Orphan Train Sweetheart. Mollie Campbell

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Orphan Train Sweetheart - Mollie Campbell Mills & Boon Love Inspired Historical

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style="font-size:15px;">      therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth;

      and with my song will I praise Him.

      —Psalms 28:7

      To Mom and Dad, with thanks for your endless support, constant faith, unshakable love and all those hours spent with the kids so I could write. I love you!



       Back Cover Text

       About the Author


       Title Page



       Dear Reader

       Bible Verse


       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen



       About the Publisher

       Chapter One

       September 1860 Spring Hill, Nebraska Territory

      “They aren’t here yet?” Cecilia Holbrook turned from scanning the horizon at the sound of her sister’s voice. She moved over so Cat could join her under the shelter of the hotel roof, both of them shivering when several errant drops of rain hit their heads. Cat dabbed her damp face with a handkerchief. “Those poor children will get soaked if they don’t make it soon.”

      Cecilia’s eyes swept the rolling hills past the edge of town again. “I expect them to arrive any minute.”

      Cat bounced on her toes as if it would bring their visitors faster. “Is everything ready? With all you had to do these last few weeks, I can’t imagine any item could remain undone.”

      Stifling the urge to roll her eyes, Cecilia brushed a stray lock of hair from her face. “Yes, everything is ready. The hotel rooms are paid for and waiting. The donated clothes are all clean and placed on their beds. The food Aunt Lily sent over for supper is in their rooms.” Cecilia could have listed what felt like a hundred other details, all things the town expected her to handle. As the schoolteacher, they expected her to be in charge of everything that happened in town regarding children. Even if they were capable of doing it themselves.

      Cecilia took a calming breath of cool, damp air. She had to remember that all this work hadn’t been for the benefit of the old biddies in the Ladies’ Aid Society. It was for the children who were set to arrive from the orphan train. Finding good families for each of them was worth being treated as a workhorse for a bit.

      Smoothing her already perfect hair, Cat let out a sigh. “The excitement in town these last few days has been so invigorating. I’ll be sad to see it end.”

      Raising her eyebrows at her sister, Cecilia waited for Cat to realize what she’d said. The woman never bothered to think before speaking. Sure enough, Cat gasped a second later. “Oh, that didn’t sound right. Of course, I want all the children to find good homes. But it’s thrilling that we would get children from the orphan train coming to Spring Hill, with no railroads in the territory. It feels like a surprise party for the whole town.”

      Glancing down the street again, Cecilia nodded. “I know what you mean. People have been quite excited about our little guests. It’s hard to believe they made all those stops and there are still children who haven’t found homes.”

      Shifting from one foot to the other, Cat arched one eyebrow. “Well, I hope that doesn’t mean even more work for you. You’ve been running around preparing for their arrival for days.”

      Cecilia was saved the trouble of coming up with a kind answer when the rumble of wagon wheels and thump of hooves on packed dirt drew the sisters’ attention back to the street. There it was. Cecilia’s first glimpse of the wagon showed two placing agents on the seat and a cluster of small heads peeking up in the back. Cecilia’s heart pounded as she prepared herself to face the load of strangers. New situations always made her a little clumsy and she hoped that, this time, she wouldn’t make a fool of herself.


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