Valentine's Day. Nicola Marsh

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been married, for heaven’s sake! She knew what it was like to have a man in her bed.

      But not this man. Oh, my!

      She wasn’t going to answer his provocative question. She had to think of something else, quick. Something to break the mood and put an end to this.

      “I’ve been up for hours,” she lied shamelessly. “I’ve got a life, you know. Things to do. Places to go.”

      “And you’d like to get back to it,” he said softly, taking the hint. He sighed. “All right, Cari. I’ll let you go.”

      Her fingers were so tight on the receiver, they were beginning to ache. “Thanks.”

      “So that’s it, then.”

      She blinked, suddenly feeling almost weepy. “It seems to be.”

      “It was nice knowing you, Cari.”

      “Yes. Same here.” Now her eyes were definitely stinging. Ridiculous! “Goodbye.”


      She hung up, said a word she hardly ever said, and threw a stuffed animal against the wall.

      Cari was just finishing up a bowl of morning cereal when Mara called.

      “So,” said Mara brightly. “How was it?”

      “How was what?” Cari answered, her mind still stuck on mulling over her conversation with Max.

      “The date with Randy.”

      “Oh. Uh…” She grimaced, putting her spoon into the bowl and pushing it away across the counter. “Well, actually, we didn’t have it.”

      “What do you mean you didn’t have it? Don’t tell me you chickened out?”

      Mara’s voice was sharp with what was fast working into a sense of outrage. Cari tried to nip that in the bud.

      “No, Mara, I did not chicken out. I was there with bells on. And I waited for quite some time. But then…” She sighed. This really wasn’t all that easy to explain. “Well, I kind of went off with the wrong man.”

      “What?” There was still an edge to Mara’s voice. “How did you do that, exactly?”

      “Believe me, it was not that hard. Not when he came up carrying a red rose, just like you told me to do for Randy, and he seemed to call me by my name and…and…” She sighed. “It’s kind of hard to explain. Listen, I’ve got the lunch shift. I’ll swing by on my way to work. We’ll talk.”

      “I guess. Okay.”

      Mara sounded grumpy. Cari knew she was disappointed. She thought she’d planned the perfect date for a good friend and it had all gone wrong. Who wouldn’t be disappointed? And Mara had been so excited. She groaned internally. But she would take care of things when she stopped by her friend’s house. Face-to-face it might actually be possible to give her a better picture of exactly what had happened.

      “In the meantime, uh, do you have Randy’s number?”

      She was tempted to put it off for a while, but she steeled herself and called the man. Once she had him on the phone and explained who she was, he reacted well. Instead of demanding an explanation, he was apologetic that he’d been a little late.

      Which only made her feel more guilty. It was hard to explain why she’d dumped him for some suave Italian guy. There was no good excuse for it, actually. One look into Max’s deep dark eyes had mesmerized her and she’d been ready to follow him anywhere. But how could she tell Randy that?

      “Well, it was certainly an interesting evening,” he said. “I haven’t had many like that.”

      He sounded just as likable as Mara had said. She was impressed that he didn’t seem at all disgruntled. She had a quick flashback to how her husband, Brian, would have reacted to what had happened, and the memory of his volatile temper made her cringe.

      “Did you wait for long?”

      “Only for an hour or so.” He chuckled. “Actually, I met the woman who was supposed to be dating the man you ran off with.”

      “Ran off with” seemed a bit harsh, but she let it go. After all, the man deserved a little dig here and there, didn’t he? He’d paid his dues.

      “Oh. C.J.?”

      “Celinia Jade. Do you know her?”

      “No, I don’t, but Max told me something about her.”

      “Well, she’s somethin’ else.”

      His voice conveyed a sense of awe. Cari tensed a bit.

      “Is she?”

      “Oh, yeah. She’s dynamite.”

      For some reason, that didn’t make her smile. She chewed on her lip and wondered if Max was going to be as impressed with the woman once they got together. But what did that matter, anyway? Grimacing, she avoided the impulse to slap herself.

      “We were both wandering around with red roses,” Randy went on. “So we started talking. It didn’t take us long to figure out what must have happened. So we hung out for a while, sort of commiserated, so to speak.” He chuckled again. “She had some funny stories to tell. That passed the time for a while. But when y’all didn’t come back, we called it a night and headed home.”

      She nodded. It sounded like he’d enjoyed the evening with C.J. as much as he might have with her. Maybe more. She frowned at the trend in her own thoughts.

      “So it wasn’t a total waste,” she said quickly.

      “Oh, no, not at all.”

      “Well, would you like to try it again tonight?” she said, knowing she pretty much had to suggest it. “I sort of promised Mara I would.”

      “I guess we both promised Mara, didn’t we?”

      “She can be persuasive.”

      “Oh, yes.” He chuckled again. He seemed a happy sort. “Let’s do it,” he agreed. “Only this time, why don’t I pick you up at your place? I’m not sure that red rose thing works very well.”

      She hesitated. The rationale for meeting at the club had been to avoid letting a strange man know where she lived. She was wary these days. She didn’t want to risk any man getting the upper hand in a relationship. But he seemed so genuinely nice, she decided it wouldn’t hurt to give him her address.

      Maybe all would go great. Maybe she and Randy would get along so well, the crazy night with Max would be forgotten, a relic of history, a strange interlude in what she was hoping to turn into a sensible, placid life. Maybe.

      Max was restless. He’d spent the afternoon hovering over the nanny, second-guessing everything she did. She’d snapped at him once, and he’d almost fired her. But he’d quickly realized that he had no replacement lined up. If she left,

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