Seductive Memory. AlTonya Washington

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Seductive Memory - AlTonya Washington Mills & Boon Kimani

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a resigned shake of her head, she backed off a few more steps.

      “I’m not the girl you knew, Linus. She’s gone. You saw to that.”

       Chapter 1

      Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Three Weeks Later

      “Maxton says the place will inspire our creativity.” Elias Joss’s piercing blue-green stare held a mix of doubt and curiosity as he observed the eight-by-eleven glossy in hand. The square work table before him carried several more of the aerial prints.

      “Creativity, huh?” Santigo Rodriguez’s gold-flecked dark gaze harbored similar doubt, which was laced with humor instead of curiosity. “Where’s this villa he mentioned?”

      Frowning slightly, Eli leaned over the table and upended another of the gold-toned folders that carried an additional sheaf of glossy images. “Here we go,” he said.

      Tig’s light honey-toned face brightened with approval of the villa displayed in full color. It was tucked away on its own island a few miles from Finley Cay in The Bahamas.

      “Now this is more like it,” Tig breathed, as if awestruck. “Yeah... I could see myself getting very creative in there.”

      “Damn right.” Eli’s voice carried the same awe-filled chord. He had reached for one of the glossies as well and studied the immortalized image with distinct appreciation. “You thinkin’ what I am?”

      “I am, if you’re thinkin’ our work should be mixed with a few weeks of unadulterated playtime.” Satisfied, Tig reclined in the wide ladder-backed chair to shuffle through a few more of the prints.

      “Then it looks like our thoughts are one, my friend.” Eli helped himself to a few prints from Tig’s stack.

      “I even have my playmate in mind.” Tig’s murmured words carried across the room.

      “So do I,” Eli murmured in return.

      The snort that followed had both men looking toward the far end of the table.

      “What?” Tig queried in reaction to the glare Linus sent his way.

      “You’re serious here?” Linus’s expression reflected amused disbelief. “I could swear you just got back from two weeks of unadulterated playtime with your playmate.”

      “We’re newlyweds, Line.” Tig sighed matter-of-factly while giving a lazy stretch. “It’s my duty as a husband to keep my wife in bed for the better part of the next two years at least.”

      “Good to know you take your vows seriously,” Linus noted while Eli chuckled.

      Again, Tig sighed. “It’s an exhausting job, but I’ll survive somehow.”

      Linus’s quick grimace sent the hint of a dimple flashing in his cheek. “You know Maxton will expect us to get just a little work done?” he said.

      “See? This is why you’re their favorite.”

      “I’m everyone’s favorite,” Linus countered. “Without me, they don’t get through the front door to the two of you.”

      “And here they are, already through the front door, and you’re still their go-to guy because you keep us all on the straight and narrow.”

      It was true. Linus’s outspoken nature and often biting wit had built him a respected name. Instead of clients shying away from his frequently intimidating persona, they appreciated the integrity that accompanied it.

      “Line’s right.” Eli sobered. “Besides brainstorming ideas to turn this villa—and the island it sits on—into a worthwhile resort, we’ve got a stack of potential projects to decide on.”

      Expressions on the three handsome faces in the room grew distinctly downcast. The partners of Joss Construction eyed the rust-colored accordion folder they’d been avoiding. Secured by a rubber band, the folder was fat with potential groundbreakers.

      Joss was among a very select few in the construction business that rarely put in bids for jobs. The luxury of clients seeking them out for first refusals was one they’d worked very hard to acquire. Linus, Elias and Santigo had already taken preliminary meetings concerning each proposal. They had yet to decide which ones to add to an already robust lineup. Of course, being busy was nothing new for the talented trio.

      Joss Construction was Elias’s inheritance, but his friends shared equally in the partnership. The three—friends since before they could talk—had taken Evan Joss’s brainchild and carried it to even greater heights of success and respect. While Elias believed that his late father would’ve never admitted he’d been surpassed in the business, he knew the man could never have argued it as fact.

      Still, despite the partners’ notable accomplishments, clients who offered tropical escapes to exclusive, fully furnished villas on private islands in The Bahamas didn’t come around every day.

      “Is it just me or does it seem like Line isn’t comprehending all the fringe benefits of this getaway?”

      “He’s just stressing over which of his many playmates to bring.”

      Tig laughed over Eli’s remark. “Not to worry, Line. According to the list of amenities, the place is segmented into ten suites. You can bring at least two of your playmates.”

      “At least,” Eli agreed.

      “We can’t forget Bark though. He’ll need a place to tuck away one of his guests.” Tig referred to another close friend from the before-they-could-talk stage, Barker Grant.

      “Bark isn’t all that showy.” Eli smirked. “Most likely he’ll be content with just one playmate. Line’s in a whole different league.”

      “Hell yeah, he is.” Tig smiled, nodding. “Alright, Line, if B’s good with one guest, you can bring upwards of four lucky beauties. Tucked away in their own suites, everyone should be happy.”

      Eli grinned, and it seemed as though full-blown laughter would soon follow. Linus muttered an obscenity as he pushed back from the table. The movement diffused the good vibes circulating the room. Linus left without another word. The door slamming at his back sent frowns passing between his friends.

      “Something I said?” Tig queried.

      Eli shook his head, gaze still fixed on the conference room door. “No different than usual. We always give him grief about all the women he juggles.”

      “Yeah.” Tig set aside the villa photos, having lost interest in them. “Guess there comes a time when a joke’s been told too many times.”

      “Mmm... I don’t think that’s it though.” Eli’s gaze was still on the door. “Line’s for a while now. I noticed it when we got back from Cortina for your wedding.”

      “From Rook’s place?” Tig referenced the home their friend kept in the small Italian province. “Think we should talk to him?” Tig shrugged at the skeptical look he got in return.


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