A Baby For Lord Roderick. Emily Dalton
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Doug, still rooted to the spot, dragged a hand through his thick blond hair, his expression part disbelief and part grim fury. “Hell, Allie…who could have done this?”
Allie shook her head. “I don’t know. I thought I knew everyone who’s pregnant around here and I can’t imagine any one of them doing such a thing. Besides, if you’re pregnant, then suddenly you’re not, people are going to wonder what happened to the baby. It would have been a noticeable pregnancy, too, because this baby looks full term.”
“Well, whoever it was deserves to be strung up…or thrown naked into the same Dumpster on a night like this. Hopefully there’ll be plenty of evidence at the station that will help us find the mother.”
“Well, get me the bottle, so you can go,” Allie said. “I’d ask Lord Roderick, but he doesn’t know how to get around the house like you do.”
Doug flicked a surprised glance at Liam, obviously recognizing the famous name. The name was even more famous in Annabella than it was in other more sophisticated parts of the world—or perhaps it would be more correct to say “infamous.” Liam’s grandmother had a history with the town that had become local lore. Hazarding her first direct look at Liam since her reprimand, she saw, and thought she understood, his grimace. He hated being recognized.
“Doug…?” Allie prompted.
Doug left the room. Liam gave Bea another reassuring pat before walking back to stand next to Allie. “You should have let him go,” he said. “I think I could have found the kitchen if I’d tried. England’s another country, not another planet.” After an infinitesimal pause, he added, “Or maybe, because of my title, you don’t think I’ve ever been inside a kitchen?”
Allie looked up at him, surprised. “Believe me, I haven’t given any thought to what rooms you may or may not frequent, Lord Roderick. Why are you being so touchy? I know you’re stressed out over this. We all are. I didn’t mean to insult you…even though you don’t seem to mind insulting me.”
He looked equally surprised. “When did I insult you?”
“You didn’t think I knew what I was doing and was worried that I was going to—” she lowered her voice “—let the baby die.”
“No. No,” he objected. “It’s not that I thought you didn’t know what you were doing. It’s just that he’s so small, and he was so cold and so—” He stopped abruptly and shook his head, his disapproving scowl replaced by a more appropriate look—in Allie’s opinion—of sober concern. “Never mind. I’m sorry if I’ve been rude. But do you think a bottle is enough? Why not do an IV just to be sure?”
Softened by his apology, Allie altered her tone and answered patiently. “Despite what they show on all those hospital TV shows, starting an IV isn’t always the first thing a doctor does when a patient is brought in for emergency treatment, Lord Roderick.” She stooped to tuck the blanket around the baby and lift him gently into her arms. “I think we can—”
Her sentence trailed off as she absorbed the shock of an immediate, almost overwhelming surge of feeling for the child as she settled him against her chest and smiled down into his small face. He had the usual newborn look, complete with squinty eyes and a slightly misshapen head topped with sticky black hair.
Allie thought the baby was beautiful…cone-shaped head, squinty eyes and all. The feel of him, the welcome weight of him in her arms, was just like one of her dreams.
“You were saying, Doctor?”
Allie realized that Liam was staring at her, and his disapproving scowl was back. Caught feeling foolish and vulnerable as she drooled over her dream-baby, she tried to sound as professional as possible.
“As I was saying, I think we can stabilize this child without drugs or invasive procedures. His hypothermia is mild and he checks out normally in all other respects. He just needs to be wrapped up, snuggled in someone’s arms and given a warm bottle. If he’s too sluggish to suck, we’ll do an IV. Later, once his temperature’s risen sufficiently, we can put him in a warm bath and get that blood and gunk off him.”
Unable to resist the urge any longer, she threw her professional image to the wind and bent to lingeringly kiss the baby’s sticky forehead. “Poor little thing smells like the dump on a warm day,” she whispered.
Liam said nothing and Allie didn’t dare look at him. Besides, she was perfectly content looking at the baby.
Doug was back with the bottle. “I tested it, but you’d better test it, too.”
Allie agreed. Doug knew squat about babies and bottles. But to Allie’s surprise, the temperature of the formula was just right.
“It’s fine, Doug. Thanks.”
“Then I’ll be going.” He was already striding toward the door. He pointed a finger at Liam. “I’ll need to talk to you some more, so don’t leave town, Lord…er….”
Liam winced. “If you don’t mind, I’d rather you—all of you—weren’t so formal. My name is Liam, and I have no intention of leaving town for at least a month. Oh, and look by the rubbish bin…er…Dumpster…for a patchwork quilt like that one.” He motioned toward Allie and the baby. “He was wrapped in one very like it when I found him.”
Doug nodded briskly and left, allowing Liam to turn his full attention back to Allie and the baby. She wished his lordship would leave, too. She’d give anything to be alone with the baby so she could feed him and enjoy him without feeling watched and self-conscious. Certainly this unsmiling peer-of-the-realm would find something wrong with the way she was holding the bottle or question the wholesomeness of the formula brand.
Sure enough, just as she raised the bottle to the baby’s lips, Liam interrupted.
“Can I hold him and give him the bottle?”
“No, I need to monitor his response firsthand.”
Liam looked skeptical but backed away. He leaned his hips against the counter, crossed his arms over his chest and fixed his intense gaze on Allie and the baby. He may have backed off, but he was still staring at her.
Fortunately Bea’s imploring expression must have caught his attention. Looking contrite and concerned, Liam went to Bea, lifted her up and slipped into the chair, settling her comfortably in his lap.
Now both of them were staring at her.
“Shouldn’t you call your grandmother?” Allie asked on a sudden inspiration. “I’m sure Mary’s worried sick by now. There’s a phone on my desk in the next room.” She couldn’t resist adding, “Oh, and while you’re in there, please feel free to look over my medical credentials.”
Liam gave her a baleful look, which she answered with a guileless smile. He left, carrying Bea in his arms.
Allie finally had the baby to herself.
Smiling down at him, she observed that his color was already much better. Normal, in fact. Now, if she could just get him to take the bottle. But his eyes were closed. He might have fallen into an exhausted sleep.