Path To War. Don Pendleton
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Bolan fired two rounds toward the terrorist’s head
“You’re insane!” Kairoush shouted.
“I’ve never been more stone-cold. The next ones are for real,” the Executioner vowed. “I want to know about the North Koreans. I want to know where the backpack nuke is, or how I can get to it. Or I shoot to kill.”
“I will talk!”
And he did, spinning a tale so sordid its magnitude was difficult to absorb. Bolan was turning toward Dawkins when autofire rang out, the soldier flinching as he glimpsed a ragged line of holes dancing across the terrorist’s chest.
Black-clad, armored storm troops surged into the warehouse.
“Freeze! Lose the guns!”
Bolan found himself staring at Commander Tachjine, the muzzle of the Moroccan’s machine gun pointed at his chest.
Other titles available in this series:
Blood Strike
Stalk Line
Omega Game
Shock Tactic
Precision Kill
Jungle Law
Dead Center
Tooth and Claw
Thermal Strike
Day of the Vulture
Flames of Wrath
High Aggression
Code of Bushido
Terror Spin
Judgment in Stone
Rage for Justice
Rebels and Hostiles
Ultimate Game
Blood Feud
Renegade Force
Cloud of Death
Termination Point
Hellfire Strike
Code of Conflict
Executive Action
Storm Front
War Season
Evil Alliance
Scorched Earth
Destiny’s Hour
Power of the Lance
A Dying Evil
Deep Treachery
War Load
Sworn Enemies
Dark Truth
Blood and Sand
Strike and Retrieve
Age of War
Line of Control
Pressure Point
Silent Running
Stolen Arrows
Zero Option
Predator Paradise
Circle of Deception
Devil’s Bargain
False Front
Lethal Tribute
Season of Slaughter
Point of Betrayal
Ballistic Force
Survival Reflex
Path to War
Mack Bolan®
Don Pendleton
Do not seek evil gains; evil gains are the equivalent of disaster.
c.700 B.C.
Man makes his own choices. He chooses to either travel the righteous path, or to go the way of Animal Man. Without punishment for conscious and willful evil acts, Animal Man wins. My job is to level the playing field.
—Mack Bolan
To the unswerving dedication of the men and women of the Department of Justice