Whiskey Sharp: Jagged. Lauren Dane

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Whiskey Sharp: Jagged - Lauren  Dane Whiskey Sharp

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mouth curved up into a smile before she leaned in to quickly brush her lips over his and scrambled away and out of the car. She held the bag aloft. “Thanks for these too.”

      With a grin, he waved before heading back into traffic once he got an opening.

      * * *

      NEEDING TO TALK to Maybe immediately, Rachel hurried through the shop to the back where the lockers were.

      “He gave me cookies,” Rachel told Maybe over the phone the moment she answered. She was so giddy she was past being embarrassed at how giddy she sounded.

      “Who gave you cookies?”

      “Vic! He came over and made me food and then grilled me sort of and then he told me we were going on a date. Our second one. Which we are tomorrow night and I’m not sure how it all happened. He’s very smooth and possibly he mesmerized me with his forearms. Maybe, have you seen the man’s forearms?”

      Her sister laughed. “Took him long enough. I honestly was beginning to wonder if he was ever going to jump to it or if I was going to have to manufacture something to get you together. Jeez. And of course I’ve seen his forearms. They’re like art. They need to be appreciated.”

      “So say we all,” Rachel told her. “It’d be a crime not to.”

      “So you have a date. A second date, which means you declared brunch a date, which means there was at least some smooching today. Tell me everything right now,” Maybe demanded. “Did you do below the underpants stuff? Or is that what the second date is for? Probably second date.”

      Rachel laughed so hard people in the shop most likely heard. “He made me food and kissed me stupid and gave me a ride to work and when we got here, he handed me a bag of cookies. You know, if I wanted something sweet today. It’s pretty hard to resist,” she admitted.

      “So don’t. Why resist at all?” Maybe’s voice had softened.

      “Well, you’re right. I’m not going to.”

      “Duh. Save me two cookies. I want to hear every last detail about the brunch but I’ve got to run, my client is here. Don’t tell Cora first or she’ll lord it over me forever.”

      The sisters had been close, but in the years since she’d been kidnapped, they’d become best friends. Without Maybe, and then later, Cora, Rachel wasn’t sure she’d have made it through some pretty rough spots as she recovered.

      The three women had a deep bond and connection that included plenty of teasing and ass-kicking along with the love and support.

      “I’ll tell her you said that. She’s going to ask me what happened the minute she comes in.”

      “She’ll understand. Tonight how about we catch up on some shows, eat pizza and hang out? You can fill us both in then. Alexsei will be here until ten and then he and Vic are having drinks afterward so we have plenty of alone time to gossip,” Maybe said. “I gotta go. Love you. See you tonight at home.”


      CORA SMIRKED AS she dumped off her bag and coat before coming through to the kitchen where Maybe was.

      “I can’t believe you wouldn’t let her tell me about the brunch. What if something of a sexual nature had taken place?” she said, pointing at Maybe.

      Maybe said, “If something of a sexual nature happened she’d have made me come to the shop this afternoon. Or she’d have called you to meet her at Whiskey Sharp before she was due in. Crybaby. Pizza should be here in like ten minutes. I called when I got home.”

      Cora hugged Maybe quickly before she got them all glasses, filling them with ice for the root beer she’d brought along.

      “What are we watching tonight?” Rachel asked as she got plates down from the cabinet.

      Maybe took one of her hands and tugged her to the couch, where she sat, Cora across from them perched in the big chair. “While we wait for pizza you need to tell us what happened with Vic.”

      “Well, he texted me. I told you both about that. And then he waltzes in and smells all good, like bread. Seriously, it should be a cologne, right? Anyway, then he kissed me! And gave me flowers.” Rachel indicated the overflowing vase on the table. “And he cooked. Not just toast or an Eggo. An omelet!”

      “Back to the kissing,” Maybe said. “We really don’t care about eggs.”

      “He’s a really good kisser as you might have imagined. He tastes good. The beard is soft and smells nice. Self-assured. Confident. All signs point to really knowing his way around a lady’s best parts.”

      Maybe clapped her hands over her mouth, eyes comically wide. Cora stomped her feet as she whooped and Rachel just shook her head at the two of them.

      “And I’m pretty sure he was happy to see me, if you get my meaning, and I know you do because you are both women of loose morals.”

      Cora wiped a sarcastic tear from the corner of her eye and then flipped Rachel off.

      “So, was he like really happy to see you? Like big guns happy?” Maybe asked.

      “Proves my point. Floozies, the two of you. I assume you’re inquiring about the size of his equipment?” Rachel asked, faux pearl-clutching.

      “Of course we are. So? Is his dick big or will he try really hard to make up for it in other ways?” Maybe snickered.

      “He won’t need to make up for anything. I mean, it was like laundry day or something because he felt like he had a few rolls of quarters in his pocket.”

      The three of them dissolved into laughter for a little while.

      “Anyway. Like I said, he’s a very good kisser. He’s got a great body. He’s smart and funny and I don’t know, it’s easy to be around him. He’s our carb connection and your boyfriend’s bestie so there’s that risk if things go south. But he makes me feel all this really wonderful stuff. You know?”

      The pizza arrived so they filled their plates and settled in on the couch to continue the conversation.

      “I do know and I’m in total support of it.” Maybe shrugged. “It’s good to see you taking this step. Letting yourself have some romance.”

      “It’s not like I’ve been a nun since Brad and I broke up,” Rachel told her sister.

      Cora said, “No. But that wasn’t romance. That was casual—but prudent—sex. You had these long-term fuck friends but none of that was about anything more than sex. Which was all you wanted and so yay for you because fuck pretending a lady doesn’t need some sex to clear out the cobwebs and be living our best lives and stuff.”

      “You’ve always been happier in a relationship. Even back in high school,” Maybe said. “You just never had the right guy. Vic though? He’s another level. He’s the kind of person you deserve. Who’ll give you the energy and focus you deserve. And he’s a grown

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