From Best Friend To Daddy. Jules Bennett

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From Best Friend To Daddy - Jules Bennett Return to Stonerock

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were seriously lacking.

      “Plans change,” he said with a shrug as he released his hold and walked ahead. “Relax.”

      Relax? The man had been uptight all night, glaring at any male guest who talked to her, but she was supposed to relax? What was up with him?

      The wind picked up, threatening to blow her short skirt higher than was within her comfort zone and expose said matching panties. Kate fisted the bottom of her flare dress in one hand as she marched across the parking lot after Gray—which wasn’t easy, considering she’d gone with three-inch stilettos for the special occasion.

      Stubborn man. He always wanted to bicker, and tonight was apparently no exception. But his unexplained behavior was starting to wear on her nerves.

      Honestly, though, she didn’t have time to analyze Gray’s snarly attitude. It was late and she was tired and sweaty from this damn heat. Coupled with the unforgiving humidity wave hitting Stonerock, she was becoming rather grouchy herself. What happened to spring?

      “I planned on getting to the church early to make sure everything was ready for when Lucy got there in the morning.” Why was she yelling at his retreating back? “Would you stop and listen to me?”

      Gray didn’t stop until he got to the passenger door of his black truck. When he turned to face her, he released an exasperated sigh. He hadn’t shaved for a few days, had that whole messy head of dark hair going on, and his tattoos peeked from beneath each sleeve that he’d cuffed up over his forearms. If she went for the dark, mysterious type, Gray would fit the bill perfectly. Well, also if he weren’t her best friend.

      Kate could easily see why women flocked to Gallagher’s to flirt and throw themselves at the third-generation bar owner. He was a sexy man, had the whole “I don’t give a damn” attitude, but she knew something those women didn’t. Gray was loyal to a fault and didn’t do flings. He may have looked like the quintessential bad boy, but he was all heart and a true Southern gentleman.

      “Noah asked if I would bring you,” he told her. “He said Lucy was worried about parking for the guests and he was trying to make things as simple as possible by having the wedding party carpool. I’ll pick you up whatever time you want. Is this seriously something we have to argue about?”

      One dark brow quirked and she thought for a scant second that maybe this was something they didn’t have to argue about. Not that she was ready to concede the upper hand. First the angry attitude, now a lame argument?

      “I’ll pick you up,” she stated, swiping away a hair that had landed right on her lip gloss. “I want my own vehicle there.”

      “Fine. Hop in.” He motioned toward the truck. “I have to swing by the bar and get champagne out of the back stock since more was consumed tonight than originally planned. I’ll give you a drink of whatever you want. But your first one will be with me.”

      “It’s late, Gray. You don’t have to do that. My list isn’t going anywhere.”

      “List?” He shook his head, muttering something under his breath she couldn’t quite make out. “Get in the truck. I should’ve known you’d have a damn list about taking a sip of alcohol.”

      Kate blew out a sigh. “I’m not sure, though. Maybe I should just mark it off and move on to the next item.”

      Gray reached out and tucked a strand behind her ear. “First of all, one drink of champagne or wine is a far cry from the ten empty vodka bottles found in the car of the person who hit your parents. Second, I’d never let you get in over your head. Third, what the hell is this list you keep referring to?”

      The breeze kicked up, thankfully sending some relief over her bare shoulders, but making it impossible to let go of her dress. She’d left her hair down, which was a huge mistake. With that thick mass sticking to her neck and back, she’d give anything for a rubber band about now.

      “It’s silly.”

      “I live for silly.”

      Even without the dry humor, she knew Gray was as far removed from silly as any human being.

      “Since I was turning thirty, I decided to make a list of things I want to do. Kind of a way to give myself a life makeover.” She shrugged, because saying this out loud sounded even more ridiculous. “Trying a drink is on there.”

      “What else made the list?”

      His eyes raked over her. Sometimes he did that. Like she was fragile. Just because life had knocked her down at times didn’t mean she couldn’t handle herself.

      “Nothing for you to worry about.”

      She started to edge around him and reach for her handle when he stepped in her path. “Tell me.”

      Her eyes met his and she could tell by the hard stare that he wasn’t backing down.

      “I don’t know what’s up with you lately. You’ve been a bit of a Neanderthal.” Might as well point out the proverbial elephant in the room. “You’re pushy and hovering and...well, demanding. Just because some guy flirts with me doesn’t mean I’m going to repeat old mistakes. And if I want a drink, I can do that for myself, too. I know you want to protect me, but you can’t always do that, Gray. I’m a big girl and—”

      In a quick move he spun her around and had her caged between the truck door and his hard chest. Mercy, he was ripped...and strong.

      “Wh-what are you—”

      “Putting that mouth to better use.”

      The words had barely processed before he covered her lips with his. There was nothing gentle, nothing sweet or calm about Gray. He was a storm, sweeping her up before she even knew what hit her.

      Wait. She shouldn’t be kissing her best friend. Should she?

      He touched her nowhere else and she still clutched her dress in one hand. On a low growl, he shifted and changed the angle of the kiss before diving back in for more. The way he towered over her, covering her body from lips to hips, made her feel protected and ravaged all at the same time.

      Heat flooded through her in a way that had nothing to do with the weather.

      Just as fiercely as he started, Gray pulled back. Cursing under his breath, he raked a hand through his already messy hair. Clearly he was waging some war with himself. Well, he could just get in line, because she had no idea what to do about what had just happened.


      “Get in the truck, Kate.”

      His raspy voice slid over her, making her shiver despite the heat.

      What the hell did that mean? What did any of the past few minutes mean? Kate couldn’t wrap her mind around his actions, his words. One minute she was trying to get to the bottom of his behavior and the next...well, she was being kissed by her best friend, and not just any kiss. No, he’d all but devoured her, almost as if he were trying to ruin her for another man.

      Gray reached around her for the door handle, giving her no choice but to move. She settled inside and stared ahead, completely dazed. With his taste still on her lips and countless questions swirling through

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