A Christmas Seduction. Daire St. Denis

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A Christmas Seduction - Daire St. Denis Mills & Boon Blaze

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She tried another button and the lights inside the tub came on.

      A downward glance revealed her state of undress and she pressed the button once more, except instead of turning off, the lights simply changed color from blue to red. Another touch of the button and the lights turned green.


      One more time and the internal lights flickered, strobe-light-style, as if there was a dance party going on in the tub. One she was not keen to take part in.

      Before she could hit the button again, the sound of a dog barking froze her in place, her finger stuck in pressing position.

      Glancing up, she gasped to find the hand standing on the far side of the tub, grinning. “Well, heya, miss. Something I can help you with?”


      The best thing about traveling alone is you get to be the person you want to be because no one knows any different.

      Jo Duval

      THAD HAD SEEN the flashing lights as he made his way from the barn to the bunkhouse, and something had drawn him over. Had he known the dog hater would be naked—apparently she wasn’t all arms and legs—he’d have steered clear.


      “Just press that button one more time and the lights will go off,” he said as he backed up a step to give her some privacy. He could be a gentleman if he had to be.

      The lights inside the tub went out and the woman became nothing more than a shadow surrounded by a cloud of fog. “Thanks. You can—”

      “It’s nice, isn’t it?” Thad murmured to the hazy outline of the woman. “Ms. Gloria and Dillon just got the soaker last week. Haven’t tried it out yet myself, but I installed it, so I know how it works.”

      “Right. Um, would you mind—”

      “So, how long are you here for?” Thad asked, biting down on his lip to control his grin. He could be a gentleman, but he could also be a right jackass. Why he felt the need to torture this woman, he couldn’t say exactly.

      “Oh, um...eleven days.” She cleared her throat. “I don’t mean to be—”

      “Right on into the New Year? That’s a nice long stay.” Thad was having a hard time containing his enjoyment as he pressed on. “Do you enjoy winter sports? Skiing, ice-skating? That sort of thing?”

      “I’m sure they’re fine, but—”

      “Lots to do around here. I’m your man if you’re interested.” That sounded like a come-on, which was not his intention, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself from tormenting this woman.

      “Look, Mr... What did you say your name was again?”

      “Thad. Thaddeus Knight, at your service.”

      “Mr. Knight. I’m all good. You can leave now.”

      “Of course. Didn’t mean to disturb you, miss,” he lied.

      “You didn’t disturb anything.” Her voice was high. Nervous.

      “Okay then. You enjoy your soak and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

      “Mmm-hmm. Bye, now.”

      He glanced over his shoulder only when he hit the edge of the deck. Sound always traveled better at night, and he clearly heard the ornery woman swearing beneath her breath as he took his leave, the very mutts she scorned waiting for him at the bottom of the steps.

      He shouldn’t have done it, shouldn’t have taunted her, particularly when he realized she was bathing in the raw. His grandmother would have said the devil possessed him, and that might be true. But he didn’t think that was all there was to it. There was something about the woman, something that drew him, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

      * * *

      JOLIE LAY SNUG under the covers, existing in that space between sleep and wakefulness. It was her preferred mode of waking every day because it was when her imagination took over, ungoverned by inhibitions and the critical internal editor who was her regular companion during the rest of the day—though so far, this morning had remained completely silent.


      Jo revisited the scene in the hot tub, but this time she wasn’t embarrassed by her state of undress. This time she was bold and flirty. This time she flaunted her nakedness, turning the lights on in the tub—to red—instead of turning them off.

      “What did you say your name was?”

      “Thaddeus Knight. At your service.”

      “You said you’re a hand. What does that mean, exactly?”

      “I could tell you, but showing you would be way more fun.” His gaze swept over her body, his blue eyes dark with desire.

      “Then you’d better show me.”

      “It’d be my pleasure.”

      He removed his hat and winter jacket—

      It was one of those cowboy-style ones. They had a name, oilskin or something? She’d have to look it up later...

      “Shh,” she muttered to herself as her internal editor started to rouse. She willed herself to focus once more on the vivid scene playing out behind her closed lids.

      “Close your eyes,” he said in that deep Southern drawl.

      She obliged him, then rested her head against the edge of the tub, feeling the submersion of his body by the way the water lapped higher up her chest.

      “Give me your hand.”

      Languidly, she lifted her hand out of the tub and presented it to him.

      “You have nice fingers. A nice hand.”

      “Thank you.” She sighed with pleasure as he began to massage her palm. “So do you.”

      He did have nice hands. Big and strong—she remembered how they’d felt when he’d tried to help her up after she’d freaked out.

      “Shh,” she said aloud, working a little harder this time to slip back into her fantasy.

      Thad worked the tender part of flesh between thumb and forefinger before sliding his hands up to her forearm, massaging as he went.

      “You’re very good at this.”

      “I’m good at a lot of things.”

      “I bet you are,” she purred.

      “Do you want me to show you?”



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