The Lionhearted Cowboy Returns. Patricia Thayer

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The Lionhearted Cowboy Returns - Patricia Thayer Mills & Boon Romance

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Bonnie. She just needed a stallion.

      She looked toward the barn door where her son had stopped to talk with someone. Jeff Gentry. Great. She didn’t need any more of him today, but by the looks of it, she wasn’t going to get her wish.

      She watched as he started down the aisle. Large and powerfully built from years of military life, he roamed efficiently. Her gaze moved over him and noticed a slow gait and a slight limp. Had he been hurt? She hadn’t heard anything about any injuries.

      He made a stop at Reb’s stall and began to get acquainted with the stallion. Much like Trevor, Jeff had a knack with animals, maybe more so than with people.

      It had surprised her and everyone else when he’d announced that he’d joined the military. Even though college hadn’t worked out for him, she’d always thought he’d partner with his dad and uncle in the rough-stock business. His decision to go into the army had affected a lot of people, including her. She had a feeling his return would affect just as many.

      No, she couldn’t let it affect her. Not after all this time and after everything she’d gone through.

      Jeff gave Reb’s muzzle one more pat, then started toward her. A strange sensation surged through her and all she could do was watch him. He was a good-looking man, but so was Trevor, although the two friends couldn’t have been more different. Trevor was blond with hazel eyes, while Jeff had dark-brown hair and brooding coffee-colored eyes.

      She thought back, recalling their conversation earlier. How could she have talked to him that way? Even with the hurt and months of loneliness since Trevor’s death, she had no right to blame Jeff. He hadn’t caused the virus that had damaged her husband’s heart. Yet she couldn’t bring herself to apologize for her actions. They had too much history for that. Jeff hadn’t only walked away from Trevor all those years ago, he’d walked away from her, too. With not even a care, or as much as a backward glance. Jeff Gentry never realized the pain and hurt he’d caused her. It had been Trevor who’d picked up the pieces.

      Lacey drew a breath and released it. Now, ten years later, she knew it was finally time to let it go.

      “I take it you’re here for your horses.”

      Jeff paused to regroup for his talk with Lacey. He wasn’t going to let her brush him off. He could do attitude with the best of ’em. “First, I want to settle something.”

      “Settle what?”

      “Can we cut this out? I get you’re angry at me for just showing up.”

      She threw him a surprised look. “Why don’t we just chalk it up to a bad day?” Her gaze locked with his. “You ever felt your world was suddenly crashing down around you?”

      Jeff gripped the stall railing, shifting his weight onto his good leg. “Hell, yes, once or twice,” he answered, flashing back to the painful days during his long recovery.

      He’d only heard of Trevor’s illness right after surgery when he was flat on his back, fighting his own hell. His friend was dying and he couldn’t help him. He’d sent word to Lacey, but by the looks of it, that hadn’t been enough.

      “Trevor wouldn’t want you wasting time being so angry,” he said.

      Those pretty green eyes narrowed. “Cut me a little slack, Gentry. I had to give up a lot today.”

      “I’m not cutting you anything. You can’t fall apart now. You have kids who need you.”

      She shot him a look. “Who are you to tell me what I need to do? You weren’t here. It might not be reasonable to blame that on you, but he was your best friend.”

      He tried not to flinch. “The military doesn’t care about friendships, Lace. And neither did the terrorists I was fighting. There were times I couldn’t even contact my parents.”

      He closed his eyes for a moment as he took a breath. The last he’d heard from Trevor, he’d said everything was fine. That had been about a month before he’d been deployed on his last mission. Then everything had changed.

      He shook away his wayward thoughts.

      “Lacey, you’ve got to know, if it were humanly possible, I would have found a way to be here for him.”

      He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She’d always been pretty, and that had only been enhanced with age. “For you, too.”

      “I didn’t need your help, then or now,” she said stubbornly.

      “That’s just too bad,” he retorted.

      She froze at his words, then snapped out of the daze. “Look around, Gentry, there isn’t much left.”

      Jeff moved closer, feeling fatigue in every step. He ignored it. “That’s why you need me.”

      She said something very unladylike, grabbed a feed pail and started down the aisle. Jeff reached for her arm and turned her around. “Tell me, Lacey. How bad are things?”

      “That’s none of your business.” She started off again.

      Jeff went after her, pushing hard to keep up. She went into the tack room.

      “Is Rebel Run your only stud?”

      Lacey busied herself hanging up the bridles. “As of this morning he’s your stud.”

      So she didn’t have any business left. Great. “Okay, here’s the deal. I need a place to board my horses. I’d like to leave Rebel and Fancy here. I’ll pay you a fair price.”

      She looked shocked. “You’re kidding, right?”

      “Since when have you known me to kid around?” He paused and waited for her answer, but got none. “Okay, here’s the clincher. I need a place to stay.” He released a breath. “And I want to rent the cabin.”

      Lacey ran her sleeve over her brow, pushing her worn hat off her forehead. She threw up a silent prayer this day would end, along with all the craziness. She didn’t want this man messing in her life.

      Lacey looked back at Jeff. “The Randells own more property around here than anyone. You can take Rebel over to your uncle’s place, put him out to stud there.”

      He gave a shrug. “I have my reasons. So, you want to take me up on my offer? The money couldn’t hurt.”

      “All right, the horses can stay.”

      He nodded. “You should think about boarding other horses, too. Bring in another half dozen and you’d make a good income.”

      She shook her head. “I can’t work at the market and handle more animals without help.”

      “Then hire someone,” he said. “Until then, I’ll come by and help out.”

      She jammed her hands on her hips. “If this is your trick way of rescuing me, I don’t want it.”

      His dark gaze settled on her face. “It’s the other way around, Lace. You’re the one rescuing me.”


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