The Daddy Wish. Brenda Harlen

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The Daddy Wish - Brenda Harlen Mills & Boon Cherish

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you just need to try a little harder.”

      “Are you saying that you have forgotten?”

      “I’m saying that I’m not going to let anything interfere with our working relationship.”

      “I know how to separate business from pleasure,” he assured her.

      “Let’s keep the focus on business,” she suggested.

      “That doesn’t sound like nearly as much fun.”

      “I like my job and I want to keep my job,” she told him. “Which means I’m definitely not going to sleep with my boss.”

      His lips curved. “I’m not your boss yet.”

      She lifted a brow. “Your point?”

      “We could use the next few weeks to get this...attraction...out of our systems, so that it won’t be an impediment to our working together.”

      “Thank you for that uniquely intriguing offer,” she said primly, “but no.”

      * * *

      Despite his blatant flirtation on the plane, when they got to the St. Louis store and started to review the books, Nathan proved that he did know how to separate business from pleasure.

      Allison was impressed by his knowledge of the company’s history and employees and the diligence of his work. She hadn’t assumed he was moving into the CFO’s office because his name was Garrett, but she had suspected the familial connection had paved the way. Watching him work, she realized that had been her error. Nate was going to be the new CFO because he was the most qualified person for the job.

      Still, it took several hours before the discrepancy was found. Working together to match invoices to payment receipts, it became apparent to both Nate and Allison that some numbers had been transposed when the deposit was made. Instead of $53,642 being deposited, the amount was noted as $35,264—a deficit of $18,378. But what seemed like a simple accounting error was further complicated by the facts that the payment had been made in cash (apparently office furniture for an upstart law firm that didn’t yet have a checking account) and no one seemed to know where the $18,378 had gone—or they weren’t admitting it if they did.

      To a company that did hundreds of millions of dollars in business annually, the amount was hardly significant. But the misplacement of any funds, whether careless or deliberate, was unacceptable from an accounting perspective. The head of the store’s finance department agreed and promised to locate the missing money before the end of the week.

      “I’m surprised you’re going to leave it for Bob to deal with,” Allison said when they’d left the man’s office.

      “They’re his people,” Nate said. “And I have no doubt he already knows who is responsible for making that eighteen thousand dollars disappear.”

      “So you don’t think it was a mistake?”

      “I would have believed the transposing of the digits was a mistake if the correct amount had actually been deposited—the fact that it wasn’t proves otherwise.”

      “You don’t want to know who did it?”

      “I will know,” he said confidently. “But I don’t need to know today.”

      “In that case—” she glanced at her watch as they made their way toward the exit “—we should be able to get to the airport in time to catch an earlier flight back to Raleigh.”

      “That would be good.” He stopped to pull his phone out of his pocket and frowned at the message he read. “But I don’t think it’s going to happen.”

      “Why not?”

      “Apparently a storm has moved into this area. I just got a notification from the airline that our flight has been delayed.”

      She pulled out her phone and found that she’d received the same message. “There has to be a mistake—the forecast was clear.”

      “Then the forecast was wrong.”

      She halted beside him at the glass doors and blinked, as if she didn’t quite believe what she was seeing. Or rather not seeing, since the blowing snow made it impossible to see anything past it.

      Nate was focused on his phone, checking for updates from the airline. “All flights are canceled for the next twelve hours.”

      “So what are we supposed to do?” She couldn’t help but think of the promise she’d made to Dylan that morning.

      “Find a hotel,” he said easily. “Hopefully one that isn’t too far away from where we are right now.”

      “A hotel?” she echoed.

      “Unless you want to bunk down here?”

      “Of course not.” What she wanted was to be back in Charisma, in her own apartment with her son—not stranded in St. Louis, and especially not with a man who made her feel nothing but heat despite the obviously frigid temperatures outside.

      “There’s a Courtland not too far from here,” he said. “Let me just give them a call and see if we can get a room.”

      “Two rooms.”

      But the room situation wasn’t really her biggest concern—nor was the fact that she hadn’t packed an overnight bag. She was more worried about the fact that she hadn’t packed anything for Dylan. Of course, her ex-husband knew that Mrs. Hanson, the widow who lived across the hall from Allison and Dylan, had a spare key and could let him in to get whatever he needed. She just wasn’t sure that Jeff would know what their son needed.

      Did he know that Dylan had specific pajamas that he liked to wear when he stayed at his dad’s house? Would he remember to pack Bear, the little boy’s ancient and much-loved teddy bear? Would he make sure that Dylan did his homework? Would he remember to pack his lunch for the next day? She worried about all of those details while Nathan made a phone call to secure their hotel rooms.

      Less than five minutes later, they battled the blowing snow and howling wind toward their rental car in the parking lot. Despite the wild weather, Nate went around to the passenger side to open the door for her, an unexpectedly chivalrous gesture that reminded her there was more to the man than his reputation implied.

      She slid into her seat and buckled up, aware that the roads were going to be icy and slick—and still not nearly as dangerous as spending the night in a hotel with Nathan Garrett.

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