Stealing The Cowboy's Heart. Debbi Rawlins

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Stealing The Cowboy's Heart - Debbi Rawlins Made in Montana

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      “Good. Once you find a dress, come over to the Cut and Curl. I’ll put some highlights in your hair.”

      “Tomorrow really isn’t a big deal,” Kylie muttered, but couldn’t help glancing longingly at Mallory, who was checking the time. Probably needed to go open the bar soon. It gave Kylie a moment to wonder if her own hair was too dark to pull off some honey-colored highlights.

      “Of course it’s a big deal. You waited a whole year before diving back in after you got rid of Gary. That was very sensible.” Sally smiled gently. “And don’t let your mother tell you otherwise. I love my sister dearly, but that woman doesn’t know how to live without a man. I hope she’s not still harping on you to take back that no-good cheating bum.”

      Heat flooded Kylie’s face. The other two women knew about most of her past. But it wasn’t a topic she liked discussing. Especially now that the year she’d given herself had stretched to nearly fourteen months. She wasn’t ready to date. She barely even knew how. Gary had been the only guy in her life since high school.

      “Hey, I’ll go with you to Sassy’s,” Rachel said with an understanding smile.

      “Oh, hell, I didn’t mean to upset you, honey.” Her aunt set the turnover aside on a napkin, a worried frown creasing her heavily made-up face.

      “You didn’t.” Kylie shrugged. “I just don’t want to spend money on a dress I’ll probably never wear again.”

      “You will.” Mallory wiped her hands. “Do you know how many cowboys who come to the Full Moon are dying to go out with you?”

      “Oh, God.” Kylie rolled her eyes. Just what she needed. Another cowboy.

      Mallory grinned. “Go to Sassy’s with Rachel,” she said. “I’d go, too, but I have to open soon. Besides, I’m hopeless at shopping for dresses. You know me, I’m always in jeans and T-shirts.”

      Nodding, her mouth full, Rachel mumbled, “Just let me finish this fritter and we’ll go.”

      Kylie glanced around her small shop. She still had to clean out the glass case and sweep and mop the floor. Get the coffee ready for tomorrow morning’s rush. At least the kitchen was finished.

      She looked down at her frumpy dress. It couldn’t hurt to spend a few bucks on something that had been manufactured in the twenty-first century.

      “Hey, where’s the other turnover?” Sally asked.

      Still chewing, Rachel pointed to her tummy.

      Sally’s eyebrows shot up. “You’re kidding?”

      Mallory looked surprised too, but she just laughed and headed for the door.

      “Nope,” Rachel said. “After all, I’m eating for two now.”

      Mallory’s hand froze on the doorknob as she slowly turned with a shocked expression that rivaled Sally’s. Kylie couldn’t move at all. Neither her feet nor her mouth seemed to be working.

      “You little devil.” Sally rushed in and hugged Rachel so hard she started coughing. “How far along are you?” Sally drew back but held Rachel at arm’s length. “For heaven’s sake, hurry and finish coughing and tell us everything.”

      “Congratulations, Rach,” Mallory said. “I’m so happy for you and Matt.”

      Kylie struggled to speak. Her jaw was locked shut, so she hurried into the kitchen for a glass of water. And to give herself time to slow down her heart rate and to fight back the tears that threatened to burst from her eyes.

      She was happy for Rachel. Of course she was... Rachel was a kind and wonderful person. So was her husband, Matt, and they’d been trying to get pregnant since Kylie had moved to town.

      Kylie gulped down the water, then brought out another glass. She knew she was being irrational. Kylie was only twenty-six, but she’d always planned to have started her own family by now. With Gary. The lying scumbag, who for nine years had promised her a happily-ever-after. He’d painted a perfect picture. Right after he won his first big cash prize, she’d get her dream wedding. They’d have a passel of kids, with enough money to fulfill all their dreams.

      She could still hear him say, “Honey, everything I do, I do for us.” He’d said it so often, she should’ve been suspicious. Or even had a clue. Long before she’d caught him with two blondes in the bed Kylie had shared with him.

      * * *

      SHORTLY AFTER LANDON KINCAID crossed into Wyoming he spotted an exit sign up ahead. It was getting late, the September sun already dipping behind the Rockies in the distance. Probably about time for him to stop for the night. Too bad his mom was away visiting his sister in Salt Lake. His family’s ranch, which his older brothers had been running since their dad’s passing, was just over a hundred miles south. Landon figured he’d catch them on his way back.

      Anyway, this exit was as good as any since he hadn’t planned on driving straight through to Blackfoot Falls. His leg ached from sitting behind the wheel for the better part of ten hours. The last thing he wanted to do was to hobble out of his truck like an old man after not seeing Kylie for a whole year.

      Yeah, she’d seen him in worse shape, even patched him up plenty of times in the past. But that’s not why he’d been driving eleven hundred miles to see her. After she’d kicked Gary out of her life, Landon had promised himself he’d give her a year—give them both a year—before he made his intentions clear.

      Tomorrow would be thirteen months and two weeks. He would’ve showed up sooner if he hadn’t busted up his leg. Waiting had been brutal. The image of her climbing into her rickety compact on the night she’d left Iowa, the muffler about ready to fall off, had been imprinted in his mind. Her face had been blotchy, her nose red and her eyes puffy, and all he’d wanted to do was put his arms around her and hold on tight. Instead, he’d asked if he could help load her belongings.

      She’d turned on him so fast, her fury tangible in the night air. He could still hear her words...

      “I don’t want anything to do with any of you damn cowboys. You hear me? Nothing. If you want to help, leave me alone.” She’d thrown two more boxes into the car, and swung back to face him. “Everything was fine between Gary and me until you—”

      She hadn’t finished. Just fled to safety behind the wheel.

      He’d just stood there like a helpless idiot, twisted with guilt and a deep, gut-wrenching sense of loss, trying not to feel responsible for everything that had gone wrong for Kylie those last two years, as he watched his best friend’s girl drive away.

      Shaking the memory off, Landon turned his truck into a motel parking lot. Hell, he didn’t even remember leaving the expressway. That kind of crap had happened too many times in the past couple of months. Thoughts of seeing Kylie again, hoping she’d give him a chance to fix things, had distracted him. Cost him plenty, too.

      Stopping under the flashing green vacancy sign, he’d planned on letting the truck idle while he dashed into the office. Naturally, his leg wouldn’t cooperate. He tried flexing the muscle but it burned like hell. Impatient, he grabbed his crutches. Lately, he did okay without long as he didn’t overdo it. Now wasn’t the time

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