The Baby In The Back Seat. Mollie Molay
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The interior of the house, as he stood behind a screen door gazing in, surprised him even more. In contrast to the worn exterior, comfortable maple furniture had been burnished to a mellow yellow-brown sheen. Inviting rose-and-sea-foam-green chintz pillows had been thrown onto a large upholstered couch protected by crocheted white doilies. Hand-hooked rugs blanketed the polished oak floor in front of the couch. A huge stone fireplace covered a wall. Two comfortable-looking armchairs were drawn up in front of the fireplace. Sam sighed. The room looked mighty inviting after the accident and shower he’d just endured.
It was the kind of setting his mother and grandmother would have appreciated. In fact, he would have enjoyed a home like this if his profession hadn’t kept him on the move. And if he’d had a wife to welcome him home.
He glanced up to see Laura standing at the door and watching him expectantly. “What?”
“You’ve forgotten something.” She gestured to his mud-caked boots. “Please take off your boots and leave them by the door before you come in.”
Hopping on one foot at a time, Sam managed to comply. To his disgust, even his socks were soaked. Under Laura’s watchful gaze, he took them off, dropped them and his boots outside the door and gingerly entered the house barefoot. Damn, he thought, there was something about not having his boots on that put him at a clear disadvantage.
“Are you ready for Annie?”
Sam felt himself flush at the reminder of his daughter. He would have offered to clean up the baby before now, except he didn’t have a clue what to do. He not only felt inadequate, but he also didn’t like the reproachful look in Laura’s eyes. So what if he didn’t know about the care and feeding of babies? Were all fathers supposed to have learned how to diaper a baby, or did it come naturally?
“Sure, but…” He tried to look cool, but the truth was unavoidable. Maybe things would have been different if Paige had stuck around long enough to give him a chance. “I’m afraid I’ve never diapered a baby before.”
Laura didn’t look surprised. “I guess you’re not part of the seventy percent of today’s fathers who help raise their children.”
If there was one thing sure to light Sam’s fire, it was being put on the defensive. Especially when he felt that, under the circumstances, he was innocent of any blame. “Where did you get a statistic like that?”
“I was a maternity-ward nurse before I came back home to take care of my folks. We took a poll at the hospital and that’s what we found. Most men today say family comes first. In fact, some choose to stay at home with their children while their wives go out to work.”
Sam tried to envision staying behind to take care of home, hearth and family while Paige flew to Paris and points unknown. Considering how little he knew about the requirements of a house husband, let alone a father, the picture that came to mind was so ludicrous he almost laughed.
He focused on one thing Laura had said that calmed him. A maternity-ward nurse? His spirits rose. This was the first bit of good news he’d had all day. “You’re not putting me on, are you? A real maternity-ward nurse?”
“Until two years ago,” she answered. “I came back to stay when my parents passed away. So if you have any intention of raising your daughter by yourself, maybe you ought to let me show you how to care for her, instead of doing it for you.”
“Go ahead, please. Teach me.”
With a wry glance at Sam, Laura took a changing pad, wipes and a fresh diaper out of the diaper bag. She knelt on the floor beside the coffee table. “Watch carefully,” she said as she undid Annie’s soggy diaper. Crooning to the baby, she laid her on the pad. “First off you have to remember to change her often. A baby’s skin is very sensitive.” Sam nodded. “Actually,” she went on as she used a wipe to dry off Annie’s little bottom before she set a new diaper in place, “you’re lucky Annie is a girl. You have to work faster if the baby’s a boy.”
Sam edged closer and cautiously surveyed the process. As far as he was concerned, regardless of sex, a diaper change was a diaper change. How difficult could it be? “Yeah?”
“Little boys are like fountains,” she answered. She applied talcum powder, and Annie giggled. “If you don’t want an unexpected shower, you have to take precautions and move fast.”
Sam flushed. The last thing he’d ever expected to do was discuss a baby’s plumbing with a woman he found intriguing.
It wasn’t only Laura Evans’s appearance that interested him—although she certainly wasn’t lacking in the looks department. It was her cool command under fire, coupled with her smile and warmth when it came to Annie that made him take a closer look at her.
He’d met, photographed and romanced a number of desirable women in his time—as a single man, of course. He’d even been fool enough to marry one of them: Paige. He’d been so taken with Paige, he hadn’t stopped to consider she was a woman bent on adventure, not on being matrimonial material.
But nowhere had he met a multifaceted woman like Laura. He was willing to bet she ran her ranch with the same skill she’d demonstrated as a nurse. And from what he’d seen of the house, she was probably just as good at nesting as she was at her profession.
Things might have been different if he hadn’t had his fill of beautiful women.
Mental warning bells sounded as one warm thought followed another. After his sorry marital experience, why was he even mulling over what made Laura Evans tick? Or thinking of her in a romantic way? Hadn’t he already decided there was no way a man could begin to understand women, let alone try to live with one? That it was better to look and admire but not touch? Nesting women could be dangerous to a man like him. He drew a deep breath and gazed around the room. “Interesting place you have here.”
Laura pulled the baby’s romper over the fresh diaper and snapped the crotch. Instead of handing the baby over to its father, she buried her nose in the baby’s neck and made bubbling noises. Not only because she couldn’t resist hearing Annie laugh, but also because playing with the baby was the only way she could think of to keep her mind off Annie’s father.
Sam Harrison, bare feet, wet clothing and all, was the masculine type of man who rang her bell. The fact that he obviously loved his infant daughter and, although he knew zip about babies, was ready to raise her by himself made him more of a man than most in her eyes. That was the trouble. The last thing she needed in her life right now was a baby she couldn’t keep or a wandering man like Sam Harrison. A man who made her think of dreams best forgotten.
A baby had been her dream from the time a sympathetic foster mother had handed her her first doll. A hand-me-down doll with faded clothing and one eye missing, the doll had been her pride and joy. She’d built an imaginary family around Dolly Dimples and dreamed of a day when she would have her own children. A dream that had been shattered when, as a newly adopted thirteen-year-old, she’d been thrown from a horse and suffered internal injuries. Injuries that would prevent her from becoming a mother.
Laura closed her eyes, gave Annie one last hug and reluctantly handed the baby back to her father. “Diapering isn’t the only task you’ll have to master if you intend to care for Annie by yourself.”
Jolted from his musings, Sam forced his thoughts from what made his reluctant hostess tick to his present