Stealing The Cowboy's Heart. Debbi Rawlins

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Stealing The Cowboy's Heart - Debbi Rawlins Made in Montana

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“I thought about you a lot.”

      She could barely catch her breath. “I don’t blame you for Gary’s behavior. You can stop feeling—”

      “It had nothing to do with Gary.” One side of his mouth hiked up. Not in a smile exactly. More like a challenge as his gaze held hers steady. “At least not in the way you’re thinking.”

      Kylie swallowed. The look he was giving her scrambled her brain. She’d seen it before, over the years when she’d caught him watching her. She never understood how she could panic and melt at the same time. As it was, she’d almost done something unforgivable.

      “Who’s been taking care of you?” she asked, darting a look at his leg.

      “First, I take care of myself just fine. Second, I didn’t come all this way for you to be my nurse. Or to discuss Gary. Or to rehash the past.”

      “Okay.” She cleared her throat. “Then I’ll ask you again, why are you here?”

      “That answer hasn’t changed since yesterday. But I’ve got a question for you,” he said, and there it was again. Although it seemed to be more an entreaty than a challenge this time.

      The bell over the door rang.

      Thank God.

      “Excuse me. I have a customer,” she murmured and hurried up front.

      Mallory was holding the door open and looking back at the street. She turned when she saw Kylie. “Hey, how did it go last night?”

      “Good. Great, really.” Kylie tilted her head to see who Mallory was holding the door for.

      “Rachel was right behind me.” Mallory let go of the door. “I should’ve known she’d get sidetracked.”

      “Nope. I’m here.” Rachel caught the door before it closed and rushed inside, her eyes bright and eager. “So, tell us everything.”

      Mallory gave Kylie a sympathetic smile. “Where did you guys go?”

      “Dinner in Kalispell.”

      “Your hair looks terrific, by the way,” Mallory said. “I love those highlights.”

      “I like it, too,” Kylie murmured, moving to the end of the counter where there was less chance of Landon overhearing.

      Rachel frowned. “Where are you going?”

      Kylie had to think fast. If it was only Mallory she could’ve given her a nonverbal sign. But not Rachel. “I’m thinking of making this area more like a coffee bar. What do you think?”

      “You already told us that,” Rachel said. “I’m more interested in your date with Kevin.”

      “I told you, we went to dinner.”

      “Oh, honey, I don’t care about that.” Rachel sighed. “I want to know if you got laid.”

      Suddenly her friends both jerked a look toward the kitchen, and Kylie knew... Darn him, why couldn’t he have stayed put?

      Landon stood in the doorway, his mug in hand. “I was kinda wondering that myself,” he said and winked at Kylie. He smiled at the other two. “I’m Landon. But don’t mind me, I’m just getting more coffee.”

      Rachel stared, her mouth slightly open.

      Mallory chuckled. “I don’t believe it. Rachel is speechless.”

      “Oh, my God,” Rachel said, with a quick glance at Kylie. “You have so much to tell us.”

      “Thanks, Mallory. You couldn’t leave well enough alone?” Kylie saw that Landon had drained the coffee and was about to make another pot. “Go,” she said, taking the filters from him and pointing to the kitchen. “I’ll take care of this.”

      “Oh, no.” Rachel pressed a hand to her tummy. “The smell will kill me.”

      “Then you’d better leave,” Kylie said, already measuring the grounds.

      “That’s so mean.”

      “I’ll talk to you later.”

      “Come on, Rach.” Mallory took her arm and steered her toward the door.

      “I’m Rachel Gunderson,” she called to Landon. “I look forward to visiting with you.”

      He stopped and turned. “Any relation to Matt Gunderson?”

      “Who do you think knocked me up?” Rubbing her stomach, she sighed as Mallory dragged her outside.

      “Matt’s wife?” Landon asked once the door closed.

      Kylie nodded. “They have a ranch south of here. Do you know him?”

      “I’ve met him. I used to see him around before he left the tour. I’d forgotten he was from around here.” He glanced out the window. “Matt’s a champion bull rider. He was at the top of his game when he just up and quit. He shocked everybody.”

      “Oh, you mean because there really is life after rodeo?” She immediately regretted her sarcasm but there was nothing to do about it now.

      Landon shook his head. “It’s not unheard of. What’s he doing these days? Raising cattle?”

      “Primarily. The Lone Wolf has been in his family for generations, but I think his focus is on raising rodeo stock. He’s already produced two champion bulls.”

      “So you are keeping up with rodeo news?”

      “No. They’re my friends. I keep up with them.” Kylie poured in the water, grateful she had a reason to avoid Landon’s gaze.

      He wasn’t so quick to fill the silence. He leaned against the counter, watching her. “What’s going on here, Kylie?”


      “I understand why you’re hurt and angry with Gary but—”

      “Was hurt and angry. Past tense. I rarely think about him anymore.” She saw doubt in his eyes and shrugged. “Believe what you want but that’s the truth. I’m happy here. I have friends. Real friends.” She noticed his slight cringe. She hadn’t meant it as a jab.

      “Are you staying with your aunt?”

      “I did for the first couple months. Then Mallory, the woman with Rachel, moved, and I took over the house she’d been renting. It’s small, just two bedrooms, but it has a big porch, a nice backyard, and it’s right off Main Street.”

      “Sounds perfect for you.”

      “It is.” She noticed he’d shifted his weight. “Let’s go back to the kitchen so you can sit down.”

      Without arguing, he turned around. “Mind grabbing that crutch for me?”


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