The Italian's Bought Bride. Кейт Хьюит

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The Italian's Bought Bride - Кейт Хьюит Mills & Boon Modern

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Stefano said tersely. ‘But still—is there something else?’

      Speri was silent for a long moment. ‘There is,’ he finally said, his voice reluctant, ‘a therapist who had success with a child who’d been diagnosed with autism. Misdiagnosed, as the case turned out. He’d suffered a severe trauma the therapists working with him were unaware of, and when it was uncovered he began to regain his speech.’

      Hope—treacherous, desperate—unfurled within him. ‘Then couldn’t Lucio be like that boy?’ Stefano demanded.

      ‘I don’t want to offer you false hope,’ Speri said, and the reluctance in his voice became more pronounced. ‘That was one case—an anomaly, a fluke—’

      Stefano cut him off; he didn’t want to hear about anomalies. He wanted hope, he wanted certainty. ‘Who is this therapist?’

      ‘She’s an art therapist,’ Speri said. ‘Often creative therapies help children release suppressed emotions and memories, as was the case with this child. However, Lucio’s symptoms are more severe…’

      ‘Creative therapies,’ Stefano repeated. He didn’t like the sound of it. It sounded abstract, absurd. ‘What exactly do you mean?’

      ‘She uses the creative arts to provide an outlet, whether through art, song or performance, for a child’s suppressed emotions. Sometimes it is the key that can unlock a child who has been unable to be reached.’

      Unlock. It was an apt word, Stefano thought, when he considered Lucio’s blank face and staring eyes. And no words. Not one word spoken in nearly a year.

      ‘All right, then,’ he said shortly. ‘We’ll try it. I want her.’

      ‘It was one case—’ Speri began, and Stefano silenced him with a raised hand.

      ‘I want her.’

      ‘She lives in London. I read of the case in a journal and we corresponded briefly, but I don’t know…’

      ‘She’s English?’ Disappointment sliced through him. Of what use to him—to Lucio—was an English therapist?

      ‘No, I wouldn’t have mentioned her if that was the case,’ Speri said with a faint smile. ‘She’s Italian, but I don’t believe she’s been back to Italy in many years.’

      ‘She’ll come,’ Stefano said firmly. He would make sure of it—offer whatever enticements or inducements she needed. ‘How long did she work with this other child?’

      ‘A few months—’

      ‘Then I want her in Abruzzo, with Lucio, as soon as possible.’ Stefano spoke with a finality that took the psychiatrist aback.

      ‘Signor Capozzi, she’ll have other patients, responsibilities—’

      ‘She can get rid of them.’

      ‘It’s not that simple.’

      ‘Yes,’ Stefano said flatly. ‘It is. It will be. Lucio can’t be moved; it’s too upsetting for him. She’ll come to Abruzzo. And stay.’

      Speri shifted uncomfortably. ‘That will be for you to negotiate with her, of course. Such an intensive course is to be recom-mended, although there are no guarantees, but it is also costly…’

      ‘Money,’ Stefano replied with the barest flicker of a smile, ‘is no object.’

      ‘Naturally.’ Speri looked down at his notes; Stefano knew the highlights of his own CV were sketched there. Stefano Capozzi, founder of Capozzi Electronica. Liquidator of a dozen of Italy’s top electronics firms. Unrivalled.

      ‘I’ll give you her details,’ Speri said with a little sigh of capitulation. ‘I have the article about her and the case I mentioned here. I should tell you she’s young, quite newly qualified, relatively inexperienced, but of course that case was remarkable…’

      ‘That boy recovered? He spoke again?’ Stefano demanded. He didn’t like the flicker of compassion—or was it pity?—in the doctor’s eyes.

      ‘Yes,’ Speri said quietly, ‘he did. But it isn’t that simple, Signor Capozzi. And Lucio might be different. He might indeed be—’

      ‘Her details, please.’ Stefano held out his hand. He didn’t expect things to be simple. He just wanted them started.

      ‘Just a moment…’ Speri looked through his papers again. ‘Ah, here’s the article I mentioned.’ He smiled and handed Stefano a medical journal, opened to a folded page. ‘Here she is…a lovely photograph, don’t you think? Allegra Avesti is her name.’

      Stefano didn’t hear the last part of what Speri had said, but then he didn’t need to. He knew her name. He knew her.

      Or at least, he once had.

      Allegra Avesti. The woman who should have been his wife, the woman he no longer knew.

      His concern for Lucio fell away for a moment as he gazed at the caption: ‘Allegra Avesti, Art Therapist, with patient’. Memories swam to the surface and he forced them back down again, drowning them as his dispassionate gaze moved to the photo. He saw that she was older, thinner. She was smiling in the photo, hazel eyes glinting as she looked at the child by her side, his little fists pounding a lump of clay.

      Her head was tilted to one side, her hair, a thousand shades of sunlight, piled in a careless knot, tendrils escaping to trail her cheek, her shoulder.

      Her eyes sparkled and her smile was wide, encouraging, full of hope. He could almost hear the tinkling promise of pure joy. She had dimples, he saw. He’d never known. He’d never seen them. Had she not laughed like that in his presence?

      Perhaps not.

      He stared at the picture—the ghost of a girl he’d once known, an image of a woman he’d never met.


      His Allegra…except she wasn’t, he knew that, had known it when he’d waited while she’d walked away. For ever.

      He closed the journal, handed it back to Speri. Thought of Lucio. Only Lucio. ‘Indeed, a lovely picture,’ he said without any intonation or expression. The look of joy and hope on Allegra’s face would be an inspiration to many a fearful and weary parent, seeking answers for their child. ‘I shall contact her.’

      Speri nodded. ‘And if for some reason she is occupied, we can discuss…alternatives…’

      Stefano acknowledged this statement with a brusque nod. He knew Allegra would not be busy. He would make sure she was not. If she was the best, if she’d helped a child like Lucio, he would have her.

      Even if it was Allegra.

      Especially if it was Allegra.

      The past, he vowed, would not matter when it came to helping Lucio. The past would not matter at all.


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