Her Unexpected Valentine. Sherelle Green
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Both Nicole and Kendrick have been unlucky in love, but it’s their unfortunate circumstances that make them more compatible than they think. Sometimes, love finds us when we least expect it, and no matter how hard we try to avoid it, fate always wins in the end.
I hope you enjoy Nicole and Kendrick’s Valentine’s story as the Bare Sophistication ladies take on Los Angeles, California!
Much love,
To my friend Kaysha for inspiring the character of Nicole. One of the things that I’ve always admired about you is that when you love, you put your all into it. Whether it be friendships or relationships, you are constantly proving that you are someone who lets her heart be her guide. More importantly, you’re a great friend and we always have so much fun together. You also have the ability to style your natural hair better than anyone I know. We’ve known each other for more than fourteen years, and I’m grateful to have you in my life! Thank you for always being a supportive and amazing friend!
Thank you to my aunties, Vallerie and Cassandra, for always being there when I need you! As a young girl, I never thought about the fact that my mom’s best friends were always at my birthday parties and special events. It wasn’t until I reached adulthood that I truly began to appreciate that I had two women in my life who loved me like a niece and would do anything to support my dreams and goals. Auntie Vallerie, you and I are alike in so many ways and oftentimes, I feel like even if no one else understands how I feel, you do! Whether it’s a happy dance for no apparent reason or having so much excitement that we can’t even go to bed before a fun event, we’ve always connected on a deeper, emotional level. Auntie Cassandra, I have greatly enjoyed the conversations we’ve had throughout the years about anything from careers and politics, to food recipes and random news. It’s not often that you find someone you can literally talk to about anything under the sun and know that they are as interested in a plethora of topics as you are. You have the unique ability to mix humor with any conversation and I love your positivity.
To two women who mean so much to me, I truly appreciate the love you’ve given me throughout my life. I don’t take it for granted that I can call either one of you at any time and know that you’ll be there. That kind of support is priceless!