Terms Of A Texas Marriage. Lauren Canan
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What was she going to say? All the rehearsing in the world couldn’t prepare her for what she had to discuss with him. How would he respond? Would he laugh? Would he just walk out? Or, most important, would he agree to do it?
Before leaving yesterday, Leona once more had encouraged her to call Morreston’s bluff. But Shea had held firm in her conviction that nothing on earth would make her so desperate to even contemplate such a thing. Heaven help the poor female coerced into marriage with that man.
Instinctively she knew Alec Morreston would be demanding, in bed as well as out. Even if the situation were different, a brief affair with a man like Morreston would take more from her than she could give. She suspected such a liaison would turn into an emotional roller coaster, and that was the last thing she needed in her life.
But it was a moot point. Morreston was long gone. It had taken him fewer than two hours to invade her world and turn it completely upside down. Then he had left, not even bothering to look back as she desperately tried to pick up the pieces from the devastation he’d caused. No doubt, he assumed she would just relinquish her home and quietly disappear. Well, he was in for a surprise—
“Hello, Ms. Hardin.” Shea jumped at the sound of the deep voice directly to her left. Her head snapped around and her eyes immediately grew wide in astonishment. She could feel the blood drain from her face as she stared into the amber eyes of Alec Morreston.
“May I join you?”
Before she could respond, he pulled out the chair opposite her and sat down. As his eyes scanned her face, his lips twitched with unrepressed humor at her stunned look. For a long moment, she couldn’t speak.
“What...what are you doing here?” she stammered, finally finding her voice.
“I’m about to have lunch,” he said innocently, as though misunderstanding the true meaning of her question.
Shea glared at him.
Alec shrugged. “I decided to take a few days and see some of the area. Thought it might be...beneficial...to the future development of the project.” He responded as if choosing his words carefully. “Have you ordered yet?”
“Have I...? No.” She shook her head. “No. I’m meeting someone.” She looked toward the front entrance, no longer sure she’d be glad to see Tim walk through it.
Alec regarded her silently for a moment. “I see. Well, then I’ll certainly move to another table as soon as she—or he?—arrives.”
If Shea had been nervous before Morreston’s unexpected arrival, that feeling was mild compared to what she was experiencing now. Suddenly, she could relate to every mouse ever caught in a trap that had looked up to find the cat walking in its direction. How on earth was she ever going to present her problem to Tim with Morreston hanging over her shoulder?
“The roasted chicken sounds good,” he commented, scanning the lunch specials. “What do you recommend?”
“You really don’t want me to answer that.”
He glanced at her face over the top of the menu and feigned surprise. But the deepening of the tiny lines around his eyes told her he found her remark amusing.
Before she could deliberate on this newest chapter of the nightmare, another voice beckoned her.
“Um...excuse me. Shea?” Tim Schultz smiled his apology. “Sorry I’m late.”
“Tim!” She smiled nervously. “That’s okay.”
She looked back to Morreston, hoping against hope he would just silently disappear. Apparently, that was not going to be the case. Politeness demanded she make introductions.
“Tim, this is Alec Morreston...Tim Schultz.”
Alec stood as the two men shook hands. Over six feet in height, he easily towered over the younger man by several inches while his broad shoulders and lean waist hinted at a muscular, athletic build that made Tim appear almost adolescent in comparison. His reddish-blond hair and fair complexion seemed pale, almost sickly, as opposed to Morreston’s dark features.
“Well, if you’ll excuse me,” Alec said, a grin tugging at the corners of his well-defined mouth, “I’m sure you two have a great deal to discuss. I certainly don’t want to interrupt.”
“Would you care to join us?” Tim asked, unaware of the situation.
“No!” Shea almost shrieked. Both men looked at her—one with curiosity, the other with increasing amusement.
“Thanks, Tim,” Alec said, and Shea’s heart all but stopped. “But I think Shea wants to speak privately with you. Maybe another time?”
He knows. He knows exactly why I’m having lunch with Tim Schultz. And apparently, he found the situation extremely amusing. That infamous smirk was firmly in place.
“You knew I was here, didn’t you?” It was no coincidence Alec Morreston just happened to show up at the exact time she was meeting with Tim, even if it was the lunch hour and this was the only decent restaurant in town. When he didn’t immediately respond, she added, “How?”
“I believe his name is Hank. Your ranch foreman? He said you might be having lunch here today.”
Alec moved away from their table, giving her a quick wink as if to seal the private joke between them. She immediately turned away, biting back the angry retort that sprang to her lips. Ignore him, she told herself. Just be thankful to be rid of him.
But before she could enjoy a second of relief, to her utter dismay, Morreston pulled out a chair at a table next to them. In that location he’d be able to hear every word they said. Something akin to panic formed in her stomach.
“So,” Tim began as he took the seat Alec had occupied. “How are you, Shea? Haven’t seen you in what—three years? I was surprised to get your call. What’s going on?”
She forced a smile and reached for the glass of ice water, needing something to steady her nerves. Her hand shook slightly, and a small amount of water spilled onto the table. As she fought to find the right words, her gaze wavered, and she found herself looking directly into the mocking face of Alec Morreston.
She heard Tim’s voice, but her gaze was captured by amber eyes.
“Shea? Is something wrong?”
* * *
She couldn’t suppress the overwhelming desire to slam something as she stomped out of the restaurant. She was furious. No, she mentally corrected herself. She was beyond furious. She wanted to kill something. She wanted to kill Alec Morreston.
Each time she’d broached the subject of her meeting with Tim, Morreston had cleared his throat or apologetically interrupted to ask Tim a question or made some asinine comment. Between his little interruptions, he’d sat back in his chair and stared, never taking his eyes off her, exactly as he’d done that first day in Ben’s office. That knowing smirk had remained etched on his lips, his tawny eyes alert to every movement she’d made, every breath she’d taken. For almost an hour, he’d