The Man From Montana. Mary J. Forbes

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The Man From Montana - Mary J. Forbes Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish

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wind the wipers scraped up in narrow, inch-high drifts on each side of the windshield.

      Ahead, the road lay in stainless splendor while behind, the car left a single pair of tracks. Beyond the barbed wire fences, field and hill faded to a duvet of white.

      She’d be seeing him again. Ash McKee. You’re not there for him, Rachel. It’s the guesthouse, remember? And Tom.

      Still, her heart quickened. She had to admit Ash was an attractive man—in a cowboy sort of way.

      “Are we there yet?” Charlie fisted fog off his window.

      “Five minutes, honey bun. After the turn ahead, we’ll be there.”

      He sat straighter, trying to peer over the passenger seat, his eyes round blue discs behind his glasses. “I can’t see.”

      “Trust me, it isn’t far. Warm enough back there?”

      “Uh-huh.” He settled back and began vrooming his red Hot Wheels Corvette across his little thighs. The car had been one of her presents on his sixth birthday and his favorite, it seemed. Rarely did the toy escape his sight. Her little man, no different than most little boys his age and no different than an adult male salivating over the real machine.

      You lost out, Floyd. You lost out when you walked away from our baby.

      “Are we going to be living on a ranch with horses and cows and stuff?” Charlie asked.

      “If Mr. McKee will rent his guesthouse to us.”

      “I don’t like living in that motel. It stinks.”

      “Can’t agree with you more, champ. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that Mr. Ash will say yes.”

      More vrooming. “Is he the guy for your soldier story?”

      She glanced into the rearview mirror. “His daddy is. Which might cause a problem when it comes to renting from him.”


      “Because Mr. Tom might not want me on his property when he finds out I also want to interview him.”

      Another quarter mile passed. Charlie vroomed, then said, “Maybe he has nightmares about wars like Grandpa.”

      Her jaw fell. “How do you know that?” Bill Brant would die before he admitted any weakness to his daughter.

      “Sometimes he sleeps in the chair. Y’know that one that goes back like a bed? And once he started hollering about killing somebody. I think the guy had a gun.”

      “That doesn’t mean he was dreaming about war, Charlie. Sometimes people dream about violence.”

      “I asked him when he got awake. I asked him what a gook was.”

      She cringed at the ancient epithet. “Son, that’s a very unkind word. Did Grandpa explain it to you?” Unbelievable.

      “Well, kinda. And then he said I shouldn’t make up stories.”

      She squinted into the mirror. “Were you?”

      A hard head shake. “Grandpa was snoring, then he started yelling. And making faces like he was hurt or something.”

      She kept her hands steady on the wheel. “When was that?”

      “Last time we went to visit in the summer.”

      Last August. They’d traveled to the coast of Maryland and stayed in the vacation cottage her father purchased fifteen years ago. Rachel loved the ocean—its smells and sounds, how the salt breeze tasted.

      “Is that the only time he talked in his sleep?” She slowed for the last turn as the Flying Bar T came into view—and fancied Ash McKee thundering up the road on his Crusader steed.

      “Uh-huh. He never slept in the chair again.”

      Of course he wouldn’t. Not with an alert, intelligent little boy within hearing distance.

      The weathered two-story Craftsman home she’d glimpsed over the backs of the cattle last Wednesday now loomed through the snow.

      Driving closer, she noticed the house inhabited a timbered horseshoe with the corrals and outbuildings, including three massive barns, scattered several hundred yards westward. Today’s snowfall hid the Rockies from sight, but four days ago their great, hulking, cotton-capped shoulders were cloaked in a mantle of blue sky.

      Ash McKee lived amidst poster-inspiring beauty.

      Not Ash. Tom. She was here for Tom. And Charlie.

      The black-and-white herding dogs rushed out from under the porch as she pulled up beside the green pickup Ash drove to town.

      “Will they bite, Mom?” Charlie’s voice trembled.

      “I don’t think so. They’re border collies and like to herd sheep and cows. They’re not mean.” She hoped. But who knew how Ash McKee trained his animals? The warhorse had ground at its bridle bit with long, strong teeth.

      She shut off the car, grabbed her purse. Today she simply wanted introductions. No note taking. No pushy reporter manners. Just smiles and a possible welcome to rent.

      “Come on. Let’s see if Mr. McKee is home.”

      Snowflakes speckled her wool coat and Charlie’s blond hair. Cautious of the dogs, Rachel walked with her son up the steps next to a wheelchair ramp. The animals crept back under the wooden deck. So much for guarding the place. Quite possibly Ash, himself, had the watchdog scenario in hand.

      The door swung open. The eager high school columnist and Ash’s companion from last Wednesday offered a smile full of braces. “Hey, Ms. Brant.” She winked when she spotted Charlie.

      The boy ducked shyly behind Rachel.

      “Hello, Daisy.”

      Petite and red-haired, the teenager wore low-rise jeans and a bust-fitting knit top that exposed her navel. If Rachel had a daughter her age, such revealing clothes would not enter her closet. Oh, who was she kidding? Fifteen years ago, she wore tight tops and leggings, much to Bill Brant’s irritation. In the succeeding years, her tastes had tempered to conservatism, like the warm black dress slacks and aqua sweater she’d dug from the motel closet this morning. Bill would label the clothes plain classy, pun intended.

      “I’m here to see your dad and your grandfather.”

      “I know.” Daisy leaned forward and whispered, “Dad doesn’t know about my column, okay?”

      Before Rachel could respond, Ash McKee stepped into the entryway. His dark eyes locked on her, then swept over Charlie. “Bringing reinforcements?”

      Without the Stetson, she saw he had beautiful hair. Thick and black and linear and scraped back in a style that pronounced his weather-toughened cheekbones, his long, graceful nose.

      “Hello again, Ash.” She set a hand on her child for comfort. “This is my son, Charlie.

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