Love one Another. Valerie Hansen
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She followed, as Zac took the boy’s hand and led him toward the door. Justin was dragging his feet and not looking at anyone, so she crouched down beside him as Zac paused to check the pupil list.
“It was very nice having you in my class, today, Justin,” she said amiably. “Tomorrow we’re going to paint, and play with the outside toys and have lots more fun.”
When the boy looked into her eyes, Tina was positive she saw a glimmer of fear. She gently stroked his bare arm to soothe him. “And then tomorrow, after school, your daddy will come for you again. Just like he did today.” Still not sure she was getting through to the little boy she added, “And I’ll be your special friend. If you want to keep me company while I walk around and do my job, you can be my helper, okay?”
“O-okay.” His voice was barely above a whisper. As soon as he spoke he looked up at his father for reassurance.
Tina, too, looked up. “I think you should tell Justin that it’s okay for me to be his friend,” she said. “He seems worried that you might not approve.”
“He doesn’t need a friend Ms….”
“It’s Braddock, remember? But call me Miss Tina. Everybody does. It simplifies things for the children.”
“All right. My son needs a teacher and a caretaker, Miss Tina. That’s why I brought him here. However, I don’t see how becoming emotionally involved will help you do a better job. Or help Justin adjust to the new routine.”
She blessed the little boy with a smile of encouragement before she straightened to face his father. The smile faded and her chin jutted out. “Everybody needs friends, Mr. Frazier. Even stubborn, hardheaded men like you, whether you choose to admit it or not.”
“Ah, I see. Are you volunteering?”
Tina didn’t like the self-satisfied expression on his face. Her eyes narrowed. “Why do I get the idea that’s a trick question?”
“Because it is. You aren’t the first single woman who’s figured she could get to me by befriending my son,” Zac said flatly. “And I’m sure you won’t be the last. I learned a long time ago that it was best for Justin if I put a stop to that kind of nonsense before it got started.”
“You think I’m pursuing you?”
“It’s pretty obvious.”
“Oh, really?” Righteous indignation rose. “Well, let me tell you something, mister. If I was interested in getting to know you on a personal level, which I am not, I’d have the backbone to come right out and say so, not hide my intentions at the expense of an innocent child.”
Zac was starting to smile for real. “Are you through?”
“No.” She pulled a pout. “But I think I’d better stop talking before I say too much.”
“Undoubtedly. I suspect I may have to rethink my conclusions about you.”
“I certainly hope so.”
“In that case, I apologize, Miss Tina.” He politely offered his hand. “If you want to be buddies with my son and can keep me out of the equation, then I certainly have no objection.”
That’s big of you, she thought cynically. For the boy’s sake she took Zac’s hand, intending to shake it merely to demonstrate harmony. It should have been a simple act. It wasn’t. The moment he grasped her fingers some serious complications arose. Tina felt a jolt of awareness zing up her arm and spread telltale warmth across her cheeks.
A barely coherent “Thanks” squeaked out of her suddenly tight, dry throat as she quickly withdrew from his touch. No wonder he’d had so much trouble with other women! The poor guy was unconsciously sending out the wrong kind of signals. At least, the ones she was picking up were wrong. Very wrong. Especially for her.
Zac cleared his throat. “So, what time can I bring Justin in the morning?”
“We open at eight. I’m usually here by a little after seven, if you want to drop him off early. You’ll need to knock. I keep the door locked when I’m here alone.” The cautious look returning to his eyes reminded her of the conversation they’d concluded a few moments before, so she clarified her statement. “I will not be waiting with baited breath for you to come in with him.”
Chuckling, he nodded and relaxed. “Okay, okay. I’m convinced. You’re not shopping for a husband.”
“You’ve got that right.”
“Mind telling me why not?”
Tina’s stomach tied in a hard knot. She did mind. A lot. But it wouldn’t do to say so and start an unnecessary discourse. She hadn’t even told her brother Craig, back home in California, what had convinced her to stay away from romance no matter what else happened. There was no way she was going to explain that kind of personal trauma to a stranger. Especially since her past history had been the obvious reason for at least one failed relationship.
“It’s not relevant,” Tina said, choking back any sign of emotion. “Let’s just say I’m perfectly happy with my life as it is. I live in a great town, and having these wonderful kids around me all the time blesses my socks off.”
“Ah, so you’re happy with the status quo. Me, too. Too bad the rest of the world doesn’t understand that, isn’t it?”
“Do eligible women really chase you around all the time?” she asked, baiting him on purpose to take his focus off her life and put it back on his.
“Yes.” Zac laughed softly. “Actually, that was one of the reasons I decided I needed to move to this tiny corner of Arkansas. My friends meant well, but they were fixing me up with dates so often they were driving me crazy.”
“My boss, Mavis Martin, is like that.” Tina pointed to an adjoining room. “She takes care of the littlest babies over there in our nursery. She means well, too, but sometimes…”
“Don’t be too hard on her. She probably wants to make sure you’re not lonely.” Zac paused, thoughtful. “In my case, Justin and I are doing fine as we are. We’re a team.” He glanced down at the boy and tousled his hair again. “Aren’t we, buddy? Well, tell Miss Tina goodbye for now. You’ll see her again in the morning.”
Crouching to be on the boy’s level, she touched his free hand and smiled with fondness. “Bye, Justin. I’ll see you soon.”
For an instant the boy leaned her way, and she thought he was going to break down and hug her. Instead, he whispered, “Bye,” and hurried to keep up with his daddy as Zac started for the door.
Tina’s heart went out to the child. Zac Frazier might be a whiz at understanding the older kids he worked with, but he had a long way to go before he met all the emotional needs of his four-year-old son. Somebody was going to have to show him the error of his ways soon, or the boy was likely to carry the scars of the lack of physical closeness all his life.
It was painfully