Operation Blind Date. Justine Davis

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Operation Blind Date - Justine  Davis Mills & Boon Romantic Suspense

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finally left Laney’s side. Teague let out a long breath of relief. He’d been afraid there for a minute that—

      His thoughts were interrupted when the dog, instead of heading for the door, walked behind him and bumped—hard—against the back of his legs. Pushing him rather awkwardly toward Laney.


      The muttered phrase escaped Teague before he could stop it.

      “Something wrong?” Laney asked. “Hayley already paid the bill, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

      “I only wish it was that simple,” Teague said, staring down at Cutter, who seemed to realize he’d finally gotten the message. The dog walked back to Laney, sat this time, and looked back at Teague expectantly.

      “He seems restless,” she said. “He’s usually pretty laid-back with me.”

      Teague looked back at her. Her eyes were the color of cinnamon, he thought. He hadn’t noticed that before.

      “Laid-back? I’d have to see that to believe it,” Teague said wryly. Then, with a smothered sigh, he gave in to the inevitable. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

      “Nothing.” She had herself together now, and clearly wasn’t inclined to discuss whatever had been bothering her with a total stranger. He appreciated that, understood it, and normally would have let it end there.

      Except that when Cutter got involved, normal wasn’t a word that got used very often.

      Chapter 2

      Laney inwardly steadied herself. It wasn’t really a lie, she told herself. Not sharing personal pain with a total stranger wasn’t lying. Maybe denying anything was wrong was, but not pouring out her heart to a man she’d never met before was simply reasonable. Even if she was disposed to see him favorably because he worked with Hayley, whom she’d very quickly come to like a great deal.

      Now, Hayley’s fiancé, Quinn, was a man she’d found more than a little intimidating the one time she’d met him. But not this man, she thought. In fact, the easy smile, and the way he’d seemed so relieved when she’d refused to talk about the reason for her tears, made him seem much more approachable than his boss.

      Not that he wasn’t as attractive, just in a different way. He was a bit taller than she, enough to be appreciated given her own height of five-eight. He looked lean, fit and strong. His eyes were a light, clear blue, and went well with his sandy-brown hair. And besides the nice smile, he had an easy confidence she found appealing. She even liked his haircut, buzzed close on the sides, slightly longer on the top. Ex-military? she wondered. Navy was her first thought, this being a navy region, but army and air force bases weren’t far, either.

      Cutter nudged her hand again, stopping her musing and making her wonder how long she’d been standing there staring at him.

      “See, he knows it’s not ‘nothing,’” Teague said.

      It took her a moment to backtrack in her mind, she’d been so lost in her contemplation of the man before her. That was unlike her, and only added to her unsettled state.

      “No,” she admitted, “it’s not. It’s just not something you need to hear.” She reached down to stroke Cutter’s head once more. “See you next time, Cutter. Nice to meet you, Mr. Johnson.”

      She turned to head back to her office. And had to stop when Cutter darted in front of her, blocking her path. Startled, she couldn’t help but laugh.

      “Well, I’m flattered, sweet boy, but your mom’s probably missing you by now. You’d better go.”

      “He’s not going anywhere,” Teague said.

      Laney whirled around. In her state of mind, the words almost sounded ominous. But the man’s expression was so glum and resigned any thought of being in danger from him vanished quickly. She wasn’t sure what this man did—wasn’t sure exactly what Foxworth did, for that matter—but she was sure he wasn’t a threat.

      You thought that about Edward, too, she reminded herself, the thoughts flooding back, a painful contrast to the pleasant diversion of contemplating an attractive man. You thought he was harmless, safe to recommend to your best friend.

      “Don’t let me see an expression like that and then try to convince me that nothing’s wrong,” Teague said quietly. “I may not be as smart as Cutter, but I’m not blind.”

      She managed a laugh at the joke.

      “I mean it. He knows when people are in trouble.”

      “I’m not in trouble.” That much, at least, was true. She wasn’t the one in trouble. She was just to blame for it.

      Cutter sighed audibly. This time he got up and walked behind Laney, leaned into the back of her legs the same way he’d done to Teague moments ago, an action that had amused and puzzled her. The dog was, she noted, more gentle with her.

      She heard a wry chuckle from Teague and her gaze shot to his face.

      “Guess he figures I’m more stubborn or more stupid, so he has to push harder,” he said, his tone matching his expression.

      In spite of her worry, she smiled; she couldn’t help it.

      “Look, I know this sounds crazy, but he really does know. When people have a problem, I mean.”

      “I believe it. He’s a very perceptive animal. More than any I’ve ever known and I’ve known a few.”

      He seemed relieved that she accepted it. “It’s even more than that. He... It’s hard to explain. He’s like a mind reader, a strategist and an early warning system all in one. He’s one of our team now, and we’ve all come to trust him, rely on him even.”

      His praise of her favorite client warmed her; people who loved and respected dogs went quickly to the friend column in her book. One who realized how special Cutter was started near the top. But it was the phrase “early warning system” that made her blink.

      “What exactly is it that the Foxworth Foundation does?”

      “Hayley hasn’t told you?”

      “She said they help people. I assumed they were some sort of charitable operation.”

      “They are, when they need to be.” He seemed to hesitate, then asked, “Do you have another appointment?”

      “Just with my bookkeeping program.”

      He glanced at his watch, a heavy, military-looking thing with more dials than she could conceive of needing. Then he looked back at her.

      “I was about to go get him a pumpkin muffin next door.”

      She smiled. “He likes pumpkin muffins?”

      “I think he’d bite for one. But only the pumpkin. Hayley brings an assorted box in now and then, and that’s the only one he wants.”

      Laney laughed. It felt good after the morning’s grim thoughts.


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