Soon To Be Brides. Joan Elliott Pickart

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Soon To Be Brides - Joan Elliott Pickart Mills & Boon Spotlight

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Caitlin pointed one finger in the air. “Down the road it’s over, ending yet another short-term affair of which I speak.”

      “Would you cut that out?”

      Before Caitlin could reply, a knock sounded at the door.

      “Caitlin,” came Marsha’s muffled voice. “Are you ready to go down to meet the others for dinner? Caitlin?”

      “Oh, good grief.” Caitlin jumped to her feet. “That’s Marsha.”

      Matt grinned. “Shall I get the door while you freshen your lipstick?”

      “Don’t you touch that door,” Caitlin whispered. “Marsha’s busy little mind will go nuts if she finds us in here together.”

      “Caitlin?” Marsha called. “Are you in there?”

      “Yes, I’m here,” Caitlin yelled. “Go on ahead, Marsha. I’ll be along in just a couple of minutes.”

      “Okay. Have you seen Matt? He isn’t in his room.”

      “Oh, he’s around somewhere. Maybe he already went downstairs.”

      “Well, hurry up, because I am starving to death.”

      “I will. I just have to comb my hair.”

      “And freshen your lipstick,” Matt said with a chuckle, which earned him a glare from Caitlin.

      Caitlin ignored Matt to the best of her ability as she freshened up.

      Matt folded his arms loosely over his chest and leaned one shoulder against the wall as he waited. Oh, Caitlin was something, he thought. The kisses they’d shared had been sensational. She was very sensual, very womanly and obviously was comfortable with her own femininity. She had returned his kisses in total abandon and he had been instantly aroused, wanting her, aching for her with an intensity like nothing he’d known before.

      And Caitlin when angry? Dynamite. Her cheeks became flushed and her eyes flashed like laser beams. She’d taken him on, toe to toe, and let him know what he could do with any ideas that he might be entertaining of a short-term affair with her.

      Matt frowned.

      Short-term affair. Caitlin had repeated that phrase like a broken record until he’d reached the point that he’d told her to put a cork in it. The problem was, she was right. He had nothing more than the now ever-famous short-term affair to offer her. He simply wasn’t ready for a commitment to forever, a relationship that would inch toward marriage, hearth, home and Miss M. the baby.

      Yeah, sure, he’d said he’d like to know what was happening between Caitlin and him because it was definitely…different somehow from his past experiences where casual dating was the order of the day and no one got hurt. No, there was more depth, intensity between him and Caitlin. But that didn’t mean he was opening the door to a possible permanent future with her and the daughter she would see and hold for the first time tomorrow.

      So, where did that leave him? Aching for Caitlin. Wanting to make love with her. Envisioning pulling her into his arms and kissing her senseless at every opportunity, which would no doubt result in her popping him right in the chops.

      “Well, hell,” Matt said under his breath.

      He had volunteered to stick like glue to Caitlin to be ready to assist her in any way he was needed. He was the extra pair of hands, hands that would not be allowed to touch her again. This trip was suddenly losing its appeal. Big-time.

      “I’m ready,” Caitlin said, bringing Matt from his now-gloomy thoughts. “I’ll go first, then you take the elevator after me. That way we won’t arrive in the lobby at the same time and create a scenario ripe for rumor.”

      “Ripe for rumor?” Matt said with a burst of laughter. “I can sure tell you write for a living. You certainly have a unique way with words.”

      He paused and became serious. “Caitlin, I think you’re making far too much of this business of us being seen together. Everyone is focused on their baby, that little munchkin waiting for them to arrive tomorrow. The last thing on the minds of anyone in our group is whether or not you and I are getting it on or… Well, I could have said that nicer, but you get the drift.”

      Caitlin opened her mouth to deliver a retort to Matt’s statement, then frowned and snapped it closed again. A long, silent minute passed as she stared into space, deep in thought.

      “You’re right,” she said finally, looking at Matt again. “I’m acting like an idiot. It’s very self-centered of me to think that everyone would be in a twitter over what may, or may not, be going on between the two of us. I should be thinking about my daughter, too, not about how I felt when you kissed me, or how much I had wanted you to kiss me, or how long it seemed that I had been anticipating your kissing me, or…”

      Caitlin’s eyes widened and a flush stained her cheeks.

      “I didn’t just say all that,” she said, shaking her head. “Oh, tell me I didn’t say all that. This is so embarrassing and… No, this is jet lag. Yes, that’s what’s wrong with me. I’m suffering from a severe case of jet lag. Food. Maybe food will help.”

      Caitlin hurried to the door and flung it open.

      “Let’s go,” she said. “We’re probably holding up the whole group. I need nourishment so my brain can start functioning like something I recognize again. Where’s my key card?”

      “It’s still in the slot to turn on the electricity,” Matt said, crossing the room slowly.

      “I knew that,” Caitlin said, pulling the plastic card free.

      “You’re sure we should ride down in the elevator together?” Matt said, pulling the door closed behind them. “I’ll do whatever makes you comfortable.”

      “Of course we’ll go together,” Caitlin said as they reached the elevator. “You were the one who made me realize how silly I was being about all of this.”

      “Mmm.” Matt nodded. “Well, for the record, Caitlin, I felt as though I’d waited an eternity to kiss you, too, and I’m going to remember those kisses we shared. Oh, yes, ma’am, I certainly am.”

      As the elevator door swished open, Caitlin said, "The subject is closed.”

      “Hold the elevator,” a man called as Caitlin and Matt stepped inside.

      Matt pressed the proper button to keep the doors open, and another couple from the group hurried inside.

      “Oh, I was so sure we’d kept the whole bunch waiting for us,” the woman said, “but you’re just going down, too. That makes me feel better. We wasted so much time trying to figure out how to get the electricity to work in the room.”

      “Really?” Matt said. “I read all about it on the plane.”

      “I was totally baffled,” Caitlin said, “if that makes you feel better. I just stood there like an idiot wondering where the phone was so I could call for help. Matt came across the hall and poked the card in the little slot.”


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