Chosen by the Greek Tycoon. Kate Walker

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Chosen by the Greek Tycoon - Kate Walker Mills & Boon By Request

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out of the horror. But, of course, nothing happened. She was still standing there, bathed in the Greek sunlight, with the only sound that of a faint ripple of the water in the pool where a breeze hit it.

      And Anton was standing beside her, big and dark and dangerous-looking.

      ‘But you said your name was Anton.’

      She flung the accusation into his cold, set face, but his expression didn’t change and he continued to regard her with a stony lack of expression.

      Anton…Antonakos. Suddenly the truth fell into place with a shock that made her head spin.

      ‘You lied to me!’

      His shrug was a swift, careless dismissal of the charge.

      ‘I was economical with the truth. I find it’s often the best policy until I get to know someone’s real motives.’

      The cold, slashing look he flung at her left her in no doubt that she had been included in the group of people whose motives he considered suspect. The ice in it seemed to take away all the heat of the sun so that her skin crawled with goose-bumps and it was all she could do to suppress an instinctive shiver. Reaching for the towel she had left on the wooden lounger earlier, she pulled it round her, knotting it securely over her breasts, under her armpits.

      Covered, she felt a little more confident until he spoke again.

      ‘And, as I recall, you were the one who insisted we kept to one name only.’

      He was right, of course, and the knowledge of it didn’t make her feel any better. Dear God, what sort of malign fate had brought her together with this man on that night? How had she had the appalling bad luck to walk into the one bar where Cyril’s son had been sitting on his own?

      And what had he been doing in London? All she knew about Cyril and his son was that they had not been on the best of terms for some time. So did this man know…?

      The terrible reality of the whole truth she had been keeping from him made her stomach heave nauseously.

      ‘Mine was at least my real one,’ she said, taking the risk of stepping a little further into the danger zone. ‘I’m Skye Marston.’

      There was no flicker of anything in the opaque-eyed stare that he turned on her. So was it possible that his father hadn’t told him?

      ‘Theodore Antonakos,’ he returned, totally deadpan. ‘Usually known as Theo.’

      The look that scoured over her made her feel as if it had scraped away a much-needed layer of skin, so that in spite of the bulky protection of the towel wrapped around her she felt exposed and naked to his cold scrutiny.

      ‘So now what?’ the man she now had to call Theo drawled with lazy mockery. ‘Do we shake hands formally and really do everything totally back to front?’

      ‘I think we’ll take the handshake as read,’ Skye returned stiffly. The idea of even touching him frankly terrified her. She just could not forget the burn of his skin on hers, the caressing touch of those long, powerful hands that could turn as gentle as the patting paws of a kitten when he chose or be as demanding as blazing fire. ‘We’ve already done that bit.’

      ‘And more,’ he returned dryly, and the wicked gleam deep in those brilliant black eyes told her that he remembered every moment of it.

      As did she.

      That night was etched onto her brain in images of fire. It had been bad enough when it was just a memory. But now, with the man himself an actual physical force before her, not just an image in her mind, she felt as if her thoughts might go up in flames as a result.

      ‘I’d rather forget about that.’

      The tension in every inch of her body had affected her mouth too, and the words came out so tight and clipped they could hardly have been more stilted. Her voice sounded like some second-rate actress trying to speak like an upper-class Englishwoman, and strangling the sounds as she did so.

      Evidently Theo thought so too, as his wide, mobile mouth twitched uncontrollably at her words. But every last trace of humour was erased from it when he spoke, and his eyes had turned to black ice under heavy, hooded lids.

      ‘I’m sure you would, but I have to tell you that I don’t feel the same.’

      Provocatively he reached out a lazy hand and trailed his fingers along her throat and across the top of the white towel, coming to a deliberate halt by the knot that held it closed.

      ‘The truth is that the experience is one I would very much like to repeat.’

      The bronzed fingertips moved to the edge of her shoulder, then back again, and it was all Skye could do to control the instinctive squirm of response that would have betrayed her feelings.

      The instant peaking and hardening of her breasts was something she could do nothing about. A heat that had nothing to do with the sun, licked along her veins, making the towel seem too heavy, the clinging white swimming costume too restricting to wear underneath it. But she could only be thankful that the thick padding hid her intimate reaction from those probing black eyes.

      ‘Then I’m afraid you’ll have a long wait. I told you it was a one-night thing only.’

      ‘You also told me that we would never know each other’s names. Never meet again.’

      He paused just long enough for the shocking impact of those words to hit home hard with the realisation that both of them had now been disproved.

      ‘And I told you that I never do one-night stands. It’s a personal rule I have.’

      ‘Well, then, it’s a rule that you’re just going to have to break this time. Because I have no intention of renewing our—acquaintance in any way. One night was more than enough for me and that’s the way I want things to stay.’

      ‘Is that so?’

      His arms folded across his chest, Theo looked her up and down with coldly contemptuous black eyes.

      ‘Well, let’s see.’

      Before Skye had a moment to realise just what was in his thoughts, he had moved forward, taking her chin in one powerful hand and wrenching her face up towards his. She had just one split second in which to recognise the ruthless intent in his eyes, but not long enough to voice the protest that formed in her mind.

      Her mouth was still opening to try and speak as his came down, hard and determined, crushing the objection straight back down her throat.

      As a kiss, it was cruel and passionless, but as an act of punishment for rejecting his demand out of hand, it was perfect. There was nothing of affection or warmth in it, only a cold-blooded determination to show her who was in control here.

      But it didn’t stay that way.

      Because something happened in the moment that their lips touched. Something that charged the atmosphere, changed the truth of that kiss into something very new and very different.

      From something meant to control and be controlled, in the space of a heartbeat it fiared into something

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