Private Investigations. Tori Carrington

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Private Investigations - Tori Carrington Mills & Boon Temptation

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at least she wanted to make it appear as though she had.

      Joe stalked to the balcony and pulled first the curtains, then the doors open wide. He looked from the left to the right then strode toward what would be Ripley’s balcony. He hiked his brows up. There was a good two feet between the railings, and a two-story drop. Had she really climbed over, naked, last night?

      The question was, was he ready to climb across, fully clothed, in the light of day?

      He gripped the railing and looked over the side. An Olympic-size pool sat in a courtyard surrounded by trees. People milled about, but no one seemed to notice the man staring down at them. All it would have taken was one glance and he’d have scrapped any idea of climbing over. He’d been athletic throughout high school and college. Heights were the only thing that had ever gotten to him.

      He gritted his teeth and tried to see into her balcony doors, which wasn’t going to work from this vantage point. So much for that idea.

      The only way to do something difficult was just to do it.

      He gripped the railing tightly and vaulted to the other balcony then stood straight up, brushing his hands together in a show of great pride. Hey, what do you know? It hadn’t been half as difficult as he’d thought it would be.

      He stepped to the balcony door, expecting to find it locked. Instead, it slid easily open.

      Damn. Not a good sign. If Ripley was in there, he highly doubted she’d left the balcony doors unlocked.

      The white filmy curtain sheers billowed out and hit him in the face. He yanked them out of the way. The bedroom was just a little too quiet for his liking. Then again, Ripley might have hightailed it out of the hotel altogether the instant after they’d hung up earlier. Maybe she’d gone to the police, as his note to her suggested.

      Yeah, right.

      He hesitantly stepped inside, not knowing what to expect. At least he was fairly sure The Three Stooges couldn’t have beat him to the hotel. Then again, who was to say that there were only the three of them?

      He grimaced and looked around the bedroom for any sign that Ripley might still be there.

      Well, at least the fact that she wasn’t a neat freak was reassuring. Whereas she’d straightened up his room, this place was a mess. In the bathroom he made out discarded clothes on the floor. If he stood staring at the red lacy bikini underwear a little longer than he should have, he wasn’t going to admit it. He crossed into the living room where a room service tray sat, not a crumb in sight to indicate what it had held. He stepped to it and smiled. The girl had an appetite, he’d give her that much. He leaned beyond the tray to the table. Papers were strewn across it. He frowned. He was fairly certain they were her papers. But had she left them there the night before, or had she been in the room recently?

      He backtracked to the bedroom and stood silently in the doorway, gripping the doorjamb speculatively. The closet door was open, revealing no one was in there. The shower curtain was wide, showing an empty tub. He rubbed his chin, then crossed to the bed. Reaching blindly underneath, he groped around a bit. He heard a gasp at the same time his fingers wrapped around a warm, slender ankle. He gave a good tug, and Ripley Logan lay staring at him as if she expected Jack the Ripper.

      He grinned.

      RIPLEY KICKED at Joe’s shins, muttering every last curse word she’d ever learned, heard or sounded like it fit the occasion. “For God’s sake, Pruitt, why didn’t you say anything when you came in here? I thought you were one of them.”

      She got to her feet and stood glaring at him, completely humiliated at having been caught skulking under the hotel room bed. And given his expression, she didn’t think he was going to make it any easier on her.

      “Don’t tell me. Rule number two in the P.I.’s handbook. If you hear an intruder, hide under the bed.”

      She told him to do something that was physically impossible then strode toward the living area. Yes, this might be her first case. And yes, she was probably making a first-class mess of it. But that didn’t mean she had to put up with Joe’s wiseass remarks at every misstep.

      “Where’s your gun?” he asked, following her.

      She lifted the lid that had kept her eggs warm and snatched the 9mm. She’d put it there thinking that if she was interrupted during breakfast, it would be close at hand.

      Of course, the minute she’d needed it, she’d forgotten it. Out of sight, out of mind, or so the saying went. She took some pride in that the clip was firmly in place. At least this time it had been loaded. She chose to ignore the rest for the time being.

      “What are you doing here, anyway?” she asked as she swung around.

      “Whoa, there.”

      Ripley found him standing closer than she thought he would be, and the muzzle of the gun nearly pressed against his solar plexus. He carefully pushed the gun and her hand aside.

      “Don’t worry. It’s on safety,” she told him.

      “Tell me why that doesn’t make me feel any better.”

      She smiled at him. She’d forgotten how enticingly handsome he was. Her gaze caught on his mouth, and she leisurely licked her lips.



      “Don’t look at me that way.” She watched a swallow work its way down his throat. “You might not like what happens as a result.”

      For all intents and purposes last night marked their first kiss. But given the circumstances, Ripley hadn’t enjoyed it to the extent she would have normally. Gunmen probably had that effect on a woman. But right here, right now, there was nothing to stop her from thoroughly exploring Joe’s smart, sexy mouth. She stepped forward, her gaze firmly on his lips. He caught her by the shoulders.

      “Sorry, Ripley. Some men might find a woman with a gun attractive. Me? Frankly, it scares the shit out of me.”

      She realized she still held the 9mm in her right hand and sighed. “Party pooper.”

      His grin could have coaxed seedlings into full-grown plants. “You had your chance last night.”

      “Last night I didn’t know you.”

      “You don’t know me all that much better now.”

      She twisted her lips to rid them of the itching. “Maybe. Maybe not.”

      He glanced at his watch. “And of course you would pick now to change your mind.”

      “Of course.”

      He sighed. “I’m supposed to be in a meeting right now. A very important meeting that could have a very important impact on my company.”

      “Uh-huh.” She could tell by the way his gaze kept drifting to the front of her T-shirt and her mouth that the idea of her kissing him was looking better by the second. She leaned in until their lips were almost touching.

      “Which, um, brings me to the reason I’m here,”

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