9 Out Of 10 Women Can't Be Wrong. Cara Colter

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9 Out Of 10 Women Can't Be Wrong - Cara Colter Mills & Boon Silhouette

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heart will never be filled.

      I wanted you, the reader, to at least have a glimpse of this remarkable woman. I wanted you to know, right this instant, someone feels the great love for you that I felt and feel for my mom. Please do breast self-exams and have mammograms regularly. Donate to breast cancer research. Do it for your mother, your daughters, your sisters, your friends. Do it for yourself.

      With all my best wishes,




       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten



      “Your brother is a photographer’s dream. And a red-blooded woman’s nightmare.”

      “Harriet,” Stacey said sleepily, from the other side of the bed, “Ty doesn’t see you as a red-blooded woman. Go to sleep. He’s going to have us up at five in the morning, because you said you wanted to see them bring in the cattle from the upper pasture. Your enthusiasm for the ranch is beginning to make me very sorry I invited you. I thought we were going to sleep in, watch videos and make pizzas.”

      “You can do those things in Calgary,” Harriet said, as if her mind wasn’t solidly locked on the words Ty doesn’t see you as a red-blooded woman.

      Why would he? Stacey Jordan’s older brother, Ty, was the most astonishing man Harriet Pendleton had ever seen. He was tall, broad-shouldered, lean and hard-muscled from years of ranch work. His face passed attractive and went straight to sinful. When his eyes rested on her, dark as melted chocolate, Harriet felt the shiver of pure male energy in the air.

      Don’t ask, she ordered herself firmly. But a small voice, definitely hers, asked aloud. “Why doesn’t he see me as a red-blooded woman?”

      As if she didn’t know. Harriet Pendleton was well aware she was too everything. Too tall, too skinny, too freckled. Add to that crooked teeth, and bottle-bottom eyeglasses. Too ugly.

      “Harriet, he doesn’t see you as a red-blooded woman because you’re my friend. He thinks we’re both kids.”

      “But I’m older than you!” Harriet protested. “Twenty-two is not a child.”

      “So, tell him!” Stacey said grumpily. “And let me go to sleep.”

      “Someday,” Harriet said, “I’m going to be a famous photographer and I’ll have enough money to get my teeth fixed and have laser surgery done on my eyes.”

      “Harriet, don’t be so silly. You glow. Anyone who knows you, knows how beautiful you are.”

      Except your brother.

      Harriet and Stacey were roommates at the Alberta College of Art. Harriet was upgrading some photo courses, Stacey was taking commercial art. Stacey had invited Harriet to spend spring break on her brother’s ranch, the Bar ZZ, south of Calgary.

      It had sounded like so much fun.

      It would have been so much fun, except for him. A man like that made breathing in and out seem difficult. Words caught in Harriet’s throat. She was in such a constant state of blush that he thought her face was naturally beet red. He’d remarked they needed to keep her out of the sun! She was so self-conscious in his presence that she did everything wrong, tripped over her own feet. After she’d fallen and spooked the cattle, he’d remarked they needed to keep her away from the cattle, too.

      “He calls me Lady Disaster,” she fretted, out loud.

      “He’s teasing you, Harriet! Please go to sleep. Please?”

      She willed herself to go to sleep. She promised herself that tomorrow everything would be different. And it was.

      The next day Harriet fell off a horse and broke her arm.

      Her trip to the Bar ZZ was over, ending in the emergency ward of the tiny High River Hospital. At least she had felt his arms! He had carried her, strong and sure, gently teased her out of her pain.

      And then he’d said goodbye.

      But when she developed the photographs she had taken, she realized she would never really say goodbye to him.

      The photos of Ty shone, as if the man was lit from within. She had done on film what she had no hope of doing in real life. She had captured him.

      On the basis of those pictures, she was offered a photo assignment overseas.

      And on the basis of a badly bruised heart, she took it….

      Chapter One

      Tyler Jordan was aware he was being watched.

      There it was again. The secretary, a woman old enough to be well beyond such nonsense, glanced up coyly from behind her work, looked at him longer than he considered strictly polite and then, with the flash of a secretive smile, looked back to her computer screen.

      Ty pretended he hadn’t noticed her scrutiny and studied the room uncomfortably. The outer waiting area of Francis Cringle and Associates struck him as being more like the kind of office he’d seen in the rare movie he watched than like a real life office, or at least not any real life office he’d ever been in.

      He couldn’t believe his sister—a girl born and raised on a ranch—worked in a place like this…actually fitted in here.

      He was sitting on a sofa of butter-yellow leather. Another faced him. Huge deep-green

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