A Vow Of Seduction. Jamie Pope

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A Vow Of Seduction - Jamie Pope Mills & Boon Kimani

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been putting on all my best moves since yesterday. This is my game. It’s the only game I’ve got.”

      Adam laughed. “Man, you’re going to need to work on that. That pretty mug will only take you so far.”

      Gabe stroked his chin. “Don’t be jealous. Only one of us can be pretty.”

      Adam rolled his eyes. “I’ll settle for being the smart one, then. Look, dude, if you want to get closer to Elina, you can’t spit game at her. You have to talk to her. Be real. She’s pretty cool.”

      Gabe cocked his head and studied her. “What’s her problem with weddings, anyway?”

      Adam stared into his scotch glass. “Problem? What problem?”

      “Oh, come on. You can see it, too. She looks uncomfortable, unhappy even.”

      “Okay, but you didn’t hear this from me. Her mother has been married seven times. It soured her on the whole marriage thing.”

      Gabe whistled low. “Seven?”

      “Yeah, a couple of times to Elina’s dad, but it never seems to work out. So Elina has a thing about weddings.”

      That would certainly explain it. “I get you.”

      Adam shoved him in the arm. “What are you sniffing after Elina for, anyway? Don’t you have your hands full?”

      Gabe finished his drink. “Yeah, I’ve got a few things going on, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a beautiful woman.”

      “Between the funding hunt, the movie and casting, how will you find the time?”

      “You just let me worry about that. I’ve got the funding under control. Well, mostly anyway. I’m meeting with that fixer in the city on Monday. She’s got a lot of experience with entertainment clients. She’ll help me change my image as well as get some studio appointments. She’s a pretty big player and can help get some buzz around my name.”

      “That’s great.” Adam studied his glass again. “Here’s the thing, Gabe. As the best-friend-in-law, I have to warn you, Elina’s not that girl that you screw around with and leave. Reece will have your rear if you break her heart. She’s very protective of Elina.”

      “Would you relax? I have everything under control. I’m not going to hurt her.” He shrugged. “I just want to see her smile.” And that was mostly true.

       Chapter 3

      Water, water, everywhere, and no way to swim to shore. At least not in her dress. Reece had left out one specific detail to Elina. She hadn’t mentioned the damn reception was on a yacht. With no way out, except to swim. And in the slinky vermilion-red mermaid-style gown, there was no way that was happening.

      Elina grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing tray. If there was no getting off the boat, she might as well have a drink...or several. She searched the crowd for someone to talk to other than Adam’s spoiled, moneyed, Wall Street friends.

      “You want to tell me why you’re all alone drinking away your sorrows?”

      Elina smirked before turning around to face Gabe. God, the man was sexy. It really was unfair. The whole effect of movie-star-gorgeous looks was exacerbated by the impeccable Tom Ford tuxedo. She had to hand it to the man, he was wearing that tux.

      “I’m not sad.” She lied, “I’m celebrating. Like everyone else.”

      Gabe shook his head, the corners of his lips tipped up in a ghost of a smile. “Usually, happy comes with a lot more smiles.”

      Elina forced her lips to turn up. “See, happy.”

      “Okay, you got me wrong,” he said, laughing.

      She tried to change the subject. “What about you? Why are you over here keeping sorrowful me occupied? You could be up there dancing with the two bridesmaids who have been eyeing you all night.”

      Gabe never took his eyes off of her. “Maybe it’s because the girl I want to dance with is drinking by herself.”

      Elina put up a hand. “Can we just stop with the whole flirtation thing? I mean, obviously you’re beautiful, but you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

      Gabe nodded thoughtfully. “Oh, I see. You’re not into guys?”

      Elina sputtered and laughed. “I am. I’m just not into guys right now. All your best efforts in the last two days are being wasted on me, when you could be using them on ready-to-ride bridesmaids.”

      He shrugged. “I think I’ll stay right here. You’re more real than those two, anyway. So tell me, Elina Sinclair, why don’t you have a date to this shindig?”

      She rolled her eyes. “See earlier comment about not being into guys right now.”

      “Let me guess, career girl. Super focused. About to take the world by storm.”

      Elina laughed. This was fun. He was fun. It felt good to flirt, and laugh. It can’t go any further than this. But it never hurt the self-esteem to have a good-looking guy hit on her. “It’s like you’ve been following me.”

      “No, I’m not that much of a creeper. I just pay attention. So come on, tell me, what do you do?”

      People always got the wrong impression when she talked about her job, so she kept it as simple as possible when anyone asked. “I work in PR.” Then she flipped the conversation on him so she wouldn’t have to talk about herself. “And what about you? Let me guess, fashion model?”

      He laughed. “No, but that’s a new one. Usually the girls who take a stab say billionaire.”

      “Wait.” She put her hand on his arm. “So you’re telling me you’re not one? Ah, that means that we can’t talk. I don’t always drink champagne, but when I do, I only drink with the disgustingly wealthy.”

      He laughed, and the low timbre made her insides melt. “You know what, I’ll say that persistence is key. I may not be a billionaire but I could be worth your time.”

      “Okay, if that’s not your job—though I always wondered how that can be a job anyway—what is it?”

      “Well, soon enough I’m hoping to add filmmaker to my list of talents.”

      She lifted her brows. “For real? That’s amazing. What kind of movies do you want to make?”

      “The story of my grandmother. She was a Hollywood executive back in the fifties. The first female executive. I’ve already got my dream cast picked out. All I’m looking for right now is funding.”

      It was easy to talk to him. He told her about his movie and what inspired his grandmother. And that particular time in Hollywood history. Despite her carefully constructed walls, she told him about herself. About some of her wackiest clients, her friendship with Reece. Even her mother.


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