The Tycoon And I. Kandy Shepherd

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The Tycoon And I - Kandy  Shepherd Mills & Boon By Request

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get to you. It’s not worth getting worked up over.”

      “Nothing! How can you call my private life splashed in the news nothing?” Her eyes took in each and every innuendo. She couldn’t stop reading any more than she could stop breathing. “This is going to be a disaster. How am I supposed to face everyone much less ask people for money when this article implies you and I know.”

      “Sleeping together.” He supplied the answer so smoothly, so casually as though having the whole world contemplating his sex life was the status quo.

      “We have to do something.” Her mind frantically sought out an answer. “We should sue them.”

      He shook his head. “First, it would only make this below-the-fold story bigger. And second, they don’t actually lie. We are sleeping together under one roof—”

      “But in separate beds.”

      “And we were seen leaving here early in the morning.”

      “But it wasn’t the wee hours of the morning like they said.”

      “You’re splitting hairs. Besides, did you happen to think about spinning this publicity around and using it to your advantage?”

      “But I don’t want publicity. I’m happy with my quiet life.”

      “Ah, but you’re forgetting about the fund-raiser. You know what they say—any publicity is good publicity. Well, maybe not any publicity, but you know what I mean.”

      The scary part was that she did know what he was trying to say. And she didn’t know whether to be angry...or excited.

      Maybe she’d misunderstood. “Are you saying we should pose as a happy couple?”

      “It’s out there now. You might as well capitalize on the news coverage.”

      “And you’re okay with this?”

      He shrugged. “I know how to work the press when I need to. It’s all an act for the sake of the fund-raiser and the launch of Fiery Hearts. Why not let it play out?”

      She crossed her arms and pursed her lips. She noticed how he never said that he was comfortable with this plan, but he seemed resigned to do his part to help their mutual cause. Instead of being angry with him for putting her in this position, she found herself liking him a little more.

      “Kate, if you’re ready to go, I can drop you off at the hospital on my way to the office.”

      She shook her head. “I’m not ready to put your plan into action.”

      “Even so, you can’t let those reporters dictate how you live your life. And I promise to be a perfect gentleman and keep my hands to myself.”

      What worried her more was the thought that she wanted him touching her. She found she liked having him close. Her heart thump-thumped at the memory of him next to her. His finger beneath her chin. His deep, hungry gaze. His lips pressed to hers.

      Drawing her meandering thoughts up short, she said the first thing that came to mind. “You should come to the hospital with me. Once I take care of the billing department, we could visit Molly.”

      He shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

      “Molly wants to meet you. I told her you make the most beautiful jewelry. She wants to know if you make tiaras for princesses.”

      “I’m sorry. I can’t meet your daughter today. My schedule is backed up.” He started out of the room. “But I’ll make it up to you.”


      “You’ll be the first to have a preview of the Fiery Hearts collection.”

      “I can’t wait.” She loved jewelry, even if it was only to admire it while window-shopping. “Don’t forget to let me know when you have some free time. Molly would really enjoy meeting you.”

      “I won’t forget. Let’s go.”

      Five minutes later, Kate settled into the seat of Lucas’s expensive sports car. She loved the buttery-soft leather upholstery, the purr of the powerful engine and most of all, the driver. She watched as Lucas grasped the black shifter. His long, lean fingers drew her attention. Her mouth grew increasingly dry. Why was he getting to her? Was it the tempting thought of what it’d be like to once again be held by those hands? The thought of a mere gentle caress had a sigh slipping past her lips.

      “Did you hear me?” Lucas’s deep voice jarred her from her ambling thoughts.

      “I was thinking about the article.” It was that darn paper that filled her mind with...things. Bad things.

      He slowed to a stop and glanced her way. “Quit worrying. It’ll all be fine.”

      She was drawn in by his mesmerizing stare. After all, he was very handsome and very available. Her heart beat faster as heat swirled in her chest and spread out to her limbs. Did he have the heater on in here or what? “Mind if I open the window a crack?”

      “Go for it.” He chanced a quick glance her way. “Are you feeling okay? You look a little flushed.”

      “I’m fine.” She resisted the urge to fan herself. “Honest.”

      She eased the window down and savored the cool morning air. What in the world was up with her? Article or not, since when did she let a man get to her?

      In an effort to act normal, she said, “You wouldn’t believe how helpful your aunt has been. When I’m not at the hospital, she checks on Molly for me.”

      “I thought your ex was with her.”

      Kate shrugged. “He’s supposed to be, but he isn’t exactly reliable. And I don’t want Molly to feel like everyone has forgotten her. So Connie and a couple of the nurses promised to call if Chad decides that sitting with a sick kid isn’t for him.”

      “My aunt is very outgoing. She’d help anyone in need. No matter what.”

      Kate’s body tensed. Surely he wasn’t implying that she was taking advantage of the woman, was he?

      “I didn’t ask your aunt for anything—”

      “I’m sure you didn’t. She never had the opportunity to have a family of her own, and since I’m the only relative she has left, she likes to take in strays—”

      “Strays! I’m not a stray.” Kate glared at him. “I didn’t need to be taken in. Molly and I have been doing fine on our own.”

      He shifted in the driver’s seat. “I didn’t mean that like it sounded.”

      “And how did you mean it?” She wasn’t letting him off the hook that easily.

      “I just worry. My aunt has a history of taking in the wrong sort of people—people that take advantage of her naïveté. If you hadn’t noticed, my aunt goes through life with rose-colored glasses on. She can’t or won’t see the bad in people.”


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