Covert Alliance. Linda O. Johnston

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Covert Alliance - Linda O. Johnston Mills & Boon Romantic Suspense

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and leaving again with food to serve, Ella appeared from the office near the restrooms at the back. “We need a few of you for something different this afternoon,” she said. “The city council members who were here enjoyed their breakfast, as usual. They’ve now called a special session for all the council members. I’m glad to say they’ve ordered in a buffet-style lunch at their offices. Twice in one day! And we won’t let them down. Who’s willing to go over there and deliver and set up the food?”

      Kelly almost cheered in her delight. That was exactly why she had applied for a job at this restaurant. But she caught herself and forced a slight smile that she hoped appeared more as if she wanted to please her boss than anything else. “I’ll be glad to, Ella.” Glad? Heck, she’d be thrilled.

      And she really was thrilled when Ella chose her, among several of the waitstaff who also volunteered.

      * * *

      Alan looked forward to a busy afternoon—one in which he could actually get some work done. Work that he was really here to do.

      After he briefly visited the moderate-sized computer room that the Blue Haven Police Department allowed the private security force to use as an outpost in the main government building, an ad hoc meeting of the entire city council was called. They were to discuss some vital matters about street widenings—vital to the town, but not of particular interest to Alan.

      Yes, he’d have to do his best to ensure that the city council members remained safe. But that didn’t mean he had to sit in on every session. Popping in and out while looking as if he were patrolling the building and surrounding area would be enough.

      Too bad he hadn’t known this morning, while still at the Haven, that he’d remain on duty with no break. He could have bought his lunch to go. Taken an opportunity to speak with that server Kelly once more. Maybe even confirmed she was who he figured she was.

      Plus, spending a little additional time with her would provide a bit of pleasure as well as an opportunity for professional observation.

      He shrugged off that thought. He’d see her again sometime. Soon, in fact. He would plan for it. But he had to make sure he didn’t keep her on his mind. He had other things to think about.

      Like doing both his jobs.

      For now, Alan was alone in the security headquarters room. He typed his password into the computer and saw the views on a half dozen security cameras.

      Everything looked fine, at least for now.

      The city council offices were located in the Blue Haven Government Plaza. The plaza was about ten years old, new enough to have been built in a higher-security age. There was a screening system for the public at the entrance, plus security cameras on all floors.

      That should have made Alan’s job easier—and perhaps it would if he were merely part of the Blue Haven City Council’s private security force. But it made it harder for him to get away on his own to conduct the investigation he was really here to do.

      He’d managed once, though, to sneak into Stan Grodon’s office early on when he’d first arrived in town and gotten on his computer. Surprise, surprise—there had been no open files containing anything about his missing wife. Even the encrypted files appeared to be about finances, not Andi Grodon.

      He had to approach his investigation in other ways.

      At least the council members treated the security force just like their own staff, acting friendly to them and even asking them to do things beyond their actual responsibilities—such as getting the breakfast set up, as Alan had done earlier. He could act friendlier to them that way—and hopefully learn more. In fact, he was milking that aspect of his cover job.

      But right now, it was time to get busy.

      As he left the room, Dodd Frankler, a senior member of the security detail, was just entering. He’d joined Alan earlier at the Haven, and now, along with his usual dark suit, he wore his typically wary expression. “Hey, did you hear that the council’s meeting in half an hour?” Dodd asked.

      Alan nodded. “I was just on my way to the council chamber to check it out ahead of time.”

      “They’re eating lunch there, too. A delivery order’s already been sent over to the Haven. You’d think that after having breakfast there this morning, they’d be tired of that place’s food.”

      “You know it’s pretty good stuff,” Alan countered. “And their selections include something for everyone.” He didn’t like the way his face automatically started tightening into a wry grin as he thought of what else was at the Haven besides good food. But the restaurant was well staffed, so that new server Kelly was unlikely to be coming here with the food.

      Even if she did, who said the security staff would even get to look at the lunch, let alone eat any? They’d have patrols to perform outside the meeting area. A bit of overkill for such a small town, Alan thought, but it worked well for what he needed to accomplish.

      He hurried down the wide, well-lit hallway, along with a fair number of government workers he recognized, including members of the mayor’s staff, plus some visitors he didn’t know. As always, he stayed alert, watching for signs that anyone had an agenda besides using the halls for getting to the offices they sought. People were mostly in groups, chattering.

      He noticed a couple of school-age guys heading up the stairway. They’d been around before, usually later in the day, but Alan knew that a new program was just starting locally where kids could pop in during their study hall times and earn credit for learning about city government by volunteering for small activities that would help their council members. Some were children of those who worked for the city.

      One of the two kids was Councilman Grodon’s kid, Eli. The other was Councilwoman Arviss’s son, Cal. Maybe Alan could go cheer them on later...and perhaps learn something of value this time, though he’d talked with them a time or two before. Alan followed them upstairs.

      The boys walked to the fourth floor. It was where Alan would have gone anyway since the council chamber was there. Along the hall on the way were council members’ offices, assigned by their seniority. The mayor’s office was one floor above them.

      The boys remained ahead of Alan. As he’d anticipated, they entered Susan Arviss’s office. He would look for them there later.

      As he continued down the hall, he glanced at the names in glass-enclosed sign holders on the walls. Grodon’s was close to the end. He was one of the longest-sitting members of the council, although he wasn’t the president. That was Councilwoman Regina Joralli’s position.

      Alan soon reached the large meeting room and stepped inside. The room held a huge table in the center, surrounded by wooden chairs made to resemble small, upholstered thrones. A bunch of staff members were already there, chatting together and making sure the chairs were in the right places and the table was clean. Joralli’s primary assistant was also there, placing handouts at each seat, probably on the matter they were to meet about.

      Everything looked secure enough, but he and the others on that detail would keep checking.

      And while the meeting occurred, he might have an opportunity to do some further checking into the undercover assignment that had brought him here by having a friendly chat with those boys. He had been around long enough to start being recognized by the locals, so it was time to start pushing further into what he had really come for.


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