Big Sky Cowboy. Linda Ford
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“It’s mostly that he’s a Caldwell and wants to own everything on this side of the river,” Cora commented.
She turned her gaze from the trail of dust kicked up by the cowboys’ retreating horses and looked at him. Her dark eyes flashed with anger. “Maybe they saw you and thought we’d hired a guard.”
His plans did not include being a bodyguard to anyone. Except wasn’t that what he’d been for Lonnie? And continued to be?
But neither would he stand by and watch a bunch of cowboys bully the Bells. Not just because they had been kind to him, though that was reason enough, but because he would never stand by while people were pushed around for no reason. People could be pushed too far. He’d seen that with Lonnie and vowed to never again stand by and not take action. It had been the reason he’d stood up to Jimmy Stone. While he was here waiting for Fanny to foal, he’d keep his eyes open to any sort of trouble.
Cora turned and stepped away from the river. “I need to get at my chores.”
He followed her. They reached the edge of the garden and she stopped.
“Is there anything you need?” she asked.
“No, thanks. I enjoyed the tour of your farm.”
She met his eyes and smiled, and he was struck by the friendliness of her look. Her brown eyes were bottomless, as if she had nothing to hide.
Of course she didn’t. She’d been open with him.
He jerked his gaze past her lest she see the vast ocean of secrets he hid, and must always hide, if he and Lonnie hoped to have any chance of starting over.
“I need to get back to Lonnie,” he mumbled, and trotted away. His mind whirled with so many things—the beauty of the well-developed little farm and the endless land and the look on the face of that Caldwell cowboy, but mostly Cora’s pride in who she was and her fear at the approach of those riders.
It wasn’t right that this idyllic home should be marred by bullying cowboys. Cora had been kind to him from the start and he wanted to do something to show his gratitude.
He passed the partially constructed barn. Did they have neighbors or friends who were going to help finish it?
Seeing the building gave him an idea. A way he could repay the Bell’s kindness and watch the Caldwell cowboys. He’d offer to work on the barn.
He’d talk to Mr. Bell about it as soon as he’d checked on Lonnie.
* * *
“Cora, our prayers have been answered,” Pa said to her later that morning.
She straightened from hilling the potato plants and tried to think which prayer he meant.
The one for good weather? Well, seemed they had that to be grateful for.
Enough rain and sunshine to promise a bountiful crop? Again, it seemed that prayer had been generously answered. Thank You, God.
Or did he mean the one about protecting them from the mischief of the Caldwell cowboys?
Or perhaps the one he and Ma made no attempt to hide—to provide good, Christian husbands for the three girls and to give them many grandchildren while they were young enough to enjoy them. She grinned as she thought of that prayer. Then her amusement fled. They’d actually thanked God when Evan had ridden off.
“He wasn’t the man for you,” Pa had said.
Ma had hugged Cora. “You’ll see it’s true, once you get over being hurt.”
Cora knew they were right. It was her pride that was hurt more than her heart.
“Which prayer is that, Pa?”
“The one asking for someone to help finish the barn.”
She jerked to full attention and glanced around. “Someone came in answer to my advertisement? Guess Mr. Frank was wrong.” She wondered who was prepared to ignore the Caldwells’ displeasure, but saw no one and returned her attention to Pa.
“In answer to our prayers, not your notice.”
“What do you mean?”
“He didn’t see the notice.”
Cora shook her head as if doing so would make her understand what Pa was talking about. “Who?”
“Wyatt, of course.”
“Wyatt?” She’d been thinking about it all morning—weighing the pros and cons, mentally listing what she knew about him against what she didn’t know—and she still wasn’t ready to take a chance on him, lest he be hiding something that would bring danger into their lives. “But, Pa, what do we know about him?”
“What do we need to know except he’s big and strong and willing to help?”
“Indeed.” Except maybe where he was from and where he was going and what was in between the past and the future. Wyatt Williams made her want to know all his secrets.
“When’s he planning to start?”
“I said you’d tell him what to do.”
She was glad Pa didn’t want to climb up the ladder and show Wyatt what to do, but she glanced at the potatoes yet to hill, then over to the barn. She couldn’t be in two places at the same time. Rose and Lilly were helping Ma can peas and make rhubarb preserves. She sighed and took the hoe to the shed.
Grub stirred himself from the cool garden soil and ambled after her. Despite her frustration, she smiled as she looked at his grin. Something she’d not really noticed until Wyatt pointed it out.
Maybe working with the newcomer wouldn’t be so bad.
She patted Grub’s head. “Are you coming with me to find him?”
Grub wriggled so hard his hind legs got ahead of him and he almost tumbled into a tangle.
Cora laughed and patted his head again, then turned toward the river and the place where Wyatt and Lonnie camped.
“You looking for me?”
She cranked her head around, feeling about as awkward as Grub.
Wyatt leaned against the corner of the bare barn walls, so relaxed and at ease it made her want to suggest they forget work and go for a walk. But he wasn’t here to waste time and neither was she.
“Pa said you offered to help build the barn.”
“Yes, in exchange for feed for my horses and some supplies for Lonnie and me, and he agreed.”
“I’m glad to have some help.” She stopped a few feet from the building and studied it. “We