Conspiracy Of Hearts. Helen Dickson
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‘Yes,’ replied the marquess, rearing up from the other side of the mare, startling Serena almost out of her wits. ‘I was impatient to see for myself your father’s splendid horses. I couldn’t sleep, anyway,’ he said, almost as an afterthought, as he ran practised hands over the horse he was inspecting.
Disappointed that he had reached the stables ahead of her, Serena stood and calmly watched Lord Brodie examine the horse in silence. He stood back and looked at it from every angle, picking up a hoof and going on to examine its teeth with a thoroughness that did not surprise her. She sensed that everything the marquess did would be controlled, certain and sure. Distracted, she saw he had removed his doublet, and that his white silk shirt was open at the throat to reveal the strong muscles of his neck.
He had the supple body of an athlete, vigorous and arresting, and with his wicked smile and shoulder-length raven black hair—a rogue wave spilled over his brow and shone like glass in the lantern light—Serena thought he would have made the most handsome pirate. His tight hose detailed his narrow hips and tautly muscled buttocks, bringing a flush to her maidenly cheeks.
Satisified, Kit slapped the horse’s flank, nodding for the lad holding it to take it back to its stall, before giving Serena his full attention. Observing the soft flush on her cheeks, he raised a questioning eyebrow and studied her for a long, drawn-out moment. A slow smile curved his lips. The sparkle in his eyes gradually evolved into a rakish gleam, and Serena’s flush deepened. She had no way of discerning the workings of Lord Brodie’s mind or where his imagination wandered.
‘I’m sorry to have dragged you from your bed at such an early hour,’ Kit said, his gaze unyielding. There was a suave, almost teasing note in his voice.
Collecting her crumbling poise and wanting to shatter his cocksure arrogance, Serena gave him a steely flash from her green eyes. ‘You didn’t,’ she replied curtly. Looking at him with a stilted coolness, she tried to overcome the resentment she felt, although why she should feel such antipathy towards him when he had rescued her from being brutally ravished by Thomas Blackwell confused her. ‘I’m in the habit of rising early to ride before breakfast. I’m sorry you had difficulty sleeping. The bed was comfortable, I hope.’
‘Perfect. It was the noise of the storm that kept me awake.’
‘And the horses? What do you think of them?’
‘Splendid,’ Kit replied, casting an appraising eye down the length of the stable. ‘Their reputation has not been exagerated. John has been helpful in showing me those which are available.’
‘And? Are you interested in purchasing any?’
‘There are three I have my eye on—good, strong mares. I have a stallion from a good strain, big and in his prime. I’m keen to breed off him, which is why I want only the finest mares. I’ll have a word with Sir Henry over breakfast.’ Retrieving his doublet which was draped over a stall, he thrust his arms into the sleeves. ‘Having decided to reserve my own horse for the hunt, I have taken the liberty of having one of the lads saddle your father’s horse—one he won’t be riding in the hunt, I’ve been told. You are up to riding in weather such as this, I hope,’ he said, throwing her a challenging look.
Serena bristled. ‘I never allow weather to put me off my ride.’
‘Shall I accompany you, Mistress Carberry?’ John inquired.
Much as she hated the idea of riding out alone with the marquess, Serena could see John was much too busy to leave the stables. ‘That won’t be necessary, John. I’m sure I shall be perfectly safe with Lord Brodie,’ she said, cracking the crop against her skirts and moving to the stall where her mare Polly was waiting.
On seeing her mistress, Polly responded by arching her neck and whickering gently. One of the lads led her out into the yard followed by another leading a huge stallion. It was Monarch, Sir Henry’s horse, black and as smooth as silk, with a long flowing mane and tail. Kit ran his hands over its quivering flanks.
‘He’s a splendid horse,’ he breathed admiringly.
‘Yes—my father’s. Andrew also rides him when…’ Serena faltered, biting her lip to stem the flow or words. She was usually so careful not to speak of her brother to strangers.
Kit looked at her with a keen eye. ‘Your brother! You can speak of him to me, Mistress Carberry. He is a priest, I believe.’
‘Yes,’ she replied crisply, looking away. ‘He’s in Italy at present.’
‘I know. Out of harm’s way.’
Stung by his remark even though it had been spoken lightly, and ever sensitive about her brother’s profession, Serena swung her head to look at him, on the defensive. Sparks of indignation flashed in her eyes, sorely incensed by what she thought Lord Brodie might be implying. ‘My brother is no coward, Lord Brodie.’
‘I did not imply that he was, and I hold nothing against him. I am merely saying that he would be wise to stay where he is. It’s no secret that Catholic priests are being hunted the length and breadth of the country and are dealt with most severely when caught.’
A deep pain entered Serena’s eyes, her expression suddenly one of anguish. ‘Do you think I don’t know that? Do you think I don’t know the fate that awaits my brother if he were to return to England? Which is why I hope and pray he remains in Rome. At least there I know he is safe.’
Towering over her, Kit’s lean, hard face bore no hint of humour or mockery. ‘I apologise if my words offended or distressed you. It was not intentional, I do assure you. Now—shall we go?’
Kit locked his hands together to accept Serena’s small booted foot, and was not surprised at the agility she displayed when he raised her up to the side-saddle, where she sat arranging her skirts while he strode towards his own mount.
Serena threw him a look as he hoisted himself into the saddle, seeing Monarch bunch his muscles and flare his nostrils. She smiled, wondering if she was about to see the arrogant marquess of Thurlow stripped of his dignity and tossed into a puddle on his backside.
‘Take care, my lord. Monarch is not usually pleased at having strangers ride him. He is swift and also temperamental. You have to show him who is master right from the start. He’s thrown many a stranger who sits on his back.’
Serena might as well have saved her breath. Kit controlled Monarch superbly as the horse reared up and pawed the air, his hooves hitting the cobbles so hard when he brought them down that it would normally have unseated the most experienced rider. But Kit remained firmly in the saddle, his lips drawn across his gleaming white teeth in a devilish grin. He flashed a triumphant look at Serena.
‘A horse after my own heart. We’ll get along splendidly,’ he laughed. The lean, hard muscles of his thighs gripped the horse, and he kept him on a tight rein to control his high-stepping prancing as they clattered out of the yard.
The landscape was stark and colourless against the grey sky, the wind buffeting them, exciting the horses. Shrouded in long cloaks they rode in silence, the fine drizzle washing their faces and dampening their hair exposed beneath their hats. Serena couldn’t resist sneaking a glance at her companion. The sight of him on the black horse with its highflying tail drew her admiration. Horse and rider flowed along together. After a while she halted, waiting for Kit to do likewise.