The Hot-Headed Virgin. Trish Morey

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The Hot-Headed Virgin - Trish Morey Mills & Boon By Request

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before her and forced a stiff smile to her face. ‘Hey, I don’t look so bad, do I?’

      ‘You look absolutely gorgeous and the Press loved you,’ Gina answered. ‘Here, listen to this:

      The beautiful Mia Forrester, a struggling part-time actor and former café waitress has stolen the heart of Sydney radio personality and multimillionaire Bryn Dwyer, in a whirlwind romance that has to be seen to be believed. Miss Forrester is a radiant young woman who clearly has taken to her role as Bryn Dwyer’s future wife with enthusiasm. It is rumoured that the wedding will take place within a matter of weeks. The young couple dined and danced the night away at the St Patrick’s Children’s Charity Ball before spending the night together at Mr Dwyer’s Point Piper mansion.’

      ‘I did not spend the night with him!’ Mia said indignantly and then, seeing her friend’s raised brows, hastily tacked on, ‘or at least not the whole night.’

      ‘I know that but it just goes to show you can’t believe everything you read in the Press, now, can you?’

      Mia lowered her gaze to the photo spread and answered with more than a hint of irony, ‘No, you certainly cannot.’

      Gina put her chin on her hand and sighed. ‘You know, I really envy you, Mia. You’re so lucky you haven’t had a string of disastrous love affairs in your past like me. That’s just so special these days when just about everyone jumps into bed on the first date. Your honeymoon will be so romantic, the memory of your first time together will be something you’ll treasure all your married life.’

      Mia felt a hot, trickling sensation low down in her belly at the thought of the possibility of Bryn Dwyer becoming her lover.

      She hadn’t intentionally held back from conducting a sexual relationship with previous boyfriends but neither had she rushed into anything she hadn’t felt ready for. She’d always believed making love should be about exactly that—making love, not having sex just for the sake of it. She knew it was perhaps a little old fashioned, but a part of her was proud that she had maintained her standards in spite of peer and popular-culture pressure.

      One of her friends had been very ill with a sexually transmitted disease as a teenager and it had made Mia all the more determined to wait until she was absolutely sure it was the right step to take. Besides, she had never been in love with anyone, at least not seriously enough to consider committing herself physically.

      Gina gave another dreamy sigh as she flicked through the rest of the articles. ‘He’s just so gorgeous—look at the way he’s smiling at you in this picture. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man more in love.’

      Mia looked over her friend’s shoulder and frowned. It was strange, as she was supposed to be the professional actor, but Gina was right; Bryn Dwyer had given a truly brilliant performance as a man totally smitten by love.

      ‘What did your parents think of your news?’ Gina asked.

      Mia faltered over her reply. ‘Um…I haven’t actually called them yet…time differences and so on. I’ll probably email them later today.’

      ‘What about Ellie? When does she get back from her wilderness trek in the Amazon?’

      Mia carefully avoided her flatmate’s eyes. She hated lying but Ellie had expressly asked her not to tell anyone. As much as she wanted to break her promise, deep down she understood Ellie’s motivations. News had a habit of travelling and if her parents got wind of the danger Ellie was in it could trigger another heart attack for their father. It was going to be bad enough when they got to hear of Mia’s impending marriage.

      ‘I’m not sure,’ she said evasively. ‘She said something about staying on for a little longer. You know Ellie, if there’s a crusade she can put her name to, she will.’

      ‘It seems a shame none of your family is here to celebrate your engagement with you.’ Gina closed the paper. ‘Wouldn’t it be absolutely awful if they didn’t get back in time for the wedding?’

      It would be wonderful, Mia thought privately; that way I won’t have to stretch my acting capabilities to the limit. But as she responded verbally she had to yet again draw deeply on her acting experience to sound genuine. ‘You know something, Gina, I’ve always sort of dreamed of a private wedding. The only person I want there is the man I love. If the church was full to the rafters I’m sure I wouldn’t even notice a single soul except for the one waiting for me at the altar.’

      ‘You’re right.’ Gina smiled. ‘Who cares who is there as long as your future husband is there, ready and waiting? But I insist on being there—I wouldn’t miss it for the world.’

      Mia gave her a smile, even though her jaw ached with the effort. ‘It will be nice to have you there, Gina; after all, who else is going to catch the bouquet?’

      Mia watched from her window as Bryn arrived in front of her flat a short time later in a powerful red Maserati. He unfolded himself from the driver’s seat, the casual clothes he was wearing highlighting his height and lean, athletic build as he strode towards her front door. She opened the door at his firm knock and tried not to be overwhelmed by his disturbing presence as he stepped inside.

      His eyes ran over her but before she could mumble a single word of greeting Gina came bounding out of her room.

      ‘Wow! I can’t believe it’s really you.’ She stuck out her hand to him. ‘I’m Mia’s flatmate, Gina. I’ve been dying to meet you. I absolutely adore your show and your column. I’m a huge fan and so are all our friends, but most especially Mia, she never misses your show, right, Mia?’

      Mia stretched her lips into a semblance of a smile. ‘That’s right.’

      Bryn smiled as he drew Mia closer, stooping to press a long, searing kiss to her mouth. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. ‘That’s what I like to hear—the woman I love is my biggest fan.’

      Mia had to wait until they were in the car and on their way before she could vent her spleen. ‘Did you have to be so…so completely over-the-top? I’m sure you embarrassed Gina by kissing me like that. It was totally unnecessary. A simple peck would have done.’

      He sent her a sideways glance, his eyes glinting darkly. ‘I’m not a simple-peck sort of guy. If I’m going to kiss someone I’m going to damn well do it properly.’

      Mia felt a fluttery feeling between her thighs at his statement. She was already well aware of his kissing skill and couldn’t help wondering what it would be like to experience his whole lovemaking repertoire. She imagined he would be a demanding but consummate lover who would take his partner to the very heights of sensual experience.

      Her gaze strayed to his hands where they rested on the steering wheel, her skin tightening all over at the thought of those long, tanned fingers touching her intimately. How would it feel to have him stroke her…?

      Bryn caught the tail end of her glance, noting her heightened colour and the agitated look on her face. ‘If you’re feeling a bit nervous about meeting my great-aunt, don’t be. I’m sure you’ll take to her immediately; she’s that sort of person.’

      ‘I’m not nervous…’ she said and began chewing at her bottom lip.

      He sent her one more thoughtful look but she had turned her head and was looking out of the window, her fingers playing absently with the engagement ring on her hand.

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