Tidings of Joy. Margaret Daley

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Tidings of Joy - Margaret Daley Mills & Boon Love Inspired

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you tell your mother what was going on with you at that age?”

      “Good point. But still we’ve been through a lot. I…” Her voice quavering, Tanya twisted away so her face was hidden as she stacked the dishes into the sink and turned on the water.

      Chance heard the thickness lacing each word and wished he could help her. But he discovered that helping her was going to be harder than he’d thought. Actually he’d had no plan in mind other than to assist Tom’s family. But how? Maybe he could reach Crystal. He had to try something or he would never be able to get on with his life—what was left of it.

      Tanya handed him the first plate to put in the dishwasher. “You should come hear us sing in the choir at church this Sunday. As I’m sure you’re aware, Samuel gives great sermons.”

      Chance gripped the glass she passed to him. “I’ll think about it.”

      Chapter Two

      Chance’s clipped words caused Tanya to step back, strained uneasiness pulsating between them. She got the distinct impression thinking was all he would do about going to church.

      Without really contemplating what she was saying, she asked, “You aren’t going to come, are you?” The second the question was out of her mouth, she bit down on the inside of her cheek. She’d never confronted someone about not attending church. She didn’t confront anyone about anything, if possible.

      His gaze narrowed on her face, every line in his body rigid. “I need to get settled in.”

      By his tight tone, evasive answer and clenched jaw, Tanya knew that any further discussion was unwelcome. “I’m sorry I brought up the subject. I just assumed you believed.”

      “Because I’m friends with Samuel?”

      She nodded.

      “I guess Samuel would say I’m the lost sheep he’s trying to bring back to the fold.”

      “So you’ve heard him speak before?”

      “Yeah. But it’s not going to change how I feel. Simply put, God wasn’t there for me when I needed Him the most.”

      His statement piqued her curiosity and made her wonder even more about Chance Taylor’s past. She handed him another dish and let the silence lengthen while she decided how to proceed with the conversation when tension crowded the space between them. “What happened?” She realized she was pushing when she never pushed.

      “Nothing I want to revisit.”

      His answer hadn’t surprised her. She didn’t think he shared willingly much of himself with anyone. She’d seen that same defensive mechanism in Tom, especially after the riding accident that had left Crystal paralyzed. “You said you were a financial advisor. I wish I had a knack for figures. My budget’s in a terrible mess. I work at a bank, but finances aren’t my strong suit.” There, that should be a safe enough subject for conversation.

      “What do you do?”

      “I started out as a receptionist, but I’m a teller now. I can count money, just not manage my own very well. There never seems to be enough to go around. I’m still paying off Crystal’s medical expenses.” And her deceased ex-husband’s lawyer’s bill, she added silently, not wanting to go into what happened with Tom. How do you explain to a person you just met that your husband was sent to prison for burning barns in retaliation for their daughter’s accident?

      “When was the last time you redid your budget?”

      “I don’t exactly have one that’s written down. I pay the most important bills first, then as much as I can on the ones left. That’s the extent of my budget. Some months I do better than others.” She could remember her spending spree several years back where she had bought unnecessary items—expensive clothing, inessential furniture. Thankfully she had been able to take a lot of them back—but not all. She’d finally paid off those bills a few months ago. So long as she stayed on the medication she took for manic depression, she shouldn’t get herself into a bind like that again. She couldn’t afford to.

      After he put the last glass on the top rack, Chance closed the dishwasher. “Maybe I can help you with that.”

      “Would you? That would be great! If the job with Nick doesn’t work out, I may be able to help you find one. I can ask around.” There was something about Chance that drew her to him. She wanted to help him, especially in light of him offering to assist her with her budget.

      He frowned, rubbing his hand along the back of his neck. “You don’t—”

      “Mom, I’m going out on the deck to do my homework. Now that the sun’s going down behind the trees, it’s cooler outside.” With a book and pad in her lap, Crystal wheeled herself toward the back door.

      Chance hurried to open it before her daughter could. “What subject are you working on?”

      “English. I have an essay to write. I do my best thinking outside.”

      “So do I.”

      When Crystal was out on the deck, Chance turned toward Tanya. “I’d better go. It’s been a long day, and tomorrow I have that job interview, then I need to buy some supplies.”

      “Pretty much whatever you need can be found on Main Street or right off it. There’s a grocery store four blocks from here on Third Avenue.”

      “Is that right after Second?”


      “Then I think I can find it on my walk,” he said with a smile.

      “You don’t have a car?”

      “No, I came on the bus.”

      “I’m going to Alice’s Café tomorrow at ten. What time is your interview?”


      “I can give you a lift, if you’d like. I have a few errands I need to run before I meet my friends.”

      “Thanks, but I can walk. I like the exercise.”

      His half grin appeared, and for a few seconds Tanya’s heart responded by quickening its beat. Her physical reaction took her by surprise. After her ordeal with Tom, men hadn’t interested her—until now.

      Chance left and stopped next to Crystal to say a few words to her, then proceeded toward the detached garage at the side of the house. Tanya came out onto the deck and watched him. While he’d talked with her daughter, Tanya had glimpsed a vulnerability leaking into his expression. He had managed to cover it quickly, but she had seen it.

      “What do you think of our new tenant?” Tanya asked when she noticed her daughter watching her staring at Chance.

      “What do you think?”

      “He seems nice. Kinda lonely.”


      “What did he say to you?”

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