Hard Deal. Stefanie London
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Imogen had asked Daniel if she could see his mask earlier that week—feigning curiosity about the event. He’d been only too pleased to show her the “one of a kind” gold creation that looked like it belonged in the Roman Empire. The design had a crest with two horses and some elaborate scrollwork, making it far more interesting than what most of the men were wearing. Which would also make it easy to spot in the crowd.
Imogen hovered at the double doors which opened into the ballroom. The scene was like something out of a movie—the old estate was grand and richly decorated, the people elaborately dressed. It was like being transported back in time to a royal kingdom where princes and princesses held fancy parties.
“Remember why you’re here,” she said to herself. “It’s time to catch a cheater.”
* * *
Caleb had never thought it possible for a human’s head to pop from sheer frustration, but he had a feeling he might be about to witness it.
“But he said it was one of a kind,” Daniel Godfrey spluttered.
“I assume things that are handmade are one of a kind, because they can’t be exactly replicated. But that doesn’t mean the design won’t be reused,” Jason replied. “And there are slight differences.”
“They’re basically the same.” Daniel jabbed a finger in Caleb’s direction. “From a distance, you wouldn’t even be able to tell them apart.”
“Oh, I don’t know.” Caleb tilted his head, touching his fingertip to the gold mask covering his face. “I think mine’s a bit bigger.”
Jason shot him a look.
Daniel had been livid to discover that the designer who’d created his “one of a kind” masquerade mask had sold similar designs to other people attending the Carmina Ball, Caleb included. Since men’s masks tended to run on the boring side, Caleb had been immediately attracted to the outlandish style of this artist’s creations. It suited his anti-wallflower personality. But Daniel wasn’t as amused by the whole thing, since he’d banked on being the only one with such a unique design.
Which was Daniel in a nutshell. He made snowflakes look hardy.
“Look at this bit,” Jason pointed out. “The scrollwork along the edge is different as is the shape here.”
Caleb stifled a laugh. The masks were pretty much the same, and his brother was only placating his friend. Typical Jase, always trying to keep everyone happy. He had no idea why his brother chose to hang out with someone like Daniel. The guy was a spoiled brat.
“I guess it is slightly different,” Daniel conceded with a sour tone. “But I won’t be going back to that place. It’s highway robbery what they charge considering the designs aren’t exclusive. I’ll take my business elsewhere.”
Caleb turned to face the crowded ballroom as he rolled his eyes. At this rate, he’d die of boredom before anything interesting happened. The Carmina Ball was supposed to be a big deal, but Caleb had come every year since his eighteenth birthday and had yet to understand why people were foaming at the mouth to get an invite. It was nothing but a bunch of stuffy old blue bloods standing around in expensive outfits while they talked about the same shit they discussed every other day of the week. Golf, investing, who bought a bigger yacht. Yawn.
“Where’s Penny?” Jason asked.
“Oh, she decided not to come,” Daniel replied. “I was hoping to show her off but I guess that’ll have to wait for the wedding.”
Daniel Godfrey was getting married? Caleb buried his surprise by rubbing a hand over his jaw. It wasn’t the fact that he was entering into a marriage that’d shocked him, but rather the fact that someone out there was willing to put up with his droning voice and constant complaints. He had to assume that the poor woman was also unaware off the fact that he wanted to “show her off” like a bloody trophy. The more he hung around this guy the less he liked him—and there hadn’t been a lot of positive feelings to begin with.
“Have you got a photo?” Caleb asked, curiosity getting the better of him.
“Sure.” Daniel pulled out his phone and produced a photo of himself next to a petite woman with light brown hair. She looked vaguely familiar. Sweet face with a cute smile and bright eyes. Pretty. But no further recognition sprang to mind. “This is my darling Penny. We’re getting married in two months.”
“Congratulations.” Caleb nodded.
“Weddings are such funny occasions,” Daniel said. “We had this quite extraordinary experience with choosing our menu...”
Kill me now.
Caleb flagged down a passing waiter and swapped his empty glass for a full one. In his experience, there was only one way to get through an event like this without completely climbing the walls. Make a drinking game of it.
“They suggested the chicken for the first course,” Daniel continued. “Can you believe it? Chicken! We already had that planned for the main. There was no way we could serve the same protein in two courses.”
Outrage over the most first world issue imaginable? Check.
Caleb took a swig of his drink. “Amateurs.”
“Oh, don’t even get me started.” Daniel huffed. “Then they wanted to use gold ribbons on the chairs when we’d specifically requested silver for the centrepieces. I mean, I’m no interior designer but even I know gold and silver don’t go together.”
Humble bragging. Check.
Stifling a laugh, Caleb took another sip. At this rate, he was going to be hammered before Daniel even finished his story. “I’m surprised you haven’t taken your business elsewhere,” he said, mimicking Daniel’s words from earlier.
“I should, but Penny really wants this venue. Apparently, it has special meaning to her.” He rolled his eyes. “And you know what they say about the old ball and chain—happy wife, happy life.”
Referring to his partner as a burden. Check. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the douchebag trifecta!
Before Caleb could raise the glass to his lips again, Daniel groaned suddenly.
“Oh God, my stomach.” He clutched his midsection. “My irritable bowel syndrome always acts up when I get stressed.”
Before anyone could comment, he darted off toward the ballroom’s exit. Jason sighed. “Did you have to wind him up?”
“He missed his calling in standup. Truly, the man is a comedic genius.” Caleb stifled a laugh. “How on earth are you friends with him?”
Jason shook his head. “Don’t start.”
“Do you not see what a pompous prima donna he is?” He raised a brow at his brother. “Let me reiterate so it’s clear.” He cleared his throat and puffed out his chest. “Oh, Jason, you simply have no idea how difficult the wedding folks