminded herself, and that was why she was here. She wouldn’t let anything happen again; she would eat and leave. Sure, he had kissed her in the airport and had appeared not to want to stop, but that had been an act. For Emilio kissing her had not been a big deal.

      Only it was to her. It was a very big deal to be kissed by Emilio Rios, but she would have died before she’d confess as much to him.

      ‘You did not look surprised, you looked …’ He paused, considering the question and, much to her dismay, her mouth.

      Unhappy, not just about the way he was staring, but also the idea of him relentlessly pursuing the question to its conclusion, she rushed to fill the developing silence.

      ‘Oh, all right!’ She sighed, lifting her hair off her neck with her hand as she pursed her lips and evinced a show of reluctance before admitting, ‘You might have been right. I do need feeding.’

      For a split second she thought he was going to push, then to her relief Emilio grinned. His smugness, she decided, struggling to drag her stare from the curve of his sensually full lower lip, was infinitely preferable to him guessing the lustful direction of her thoughts.

      ‘I am always right, and I do possess the sort of home you speak of,’ he admitted, stepping through the door into the white apartment.

      MEGAN moved to follow Emilio and hesitated, unable to shake the irrational conviction that by stepping over the threshold she would be committing herself to more than breakfast, which she wasn’t, but what if he thought …?

      What if he had more planned than breakfast? She had no doubt that he took sex as casually as he did kisses.

      How was he to know she didn’t?

      She knew she was here for breakfast, but who was to say he did? He might assume that she knew breakfast was some sort of code for sex.

      ‘We could do the restaurant option if you prefer. You did say you looked too much of a mess to be seen anywhere … posh,’ Emilio reminded her. ‘I thought you would appreciate the lack of strangers being traumatised by your appearance.’ Strangers did not fit in with his plans for the rest of the day, as he pictured her tangled skein of glossy hair spread out on a pillow.

      ‘Traumatised …’ she choked. Her flashing golden eyes narrowed in his face. Indignation had carried Megan across the threshold without realising it until the door did the spooky swishy thing behind her, making her jump, and she momentarily transferred her anger to the inanimate object.

      ‘You afraid that being seen in public with a female who hasn’t got her surgically enhanced boobs on show will be bad for your reputation?’ she charged scornfully as she glanced downwards, adding, ‘What’s wrong with the way I look?’

      It was a question that Megan almost immediately bitterly regretted issuing.

      As his gaze drifted downwards Emilio reined in his lust with difficulty.

      She stood there rigidly, her heart pounding against her ribcage, her stomach churning as his dark eyes made a slow, insolent journey from the top of her head to her toes, then at an equally leisurely pace made the return trip.

      Emilio swallowed, his head jerking backwards fractionally as he snapped himself clear of the sensual fog.

      ‘You were the one who was unhappy with the way you look.’ At his sides he forcibly unclenched his long fingers.

      Time, it seemed, had not lessened the strength of the primal emotions that she had shaken loose in him two years ago. He had wanted her then and he still did.

      ‘You didn’t have to agree.’

      He frowned. ‘Don’t put words into my mouth,’ he said, staring at her lips still swollen from his kiss.

      The husky caution brought Megan’s gaze helplessly zeroing in on the area under discussion. She felt her anger slip away as a silent sigh lifted her chest as she shook with the memory of his kiss.

      The texture of his warm lips as they moved over her mouth, the lust, slammed through her body making her literally rock back on her heels.

      She blinked hard to banish the memory, her control worn paper-thin as she nibbled nervously at her full lower lip, unwittingly riveting his attention to the lush curve.

      ‘You want me to tell you you’re beautiful?’

      Megan flushed. ‘Of course not.’

      ‘I would hardly be the first man to tell you this.’

      Emilio had never considered himself a possessive man. He had never been guilty of double standards when it came to the subject of any healthy young woman exploring their sexuality.

      It turned out that this enlightened attitude only worked when the woman in question was not Megan.

      ‘Sure, I stop traffic on a regular basis. So, why are you living here if you have a palace or something, or is this where you bring your …?’ She stopped, the hot colour rushing to her cheeks.

      He arched a brow. ‘My …?’


      Her mortified mumble drew a grin that lightened some of the tension in his lean face. ‘Relax, this is not a love nest. I am temporarily homeless, while the experts sort out a bad case of dry rot. A man needs somewhere to lay his head and this location is not inconvenient,’ he explained, watching her expression as she completed a slow three-hundred-and-sixty-degree turn.

      ‘I see, you’re slumming it.’ Some slum! The place was a bachelor’s paradise, loft-style living with modern art on white walls, acres of gleaming chrome, leather and high ceilings.

      It said nothing to her about the man who lived there.

      ‘You like it?’

      ‘I’m sure it’s every boy’s dream to live somewhere like this.’ If this place did not boast every techno gadget on the market she would eat her designer handbag—actually, her very good rip-off handbag.

      Emilio responded to the smiling put-down with a lazy grin. The place was no fulfilment of a dream, it was a convenience and nothing more.

      ‘I have not been called a boy for some time.’


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