Deadly Intent. Valerie Parv
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“You could be happy here again,” she persisted. “The other boys will be pleased when they find out the truth about your activities.”
“They won’t find out because you aren’t going to tell them,” Ryan snapped, beyond caring that he was projecting his own past hurts into his voice. He regretted it when he saw Judy recoil. “The fewer people who know what I do, the more effectively I can do my job,” he said more gently.
He saw her master her hurt with an effort. “At least I know now why you think you can get that file back from Max.”
“Let’s say I’ve had a bit of practice at this sort of work.” He shifted so his face was half in shadow. “I want you to arrange a date with lover boy.”
Her chin came up and her eyes glinted with shock. “You want me to go out with him?”
He shook his head. “Believe me, I’d rather swim with crocodiles, but I’ll need you to lure him away from his house so I can go through his office.”
“Don’t you need warrants to do stuff like that?”
“Not if I’m there legitimately. Eddy’s death left Max shorthanded. We’re going to convince him to hire me, then I’ll do my investigator thing while he’s whispering sweet nothings in your ear.”
When he saw a shudder take her, he felt gratified. He hated throwing her to this particular wolf, but he couldn’t think of a better way to keep their target out of the way while he turned over Max’s place. “Just don’t let him get too close.”
“You will be careful, won’t you? I don’t want anyone else getting hurt.”
He stroked her hair lightly. “Who are you worried about, Max or me?”
Before she could answer, her cell phone chimed in the background. She hurried back inside and retrieved the phone from her bag in time to take the call.
Hoping it wasn’t Max, Ryan found himself following her. He should probably give her privacy but if it was the other man, Ryan knew he’d have to find a way to cut the call short. The thought of her dating that sleazy character was almost more than he could tolerate. Maybe they’d all get lucky and Max would be eaten by a crocodile before she had to see the man again.
“Is he going to be all right?” Ryan heard her say into the phone. His senses sharpened. “I’ll be there as soon as I can,” she said and ended the call.
“Your father?” he asked.
She nodded, so pale he ached to take her in his arms, but her body language negated the idea. “At dinner he complained of chest pains and difficulty breathing. Cade’s taken him to the hospital in Halls Creek.”
“I didn’t think they had cardiac services in a four-bed hospital. Shouldn’t he be airlifted to Perth?”
Her hand went to her hair and she pushed it back, a trick of hers when she was nervous, he’d noticed. “They’re arranging for the Flying Doctor to evacuate him, but he needs to be stabilized before he goes anywhere. He’ll be at Halls Creek for at least a couple more hours.”
He picked up his car keys. “Let’s go.”
“We’ll be quicker in the Cessna.”
His glance inventoried her pale features and shaking hands. “You aren’t in any condition to fly anywhere.”
“Maybe not, but I’m going to anyway. You don’t have to come.”
Stopped in his tracks, he said, “Would you rather I didn’t?”
Her faltering smile and slight shake of her head was the answer he needed. He swept up her bag and his jacket in one hand, and her in the other. Holding her close at his side, he walked her out to the car. “Forget the Cessna. I’ll drive you there. By the time you do your preflight, take off and land, and get from the airport to the hospital, you won’t get there much faster.”
“How long do you plan to stick around?”
Ryan brushed her lips with his then opened the car door for her. “Consider me glued to your side from now until we find your diamond mine.”
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