Family Found. Bonnie K. Winn

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Family Found - Bonnie K. Winn Mills & Boon Vintage Superromance

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laughed. “I should have remembered. I’ve had your coffee before.”

      Instantly Laura remembered the morning in his apartment. She also remembered his casual threat about disturbing him again before breakfast. Squirming, she shifted even farther down the couch.

      “You keep that up and you’ll end up on the floor.”

      Laura blinked. Then the absurdity struck her and she couldn’t contain an embarrassed giggle. “I guess you could say I’m not real comfortable around men.”

      “No kidding.”

      So he’d noticed. Laura clasped her hands, stopping their nervous motion. Silent moments passed, but finally she spoke. “You know from what I’ve told you that my ex-husband was a jerk.”

      “That’s a mild term,” he commented. “I wouldn’t be so generous.”

      She grimaced in agreement. “So don’t take it personally.”

      Mitch abandoned his interest in the sandwich. “Don’t take what personally?”

      Laura gestured vaguely. She knew it wasn’t an answer, but damn, how had she cornered herself this way?

      “I don’t read shrugs,” he countered.

      She sighed. “This is silly. I shouldn’t have even said anything, especially since we’re only working together.” Meeting his eyes, she saw that he was waiting for further explanation. “I’m just not comfortable with certain types of men.”

      “Oh?” Although his voice was still mild, a new note had crept in, one she couldn’t completely decipher.

      “It’s just that because of my experience I’m not comfortable with men like…” From the expression on his face, Laura realized her words were a mistake, yet she couldn’t recall them.

      “Me?” he said flatly, completing her sentence.

      Stomach sinking, Laura wished she hadn’t broached the subject. “As I said, don’t take it personally.”

      “You know another way to take it?”

      Laura pushed her half-eaten sandwich away. “I’m sure you know a bevy of women who are far more than comfortable with you.”

      “Bevy?” he questioned in disbelief.

      She squirmed anew. “I don’t know about you, but I was really enjoying our dinner until I opened my mouth.”

      “It would be hard to enjoy the dinner otherwise,” he commented, his light tone signaling acceptance of her proffered olive branch.

      Laura smiled, noting again the wealth of charm the man possessed. No wonder so many women were interested in him. She ignored the lump in her stomach the thought caused. To find him attractive was natural, she supposed. After all, they were spending a lot of time together. And proximity was an influential factor in many male-female relationships. Laura nearly laughed aloud. As though she knew much about that. Then her gaze caught his and the laughter died away.

      Busying herself with the remainder of the sandwich, Laura was startled when Mitch’s hand closed over hers, though not nearly as startled by the movement as by the reaction it caused.

      Catching her breath, she stared at his strong, tanned hand.

      “Laura, relax. A man and woman can spend time together without anything more exciting than a sandwich between them.”

      “Oh,” she managed to croak.

      “Unless you count the chocolate cake,” he added with a mocking leer.

      Laura remembered to breathe, but she still felt shaky. “And Mrs. Plummer’s cake is pretty darn exciting.”

      “Thank God. I thought this was a ploy to get me to work all night.”

      Sobered, Laura stared at him. “Did you really think that?”

      “Hell, did you have your humor surgically removed, Laura? I’m trying to lighten the mood. In case you hadn’t noticed, it got pretty heavy in here.”

      “Yeah, I noticed.”

      He tipped up her chin, meeting her eyes. “Then work with me. Laugh a little.”

      Once again, Laura had to control the nervous motion of her hands. “There hasn’t been much to laugh about lately.”

      “Yeah, but that’s what we’re going to change, isn’t it?”

      Laura’s throat tightened. “This has been a solo battle for so long, it’s nice to have someone else on my team.”

      He saluted sharply. “And I’m a hell of a team player.” His gaze roved around the run-down office. “This place may not look like it, but you’ve got the best investigator in town.”

      “Humble, too, Tucker?”

      “That’s the Laura I know.”

      She laughed, a shaky but genuine sound. “I’ve been kind of pushy, huh?”

      He paused, and a kind light shone in his eyes. “Not so that it shows.”

      Pleased, Laura again concentrated on her sandwich, and for the next few minutes they shared a companionable supper. She was surprised but pleased by the easy silences and the equally easy conversation.

      “This cake is wicked,” Laura declared, nibbling at the crumbs.


      Glancing up, Laura saw that Mitch was wearing some of the frosting on his lower lip. Giggling, she pointed out the errant chocolate. When he swiped at it and missed, she brushed her fingers over the spot.

      Mitch’s eyes met hers.

      She froze.

      It was a little thing, really. Just a dab of chocolate frosting on his lips. Lips that beckoned beneath her touch.

      Mitch’s head bent toward hers and she anticipated the taste of those same lips.

      The strident ring of the phone made her bolt.

      Mitch was cursing beneath his breath even as he rose to answer the call.

      “Yes.” Annoyance was clear in his tone as he answered. He listened, then passed a hand over his hair. “Sorry, Christie. Nah, nothing’s wrong. Just working late.”

      Laura stiffened. Of course the caller was a woman. What had she expected? Mitch Tucker was a connoisseur of the opposite sex, and it wasn’t wise to ever lose sight of the fact.

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