With This Fling. Jeanie London
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“Which house?” he yelled over the roar of the engine when he’d turned onto her street.
She directed him down several blocks then into the driveway of a mansion, only dimly lit in the glow of antique ironwork post lamps. Mac took in the pristine white facade, the huge classical pillars of the portico, tried to see if the mansion had been divided into apartments—the unfortunate fate of so many Garden District homes.
“Let me off,” she said, and he brought the bike to a stop in the driveway. “I’ll get the garage door.”
She slipped off and headed up the drive unsteadily. He walked the bike behind her, prepared to catch her if she went down. He parked beside two high-ticket sedans, neither of which were Harley’s cars. Plucking the helmet from her, he strapped it to the tail bar.
“Can you call someone to pick you up?” she asked.
He glanced at his watch, but couldn’t make out the time in the dark. “Don’t you want to invite me inside?”
“I’d rather you didn’t even know where I live.”
“Getting to know each other will help us get along.”
“Or make us dislike each other more.” Her bravado was slipping around the edges and he took the opportunity to wrap his arm around her shoulder and steer her out of the garage.
“That way.” She motioned to a flagstone walkway leading away from the house.
Clouds separated, allowing moonlight to illuminate the neat lawn and a sizable cottage on the north corner of the property that had likely begun life as a guest house.
He helped her up the steps and waited while she fished through her purse for keys. After unlocking the door, she flipped on the porch light and he glimpsed the interior, an open floor plan, sparsely decorated and very neat. He recognized the lines of antebellum architecture and the gleam of wooden floors.
“Are you going to call a cab?” She swayed slightly before leaning against the doorjamb for support.
“Are you okay?”
A beat of silence passed before she admitted, “I don’t usually drink.”
Opportunity knocked again and Mac didn’t hesitate. He scooped her into his arms and kicked the door shut.
“Hang on or I’ll drop you. You’re heavier than you look.”
She made an unladylike grunt but did as he asked, wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. He navigated through the cottage easily in the darkness and found her bedroom off the living room. He reached for the light switch but she grabbed his hand.
“No light.”
“You want the bathroom instead of the bed?” He’d already passed one but saw another doorway across the room that might lead to a private bath.
“No. My head is swimming. The bed.”
He’d been fantasizing about hearing those words and it figured that when she finally said them she wouldn’t mean them.
But he enjoyed the feel of her in his arms and took the opportunity to observe her inner sanctum. For a woman who made weapons and leather a fashion statement, her bedroom was surprisingly feminine. Tester bed with a lace canopy and a surplus of equally lacy pillows tossed over the matching comforter. Floral wallcovering. Filmy sheers on the windows.
So there was a real woman behind the shields. Wasn’t Harley just full of surprises?
Depositing her gently on the bed, he watched her curl up and close her eyes.
“Come on. Off with the jacket.” He lifted a boneless arm and tugged off the sleeve. She didn’t resist until he tried to move her to get at the other.
“Leave me alone,” she insisted. “Just let me sleep.”
“After I get some of these clothes off you.”
“You wish.” She gave another of those unladylike snorts, her sarcasm firmly in place.
“No surprise there. Now come on, give me the gun. You can’t sleep with it digging into your back.”
“I can.”
“No, you can’t.” Sinking to the edge of the bed, Mac lifted her into his arms to strip the jacket away. The instant he brought her up against him, awareness kicked in. She was a nice armful, much more appealing than when she was attacking him during training.
She helped him by shrugging off the jacket and each brush of her bare arms sharpened his awareness that they were sitting on her bed, at night, with the promise of skin between them.
He drew a deep breath. Another.
After dropping her jacket on the foot of the bed, he unfastened the holster. More contact with skin as he followed the leather straps down her back, around her waist. She shifted against him, her breathing growing shallower. He knew she must be aware of his hands hovering just through her clothes, because when he started on her one-piece pantsuit, she tried to brush him away and said, “Don’t.”
“Shh.” He swept her hair away from the zipper. “I want to put you to bed so you can sleep comfortably.”
Alcohol dropped her shields more than he’d realized, because she didn’t resist. Or maybe she was just as paralyzed by awareness as he was, a sensation that had grown almost palpable.
Resting her face in the crook of his neck, she let him peel away her bodice. He eased the sleeves away one-handed, his blood heating dangerously when he realized she wasn’t wearing a stitch below. Not a bra. Not a camisole. Not a thing to hide all that creamy skin.
She gave a shuddering sigh as he eased her back against the pillows, gifting him with a view of her full breasts and blush-colored nipples, delicate shoulders and the contour of her graceful neck up close and personal.
Just where Mac had longed to be. He couldn’t ever remember being broadsided by the sight of a woman before, had never known the sort of anticipation that arced his body from zero to sixty in less than a heartbeat that throbbed so hard it hurt.
His hands actually shook when he maneuvered the leather over her hips and he revealed her sleek curves, her long, long legs with a reverence that was so entirely unfamiliar.
Her cream-colored thong came as a surprise for a woman who went braless and loved leather. Mac wasn’t sure what he’d expected, but the sight of that lacy scrap of silk wasn’t it. He had to force himself to keep dragging the pantsuit away because he so didn’t want this show to end.
“Why are you fighting me so hard, Harley?” he asked, his voice raw in the late-night quiet. “You can’t tell me you’re not attracted to me. I know you’re feeling what I do.”
He shouldn’t reveal so much.