Virtually Perfect. Samantha Hunter

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Virtually Perfect - Samantha Hunter Mills & Boon Blaze

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she was ready to go. “C’mon, c’mon!… There, good!”

      A few quick keystrokes and she was in. She looked at the list of players logged in, and his name was not there. Damn!

      She fell back against the cushions, closed her eyes, and let out a frustrated breath. It was only seven; it was early yet. She thought about the pizza, but wasn’t hungry now. She put a hand over her eyes. Was she crazy? Maybe it was better this way; maybe she had made the wrong decision. This could be her reprieve. Then she peeked through two fingers and sneaked a look at the screen, smiling widely.

      “Wake up, hot stuff. You beat me here. Your e-mail made my day.” I kiss you warmly.

      Raine watched the cursor blink, and felt as she typed that every line was rewriting her life in ways she couldn’t even imagine. She hoped it was for the better.

      I kiss you back.” You’re pretty easy to please.”

      “Generally. But you seem particularly good at it.”

      Raine held her breath, and typed, before she could change her mind.

      “We need to talk more about what we want out of this whole thing.”

      “Well, how can we know until we meet? Maybe nothing, maybe we end up married with five kids, who knows?”

      Raine felt her jaw tense, and responded bluntly.

      “You see, that’s it, Rider. I don’t want a house and five kids. I don’t want anyone pushing me. That is why I‘m not sure this is a good idea.”

      “Okay, well, I wasn’t proposing marriage there, just saying that we can’t possibly know what we want, or what this will be.”

      Raine pressed on, screwing up the courage to say what she really meant.

      “Yes, we can—we can say what we want it to be, we can say what we will do, and what we won’t—what things are possible, and what things are not. So there are no unreasonable expectations, and no one gets hurt.”

      “Okay, not getting hurt is good. So you want rules?”

      “I suppose…sort of. Yes.”

      “What rules do you want?”

      Raine considered, and typed slowly.

      “All right. First of all, maybe both or either of us may not be interested right away. At that point, maybe we have a nice dinner and part ways.”

      “Okay, I’d say that’s a given.”

      “And if we do like each other, if we are just as attracted as we are here, we can just let it be what it is—it doesn’t have to get weighed down with all the emotional baggage, promises of forever.”

      “Nilla, are you saying you only want to have a no-strings relationship?”

      “Are you saying that you wouldn’t be interested in that?”

      Jack sat back and thought. What was she offering him? No-strings sex if they hit it off? Or was she saying it could never lead to anything else? Something itched at the back of his mind, and he turned cautious.

      “Nilla, are you married? Or involved in some way that would keep you from having a committed relationship with me?”

      “Oh no…no! Geez, Rider, do you think women can’t pursue simple, uncomplicated lives? I am just saying, you and I can avoid messy emotional entanglements. Because we have met here, and we have already shared so much…I just think we should be clear about our expectations.”

      Jack considered that. He wasn’t in love with her, he knew that. But he was intrigued by her, and he thought there was more than sex going on between them. Less than love, more than sex. Something in between. That seemed to be what she wanted. He wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. He wasn’t looking for commitment, either, though he was open to the possibilities.

      “I think I understand. We can see if we are even attracted to each other, and go from there, gorgeous.”

      “You don’t know if I am gorgeous or not. I could look like a frog.”

      That had crossed his mind. He didn’t think so, but no matter what reptile, bird or fish she might resemble, if she could do half the things to him in real life that she could online, it would be worth finding out.

      “Mmm. I like frogs. Especially their legs. Very tasty.”

      “Well, then, I suppose we have to talk about this, set something up?”

      “I guess for starters, what is your real name, Nilla?”

      “Let’s not share too much here—we can find out names and those kinds of details when we meet. Tell me what you’ll wear, so I can recognize you. We can meet at a restaurant or something. Plus, I may bring a friend, if you don’t mind.”

      Jack felt a stab of disappointment, but realized she was going by the book, and he was glad for it. It was smarter not to share names just yet or share any physical details about herself. Anyone could easily locate you that way, or simply go about prying into your life.

      “Sounds good. I’m thirty-four, about six foot, one-ninety, and I’ll wear jeans, a brown leather jacket and a Red Sox cap. That’s pretty much what I wear everywhere. Friends are fine. Maybe I’ll bring one, too. Your turn.”

      Raine stared at the screen and felt her mouth go dry, her imagination filling in the rest of the details. So far, this was sounding very, very good. And he hadn’t balked at meeting in a public place, or with friends—that was a good sign. Then she laughed.

      “Okay, well. I just turned thirty-two last month. I don’t know what I’ll be wearing, but I’ll put a rose in my hair, so you’ll know me that way.”

      “When? Make it soon.”

      Raine smiled at the sexual intensity he could communicate in so few words, and began to feel a deep sense of anticipation soak into her, right to the bone.

      “Yes, soon. But I don’t even know where you live. Red Sox cap? Are you in the northeast?”

      “Yep, live north of Boston. On the coast, just below Gloucester.”

      Raine practically fell over in shock. They were neighbors! She’d figured he was in the same time zone because they were always online at the same times, but she hadn’t thought he would be that close. That could end up being either a very good—or a very bad—thing. For now she would go with it being good.

      “Hey, looks like we’re neighbors. I live in Salem, a bit of a drive, but not too far.”

      “Less than an hour’s drive. I commute to work every day, so that is no problem at all. I can leave now, be there by ten.”

      Raine felt her heart pound and almost told him to come.


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